
166 lines
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2012-05-27 12:15:04 +02:00
2012-05-27 15:28:24 +02:00
import os, argparse, hashlib, sqlite3, time, shutil, cgi, re
from datetime import datetime
2012-05-27 12:15:04 +02:00
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Renders static HTML pages and indexes from an SQLite database of emails and an attachment folder.')
parser.add_argument('-o', dest='output_dir', action='store', default='rendered_files',
2012-05-27 13:12:15 +02:00
help='path of the directory where rendered files should be stored')
parser.add_argument('-t', dest='template_dir', action='store', default='templates',
help='path where the template files are')
parser.add_argument('-i', dest='title', action='store', default='Inbox',
help='title for the rendered pages')
2012-05-27 12:15:04 +02:00
parser.add_argument('-d', dest='database', action='store', default='emails.db',
help='path of the database that should be used to render the e-mail files')
parser.add_argument('-a', dest='attachment_dir', action='store', default='attachments',
help='path where attachments are stored')
args = parser.parse_args()
options = vars(args)
2012-05-27 15:00:00 +02:00
def format_size(num):
for unit in [' bytes','KB','MB','GB']:
if num < 1024.0:
return "%3.1f%s" % (num, unit)
num /= 1024.0
return "%3.1f%s" % (num, 'TB')
2012-05-27 12:37:00 +02:00
if os.path.isfile(options['database']) == False:
print "Database file not found. Use the -d switch to specify a custom database path."
2012-05-27 12:15:04 +02:00
# Connect to database
database = sqlite3.connect(options['database'])
cursor = database.cursor()
2012-05-27 13:12:15 +02:00
# Load templates
template_message = open('%s/message.html' % options['template_dir']).read()
2012-05-28 03:18:55 +02:00
template_index = open('%s/index.html' % options['template_dir']).read()
2012-05-27 13:12:15 +02:00
# Create output directory if necessary
2012-05-27 13:48:39 +02:00
os.makedirs("%s/messages" % options['output_dir'])
except OSError:
2012-05-27 15:28:24 +02:00
email_list = []
2012-05-27 13:40:06 +02:00
for message_id, sender, recipient, subject, timestamp, textbody, htmlbody, sha1_hash in cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM emails"):
sender = cgi.escape(sender, True)
recipient = cgi.escape(recipient, True)
subject = cgi.escape(subject, True)
message_id = cgi.escape(message_id, True)
timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime("%A %B %e, %Y %H:%M:%S")
2012-05-27 13:52:24 +02:00
2012-05-27 15:00:00 +02:00
attachment_list = []
attachment_cursor = database.cursor()
for attachment_hash, attachment_filename, attachment_type, message_hash, attachment_size in attachment_cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM attachments WHERE `message_hash` = ?", (sha1_hash,)):
attachment_extension = os.path.splitext(attachment_filename)[1][1:]
attachment_file = "%s.%s" % (attachment_hash, attachment_extension)
attachment_list.append('<a href="../attachments/%s" class="attachment">%s (%s, %s)</a>' % (attachment_file, attachment_filename, attachment_type, format_size(attachment_size)))
if len(attachment_list) > 0:
attachments = "".join(attachment_list)
print "ATTACHMENTS %s" % sha1_hash
attachments = '<div class="attachment light">No attachments.</div>'
versions = {}
if textbody != "":
available_text = True
versions['Plaintext'] = '%s_text.html' % sha1_hash
2012-05-27 13:46:05 +02:00
available_text = False
if htmlbody != "":
available_html = True
versions['HTML'] = '%s_html.html' % sha1_hash
2012-05-27 13:46:05 +02:00
available_html = False
2012-05-27 13:40:32 +02:00
version_list = "".join('<a href="%s" class="version">%s</a>' % (value, key) for key, value in versions.viewitems())
2012-05-27 13:46:05 +02:00
if available_text == True:
# Text version
2012-05-27 14:18:20 +02:00
variables = {
'subject': subject,
'date': timestamp,
'from': sender,
'to': recipient,
'body': "<pre>%s</pre>" % textbody,
'title': options['title'],
'version': "Plaintext version",
'index': "../index.html",
2012-05-27 15:00:00 +02:00
'versions': version_list,
'attachments': attachments
2012-05-27 14:18:20 +02:00
generated = template_message % variables
open('%s/messages/%s_text.html' % (options['output_dir'], sha1_hash), 'w').write(generated.encode('UTF-8'))
2012-05-27 14:18:20 +02:00
print "Successfully generated plaintext version of %s." % sha1_hash
2012-05-27 13:46:05 +02:00
if available_html == True:
# HTML version
2012-05-27 14:18:20 +02:00
variables = {
'subject': subject,
'date': timestamp,
'from': sender,
'to': recipient,
'body': htmlbody,
'title': options['title'],
'version': "HTML version",
'index': "../index.html",
2012-05-27 15:00:00 +02:00
'versions': version_list,
'attachments': attachments
2012-05-27 14:18:20 +02:00
generated = template_message % variables
open('%s/messages/%s_html.html' % (options['output_dir'], sha1_hash), 'w').write(generated.encode('UTF-8'))
2012-05-27 14:18:20 +02:00
print "Successfully generated HTML version of %s." % sha1_hash
2012-05-27 15:28:24 +02:00
snippet = "%s..." %"^(.{0,200})\\b", textbody, re.DOTALL).group(1)
except AttributeError:
snippet = ""
email_list.append((sha1_hash, available_text, available_html, sender, recipient, subject, timestamp, len(attachment_list), snippet))
# Sort by timestamp, ascending
sorted_list = sorted(email_list, key=lambda email: email[6].lower())
# Sort by timestamp, descending
# Sort by sender, ascending
sorted_list = sorted(email_list, key=lambda email: email[3].lower())
# Sort by sender, descending
# Sort by recipient, ascending
sorted_list = sorted(email_list, key=lambda email: email[4].lower())
# Sort by recipient, descending
# Sort by hash, ascending
sorted_list = sorted(email_list, key=lambda email: email[0].lower())
# Sort by hash, descending
# Sort by subject, ascending
sorted_list = sorted(email_list, key=lambda email: email[5].lower())
# Sort by subject, descending
2012-05-27 13:46:05 +02:00
shutil.copy('%s/style.css' % options['template_dir'], '%s/style.css' % options['output_dir'])