# hma-proxy-parse Good game, HideMyAss, but I win :) This module extracts (parses) proxy details including the IP address from [http://proxylist.hidemyass.com/](http://proxylist.hidemyass.com/) and anything else using the same system, despite their (rather heavy) CSS-based obfuscation. Note that this module only does the parsing; you're responsible for fetching the source HTML yourself. ## License [WTFPL](http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/) or [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/), whichever you prefer. A donation and/or attribution are appreciated, but not required. ## Donate My income consists entirely of donations for my projects. If this module is useful to you, consider [making a donation](http://cryto.net/~joepie91/donate.html)! You can donate using Bitcoin, PayPal, Gratipay, Flattr, cash-in-mail, SEPA transfers, and pretty much anything else. Bitcoins can also be sent to `1KafMHn6YEDFkUSoHK6pKkqqmfJUF5Wd1C` directly :) ## Contributing Pull requests welcome. Please make sure your modifications are in line with the overall code style, and ensure that you're editing the `.coffee` files, not the `.js` files. Build tool of choice is `gulp`; simply run `gulp` while developing, and it will watch for changes. Be aware that by making a pull request, you agree to release your modifications under the licenses stated above. ## Usage You can input HTML from any source, but this example uses [`bhttp`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bhttp) in Promises mode. ```javascript var hmaProxyParse = require("hma-proxy-parse"); var bhttp = require("bhttp"); var Promise = require("bluebird"); Promise.try(function(){ return bhttp.get("http://proxylist.hidemyass.com/"); }).then(function(response){ console.log(hmaProxyParse(response.body.toString())); }); ``` ## API ### hmaProxyParse(html) Parses the specified `html`, and returns an array of objects with proxy information. The objects look something like this: ```javascript { updateTimestamp: '1422645602', ip: '', port: '8080', country: 'br', speed: '2441', connectionTime: '235', protocol: 'HTTP', anonymity: 'Low' } ``` It doesn't attempt to parse the actual data provided - all data is directly as specified in the list, and you'll have to figure out what to do with it. I have no idea, for example, what the bounds on `speed` or `connectionTime` are, or what the possible options for `anonymity` are. If this helped you, don't forget to donate ;)