"use strict"; const Promise = require("bluebird"); const through2 = require("through2"); const assureArray = require("assure-array"); function wrapStreamHandler(stream, handler, callback, item) { Promise.try(() => { return handler(item); }).then((result) => { return assureArray(result); }).each((newItem) => { stream.push(newItem); }).then(() => { // TODO: Fix the "a promise was created in a handler at [...] but was not returned from it" Bluebird warning that occurs here callback(); }).catch((err) => { callback(err); }); } module.exports = function stream(handler, flushHandler) { let flushHandlerWrapper = (flushHandler == null) ? undefined : function (callback) { wrapStreamHandler(this, flushHandler, callback); }; return through2.obj(function (item, _encoding, callback) { wrapStreamHandler(this, handler, callback, item); }, flushHandlerWrapper); };