_locale; en_US.UTF-8,en_US _datetime_short; %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S _datetime_long; %A %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S _date_short; %d/%m/%Y _date_long; %A %B %d, %Y _time; %H:%M:%S event-now; now event-future; in the future event-past; in the past event-1second-ago; 1 second ago event-seconds-ago; %1$d seconds ago event-1minutes-ago; 1 minute ago event-minutes-ago; %1$d minutes ago event-1hour-ago; 1 hour ago event-hours-ago; %1$d hours ago event-1day-ago; 1 day ago event-days-ago; %1$d days ago event-1week-ago; 1 week ago event-weeks-ago; %1$d weeks ago event-1month-ago; 1 month ago event-months-ago; %1$d months ago event-1year-ago; 1 year ago event-years-ago; %1$d years ago title-overview; Overview title-login; Login to your VPS panel title-reinstall; Reinstall your VPS title-password; Set new root password title-console; Out-of-band console title-admin-userlist; User overview title-admin-containerlist; Container overview title-admin-nodelist; Node overview title-admin-addnode; Add node title-admin-userinfo; User lookup title-admin-nodeinfo; Node lookup title-admin-overview; Administrative overview title-admin-vps-suspend; Suspend container title-admin-vps-unsuspend; Unsuspend container title-admin-vps-transfer; Transfer container ownership title-admin-vps-terminate; Terminate container header-admin-user-containers; Containers owned by this user header-admin-node-containers; Containers on this node header-vps-admin; Administrative tasks button-login; Login button-reinstall; Reinstall button-password; Set new root password button-admin-vps-suspend; Suspend container button-admin-vps-unsuspend; Unsuspend container button-admin-vps-transfer; Transfer container button-admin-vps-terminate; Terminate container button-admin-addnode; Add node notfound; The specified VPS was not found. footer; CVM is a free and open source VPS control panel. Want to contribute? userbox-loggedin; You are logged in as {%?username}. userbox-account; Account settings userbox-list; My VPSes userbox-logout; Log out userbox-admin; Administration panel menu-overview; Overview menu-statistics; Statistics menu-reinstall; Reinstall menu-backups; Backups menu-console; Console menu-ip; IP Allocation menu-alerts; Alerts menu-api; API menu-password; Root Password menu-admin-overview; Overview menu-admin-users; Users menu-admin-containers; Containers menu-admin-nodes; Nodes login-username; Username login-password; Password overview-quota-title-disk; Disk space overview-quota-title-ram; RAM overview-quota-title-traffic; Traffic overview-title-configuration; VPS configuration overview-title-status; Status overview-title-location; Server location overview-title-node; Host node overview-title-os; Operating system overview-title-ipv4; IPv4 addresses overview-title-ipv6; IPv6 addresses overview-title-guaranteed; Guaranteed RAM overview-title-burstable; Burstable RAM overview-title-disk; Disk space overview-title-traffic; Traffic overview-title-bandwidth; Bandwidth overview-status-running; Running overview-status-stopped; Stopped overview-status-suspended; Suspended overview-status-unknown; Unknown overview-button-start; Start VPS overview-button-restart; Restart VPS overview-button-stop; Stop VPS list-column-hostname; Hostname list-column-platform; Platform list-column-node; Node list-column-disk; Disk space list-column-ram; RAM list-column-template; Template list-column-location; Physical location list-column-nodeid; Node ID list-status-running; Running list-status-stopped; Stopped list-status-suspended; Suspended reinstall-warning; I understand that by reinstalling my VPS, all data on the VPS is permanently lost and cannot be recovered. There will be no further confirmations, after clicking the Reinstall button the reinstallation process cannot be aborted. reinstall-patience; (be patient; this may take a while) password-field-password; New root password password-field-confirm; Confirm password console-introduction; If you cannot access your container for some reason, you can use the out-of-band console (also known as shell dropper) to invoke a root shell. console-step1; To use the out-of-band console, connect through SSH using the following details: console-step2; After logging in with the above details, you will have to enter your VPS panel login details, after which you can select a container to invoke a root shell on. console-title-hostname; Hostname console-title-port; Port console-title-username; Username console-title-password; Password admin-title-id; User ID admin-title-username; Username admin-title-email; Email address admin-title-accesslevel; Access level admin-title-containers; Container count admin-level-enduser; End user admin-level-reseller; Reseller admin-level-nodeadmin; Node administrator admin-level-masteradmin; Master administrator admin-overview-message; In the future, this page will hold a log of all most recent events. For now, it's just an empty page. addnode-name; Name addnode-hostname; Hostname addnode-location; Physical location addnode-customkeypair; Custom keypair addnode-publickey; Public key addnode-privatekey; Private key vps-admin-suspend; Suspend / unsuspend vps-admin-transfer; Transfer vps-admin-terminate; Terminate vps-admin-suspend-text; Are you sure you wish to suspend this container? The owner will no longer be able to use it, until it is unsuspended! vps-admin-unsuspend-text; Are you sure you wish to unsuspend this container? The owner will be able to use it again. error-logout-success-title; Successfully logged out error-logout-success-text; You have been successfully logged out. You can now close this page. error-logout-notloggedin-title; You are not logged in error-logout-notloggedin-text; You can only logout when you are already logged in. error-suspend-success-title; Container suspended error-suspend-success-text; The container has been suspended and can no longer be used by the owner. error-unsuspend-success-title; Container unsuspended error-unsuspend-success-text; The container has been unsuspended and can now be used by the owner again. error-suspend-error-title; Failed to suspend container error-suspend-error-text; The container could not be suspended. error-unsuspend-error-title; Failed to unsuspend container error-unsuspend-error-text; The container could not be unsuspended. error-unauthorized-title; You