sInput = $input; $slashcount = substr_count($input, "/"); if($slashcount == 1) { /* The input is probably a CIDR range. */ $this->sInputType = INPUT_TYPE_RANGE; $this->ValidateRangeFormat(); } elseif($slashcount == 0) { /* The input is probably an IP. */ $this->sInputType = INPUT_TYPE_IP; $this->ValidateIpFormat(); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("The given input is not a valid IP or IP range."); } if($this->sInputType == INPUT_TYPE_RANGE) { if($this->sType == IP_TYPE_IPV6) { $this->ExpandIpv6(); $result = IpRange::ParseRange($this->sIp, $this->sSize, ":", SEGMENT_BITS_IPV6, true); } elseif($this->sType == IP_TYPE_IPV4) { $result = IpRange::ParseRange($this->sIp, $this->sSize); } $this->sStart = $result['start']; $this->sEnd = $result['end']; $this->sCount = $result['count']; } else { $this->sStart = $this->sIp; $this->sEnd = $this->sIp; $this->sCount = 1; } } /* if($this->ValidateRangeFormat($input) === true) { list($ip, $size) = explode("/", $input, 2); if($this->sType == IP_TYPE_IPV6) { $ip = $this->ExpandIpv6($ip); } $result = IpRange::ParseRange($ip, $size, ":", SEGMENT_BITS_IPV6, true); echo "Start: {$result['start']} End: {$result['end']} Size: {$result['count']}"; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("The given input is not a valid IP range."); } * * * if($this->ValidateIpFormat($input) === true) { } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("The given input is not a valid IP."); }*/ private function ValidateRangeFormat() { list($ip, $size) = explode("/", $this->sInput, 2); if($this->ValidateIpFormat($ip) === true) { if(is_numeric($size)) { if($this->sType == IP_TYPE_IPV4 && (int)$size >= 0 && (int)$size <= 32) { $this->sSize = $size; return true; } elseif($this->sType == IP_TYPE_IPV6 && (int)$size >= 0 && (int)$size <= 128) { $this->sSize = $size; return true; } } } /* Fallback case. */ throw new InvalidArgumentException("The given input is not a valid IP or IP range."); } private function ValidateIpFormat($ip = null) { if(is_null($ip)) { $ip = $this->sInput; } if(strpos($ip, ".") !== false) { // Probably an IPv4 address. if(filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { $this->sType = IP_TYPE_IPV4; $this->sIp = $ip; return true; } } elseif(strpos($ip, ":") !== false) { // Probably an IPv6 address. if(filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) { $this->sType = IP_TYPE_IPV6; $this->sIp = $ip; return true; } } /* Fallback case. */ throw new InvalidArgumentException("The given input is not a valid IP or IP range."); } private function ExpandIpv6() { // Note: this function does NOT do any validation! $ip = $this->sIp; $parts = explode(":", $ip); $empty_part = false; $missing = 0; foreach($parts as $part) { if($part == "") { $empty_part = true; $missing = 1; } } $available_parts = count($parts) - $missing; if($available_parts < 8 || $empty_part === true) { $needed = 8 - $available_parts; $abbrev_position = strpos($ip, "::"); $left = substr($ip, 0, $abbrev_position); $right = substr($ip, $abbrev_position + 2); $left_parts = explode(":", $left); $right_parts = explode(":", $right); $filler_parts = array_fill(0, $needed, "0000"); $final_array = array_merge($left_parts, $filler_parts); $final_array = array_merge($final_array, $right_parts); } else { $final_array = $parts; } foreach($final_array as &$part) { $part = str_pad($part, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } $this->sIp = implode(":", $final_array); return true; } public static function ParseRange($start, $size, $delimiter = ".", $segment_bits = 8, $hex = false) { $segments = explode($delimiter, $start); /* Determine the maximum size of one segment */ $segment_size = pow(2, $segment_bits); /* Calculate the amount of bits in the entire IP address */ $ip_bits = count($segments) * $segment_bits; /* Calculate the total amount of IPs possible for this IP format */ $total_ips = pow(2, $ip_bits - $size); if($hex === true) { $segments = array_map("hexdec", $segments); } /* Calculate the maximum size (in IPs) of the currently used IP format */ $max_size = count($segments) * $segment_bits; /* Determine what segment we are going to modify */ $applicable_segment = floor($size / $segment_bits) + 1; /* Ensure that the specified size is possible */ if($size > $max_size) { /* The size exceeds the total space for this type of IP */ return false; } elseif($size == $max_size) { /* Only 1 IP. */ $start_segments = $segments; } else { /* Determine the amount of IPs for the given size */ $class_size = pow(2, ($applicable_segment * $segment_bits) - $size); /* Round down the applicable segment if necessary to ensure the starting point is valid */ $segments[$applicable_segment - 1] = floor($segments[$applicable_segment - 1] / $class_size) * $class_size; $start_segments = $segments; /* Add the amount of IPs (inclusive) to the applicable segment */ $segments[$applicable_segment - 1] += $class_size - 1; /* Set all segments to the right of the applicable segment to the right value. */ if(count($segments) > $applicable_segment - 1) { for($i = $applicable_segment + 1; $i <= count($segments); $i++) { $segments[$i - 1] = $segment_size - 1; $start_segments[$i - 1] = 0; } } } if($hex === true) { $segments = array_map("dechex", $segments); $start_segments = array_map("dechex", $start_segments); } return array( 'start' => implode($delimiter, $start_segments), 'end' => implode($delimiter, $segments), 'count' => $total_ips ); } } ?>