You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
87 lines
3.2 KiB
87 lines
3.2 KiB
_locale; ro_RO.UTF-8,ro_RO
_datetime_short; %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S
_datetime_long; %A %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S
_date_short; %d/%m/%Y
_date_long; %A %B %d, %Y
_time; %H:%M:%S
event-now; acum
event-future; in viitor
event-past; in trecut
event-1second-ago; cu o secunda in urma
event-seconds-ago; cu %1$d secunde in urma
event-1minutes-ago; cu un minut in urma
event-minutes-ago; cu %1$d minute in urma
event-1hour-ago; cu o ora in urma
event-hours-ago; cu %1$d ore in urma
event-1day-ago; cu o zi in urma
event-days-ago; cu %1$d zile in urma
event-1week-ago; saptamana trecuta
event-weeks-ago; cu %1$d saptamani in urma
event-1month-ago; luna trecuta
event-months-ago; cu %1$d luni in urma
event-1year-ago; anul trecut
event-years-ago; cu %1$d ani in urma
title-overview; Prezentare generala
title-login; Autentificare la panoul de VPS
title-reinstall; Reinstalarea VPS-ului
button-login; Autentificare
button-reinstall; Reinstalare
notfound; VPS-ul specificat nu a putut fi gasit
footer; CVM este un panou de control pentru VPS-uri, gratuit si open source. <a href="">Vrei sa contribui?</a>
userbox-loggedin; Esti logat ca <strong>{%?username}</strong>.
userbox-account; Setari cont
userbox-list; VPS-urile mele
userbox-logout; Iesire (logout)
menu-overview; Sumar
menu-statistics; Statistici
menu-reinstall; Reinstalare
menu-backups; Backups
menu-console; Consola
menu-ip; Alocarea IP-urilor
menu-alerts; Alerte
menu-api; API
login-username; Username
login-password; Parola
overview-quota-title-disk; Spatiu pe disc
overview-quota-title-ram; RAM
overview-quota-title-traffic; Trafic
overview-title-configuration; Configuratie VPS
overview-title-status; Status
overview-title-location; Locatie server
overview-title-node; Nod gazda
overview-title-os; Sistem de operare
overview-title-ipv4; Adrese IPv4
overview-title-ipv6; Adrese IPv6
overview-title-guaranteed; RAM Garantat
overview-title-burstable; RAM burst
overview-title-disk; Spatiu pe disc
overview-title-traffic; Trafic
overview-title-bandwidth; Banda
overview-status-running; Pornit
overview-status-stopped; Oprit
overview-status-suspended; Suspendat
overview-status-unknown; Necunoscut
overview-button-start; Pornire VPS
overview-button-restart; Restart VPS
overview-button-stop; Oprire VPS
list-column-hostname; Hostname
list-column-platform; Platforma
list-column-node; Gazda
list-column-disk; Spatiu pe disc
list-column-ram; RAM
list-column-template; Template
list-status-running; Activ
list-status-stopped; Oprit
list-status-suspended; Suspendat
reinstall-warning; Inteleg ca prin reinstalarea VPS-ului, <strong>toate datele de pe VPS vor fi permanent pierdute</strong> si nu pot fi recuperate. Nu vor mai urma alte confirmari, <strong>dupa apasarea butonului Reinstalare procesul de reinstalare nu poate fi intrerupt.</strong>