2012-06-07 02:04:20 +02:00
import os, argparse, hashlib, email, email.header, email.utils, glob
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Parses emails into an SQLite database and an attachment folder.')
parser.add_argument('-p', dest='pattern', action='store', default='*',
help='glob pattern (including path) that has to be matched for a file to be parsed')
2012-06-18 17:05:59 +02:00
parser.add_argument('-I', '--ignore-invalid', dest='ignore_invalid', action='store_true',
help='process invalid e-mail files anyway, for example when missing message-id headers')
2012-06-07 02:04:20 +02:00
args = parser.parse_args()
options = vars(args)
def getheader(header_text, default="ascii"):
headers = email.header.decode_header(header_text)
header_sections = [unicode(text, charset or default) for text, charset in headers]
except UnicodeDecodeError:
header_sections = [unicode(text, 'windows-1252') for text, charset in headers]
except LookupError:
return u""
return u"".join(header_sections)
def find_submessages(message):
if message.is_multipart():
return [find_submessages(part) for part in message.get_payload()]
return message
def flatten(x):
# http://kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~meine/python_tricks
result = []
for el in x:
if hasattr(el, "__iter__") and not isinstance(el, basestring):
return result
def get_charset(part):
charset = None
if part.get_content_charset():
charset = part.get_content_charset()
elif part.get_charset():
charset = part.get_charset()
if charset is None or charset == "default" or charset.startswith("us-ascii"):
return "ascii"
return charset
# Select all files matching the given pattern
file_list = glob.glob(options['pattern'])
finished = 0
for email_file in file_list:
# To save time when updating a database, let's first check whether the filename is already present in the database as a hash.
# There is no need to check for the format here, since if the filename is not a valid hash, it simply won't match anything.
message = email.message_from_file(open(email_file, 'r'))
2012-06-18 17:05:59 +02:00
2012-06-07 02:04:20 +02:00
if message['message-id'] is None:
2012-06-18 17:05:59 +02:00
if options['ignore_invalid'] == True:
message_id = ""
print "WARNING: %s does not contain a valid message-id header. Empty message-id assumed." % email_file
2012-06-07 02:04:20 +02:00
2012-06-18 17:05:59 +02:00
print "%s is not a valid e-mail file." % email_file
finished += 1
message_id = message['message-id']
if 'subject' not in message or message['subject'] is None:
subject = ""
subject = message['subject']
sha1_hash = hashlib.sha1("%s/%s/%s/%s" % (message['from'], message['to'], message_id, subject)).hexdigest()
new_path = "%s/%s.eml" % (os.path.dirname(email_file), sha1_hash)
os.rename(email_file, new_path)
print "%s -> %s" % (email_file, new_path)
2012-06-07 02:04:20 +02:00
finished += 1
print "Renamed %d files." % finished