You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
2.0 KiB

"use strict";
const Promise = require("bluebird");
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require("fs"));
const matchValue = require("match-value");
const asyncpipe = require("../../packages/asyncpipe");
const dlayerSource = require("../../packages/dlayer-source");
const All = require("../../packages/graphql-interface/symbols/all"); // FIXME: Move to dlayer-source?
const treecutter = require("../../packages/treecutter");
const types = require("./");
module.exports = function BlockDevice({ name, path }) {
return dlayerSource.withSources({
// TODO: Eventually make this produce a (filtered) tree instead?
mounts: function ({ type }, { $getProperty, $getPropertyPath, sources }) {
return Promise.try(() => {
return sources.findmnt.load(All);
}).then((mountTree) => {
return asyncpipe(mountTree, [
(_) => treecutter.flatten(_),
(_) => => types.Mount({ mountpoint: mount.mountpoint })),
(_) => Promise.filter(_, async (mount) => {
let sourcePath = await $getPropertyPath(mount, "sourceDevice.path");
let sourceName = await $getPropertyPath(mount, "");
return (
(sourcePath != null && sourcePath === path)
|| (sourceName != null && sourceName === name)
}).then((relevantMounts) => {
if (type == null) {
return relevantMounts;
} else {
return Promise.filter(relevantMounts, async (mount) => {
return (await $getProperty(mount, "type") === type);
$sources: {
lsblk: {
[dlayerSource.ID]: { name, path },
name: "name",
path: (device) => fs.realpathAsync(device.path),
type: (device) => matchValue(device.type, {
partition: "PARTITION",
disk: "DISK",
loopDevice: "LOOP_DEVICE"
size: "size",
mountpoint: "mountpoint", // FIXME: Isn't this obsoleted by `mounts`?
deviceNumber: "deviceNumber",
removable: "removable",
readOnly: "readOnly",
children: (device) => => {
return BlockDevice({ name: });