#!/usr/bin/python import os, argparse, hashlib, sqlite3, time parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Renders static HTML pages and indexes from an SQLite database of emails and an attachment folder.') parser.add_argument('-o', dest='output_dir', action='store', default='render', help='path of the directory where rendered files should be stored') parser.add_argument('-t', dest='template_dir', action='store', default='templates', help='path where the template files are') parser.add_argument('-d', dest='database', action='store', default='emails.db', help='path of the database that should be used to render the e-mail files') parser.add_argument('-a', dest='attachment_dir', action='store', default='attachments', help='path where attachments are stored') args = parser.parse_args() options = vars(args) if os.path.isfile(options['database']) == False: print "Database file not found. Use the -d switch to specify a custom database path." exit(1) # Connect to database database = sqlite3.connect(options['database']) cursor = database.cursor() # Load templates template_message = open('%s/message.html' % options['template_dir']).read() for message in cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM emails"): message_id, sender, recipient, subject, timestamp, textbody, htmlbody, sha1_hash = message generated = template_message % {'subject': subject, 'date': timestamp, 'from': sender, 'to': recipient, 'body': textbody, 'title': "admin@cryto.net", 'version': "Plaintext version"} print generated exit(1)