are not authorized to view this page error-unauthorized-text; Your access level is not sufficient. error-notfound-title; Container not found error-notfound-text; The container you selected was not found. warning-suspended-title; This container is suspended warning-suspended-text; You cannot change any configuration or perform any actions on this container. If you feel this should not be the case, please contact support. warning-terminated-title; This container has been terminated warning-terminated-text; You cannot change any configuration or perform any actions on this container, as it is terminated. error-start-success-title; Container started error-start-success-text; Your container was successfully started. error-start-suspended-title; Container is suspended error-start-suspended-text; Your container could not be started, as it is currently suspended. If you believe this is in error, please file a support ticket. error-start-terminated-title; Container is terminated error-start-terminated-text; Your container could not be started, as it is terminated. error-start-failed-title; Container failed to start error-start-failed-text; Your container could not be started. If this error persists, please file a support ticket. error-start-running-title; Container can't be started error-start-running-text; Your container cannot be started because it is already running. error-stop-success-title; Container stopped error-stop-success-text; Your container was successfully stopped. error-stop-suspended-title; Container is suspended error-stop-suspended-text; Your container could not be stopped, as it is currently suspended. If you believe this is in error, please file a support ticket. error-stop-terminated-title; Container is terminated error-stop-terminated-text; Your container could not be stopped, as it is terminated. error-stop-failed-title; Container failed to stop error-stop-failed-text; Your container could not be stopped. If this error persists, please file a support ticket. error-stop-stopped-title; Container can't be stopped error-stop-stopped-text; Your container cannot be stopped because it is not running. error-login-invalid-title; Login failed error-login-invalid-text; The login details you provided are invalid. Please try again. error-admin-user-title; That user does not exist error-admin-user-text; The user you tried to look up does not exist. error-password-success-title; Password configuration succeeded! error-password-success-text; Your new root password was successfully configured. Please ensure to change your root password again from your container after logging in. error-password-nomatch-title; Passwords do not match error-password-nomatch-text; Both entries must be identical. Please try again. error-password-missing-title; Fields missing error-password-missing-text; Both fields are required. Please try again. error-password-suspended-title; Failed to configure root password error-password-suspended-text; You can not configure the root password for this VPS, because it is suspended. If you believe this is in error, please contact support. error-password-terminated-title; Failed to configure root password error-password-terminated-text; You can not configure the root password for this VPS, because it has been terminated. error-password-invalid-title; Failed to configure root password error-password-invalid-text; Your password may be in an invalid format. Try again with a different password. warning-password-title; Security warning warning-password-text; Configuring your root password through this panel may expose it to the VPS provider. Only use this feature in an emergency situation, and always change your password again afterwards, from within your container. error-reinstall-success-title; Reinstallation succeeded! error-reinstall-success-text; Your VPS was successfully reinstalled. error-reinstall-confirm-title; Reinstallation aborted error-reinstall-confirm-text; You did not tick the checkbox at the bottom of the page. Please carefully read the warning, tick the checkbox, and try again. error-reinstall-notfound-title; Reinstallation aborted error-reinstall-notfound-text; The template you selected does not exist (anymore). Please select a different template. error-reinstall-unavailable-title; Reinstallation aborted error-reinstall-unavailable-text; The template you selected is not available. Please select a different template. error-reinstall-failed-title; Reinstallation failed error-reinstall-failed-text; Something went wrong during the reinstallation of your VPS. Please try again. If the reinstallation fails again, please contact support. error-reinstall-start-title; Failed to start error-reinstall-start-text; The VPS was successfully reinstalled, but it could not be started. If the issue persists, please contact support. error-reinstall-suspended-title; Reinstallation aborted error-reinstall-suspended-text; You can not reinstall this VPS, because it is suspended. If you believe this is in error, please contact support. error-reinstall-terminated-title; Reinstallation aborted error-reinstall-terminated-text; You can not reinstall this VPS, because it has been terminated. error-restart-success-title; Container restarted error-restart-success-text; Your container was successfully restarted. error-restart-suspended-title; Container is suspended error-restart-suspended-text; Your container could not be restarted, as it is currently suspended. If you believe this is in error, please file a support ticket. error-restart-terminated-title; Container is terminated error-restart-terminated-text; Your container could not be restarted, as it is terminated. error-restart-start-title; Container failed to start error-restart-start-text; Your container could not be started. If this error persists, please file a support ticket. error-admin-nodes-add-name; You did not fill in a valid name. error-admin-nodes-add-hostname; You did not fill in a valid hostname. error-admin-nodes-add-location; You did not fill in a valid physical location. error-admin-nodes-add-publickey; You did not upload a valid public key. error-admin-nodes-add-privatekey; You did not upload a valid private key. error-admin-nodes-add-upload; Something went wrong while processing the uploaded keys. Ensure that the keys directory is writable. error-form; One or more problems occurred.