import subprocess, sys, os, random, string, re, time drive = sys.argv[1] target_path = sys.argv[2] if sys.argv[3] == "--ddrescue": forced_ddrescue = True else: forced_ddrescue = False def mount_drive(drive): output = subprocess.check_output(["udisksctl", "mount", "-b", drive]) # urgh, regex to extract the mountpath... match ="Mounted [^ ]+ at (.+)\.$", output, re.MULTILINE) if match is None: raise Exception("Drive failed to mount.") else: return def unmount_drive(drive): retcode =["udisksctl", "unmount", "-b", drive]) if retcode != 0: raise Exception("Drive failed to unmount.") def get_disc_info(drive): return [line.strip() for line in subprocess.check_output(["udevadm", "info", "-q", "env", "-n", drive]).splitlines()] def format_bytes(inp): amount, unit = inp.rsplit(" ", 1) map_ = { "B": 1, "KB": 1024, "MB": 1024 * 1024, "GB": 1024 * 1024 * 1024 } return int(amount) * map_[unit.upper()] while True: name = raw_input("## What is the name of the next disc? ") # Try to unmount the drive, just in case it was auto-mounted try: unmount_drive(drive) except: # Doesn't matter, wasn't mounted to begin with. pass media_type = "unknown" print "## Waiting for media to be recognized... Please close the tray if it is still opened." while True: # This is a loop to wait until the disc is recognized... disc_info = get_disc_info(drive) if "ID_CDROM_MEDIA=1" in disc_info: break # Disc was recognized, end loop time.sleep(0.5) # Now determine the media type. if "ID_CDROM_MEDIA_CD=1" in disc_info or "ID_CDROM_MEDIA_CD_R=1" in disc_info: # Some kind of CD. data_tracks = 0 audio_tracks = 0 total_tracks = 0 for line in disc_info: key, value = line.split("=", 1) if key == "ID_CDROM_MEDIA_TRACK_COUNT_AUDIO": audio_tracks = int(value) elif key == "ID_CDROM_MEDIA_TRACK_COUNT_DATA": data_tracks = int(value) elif key == "ID_CDROM_MEDIA_TRACK_COUNT": total_tracks = int(value) if total_tracks != (data_tracks + audio_tracks): print "## ERROR: Unrecognized tracks found on CD! Please report this as a bug." continue # Abort imaging cycle if data_tracks == 0 and audio_tracks > 0: media_type = "cd-audio" elif data_tracks > 0 and audio_tracks == 0: media_type = "cd-data" elif data_tracks > 0 and audio_tracks > 0: media_type = "cd-mixed" else: media_type = "cd-blank" elif "ID_CDROM_MEDIA_DVD=1" in disc_info: # We cannot distinguish between a Video-DVD and a DVD-ROM from the udev data alone. try: mount_path = mount_drive(drive) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: # Could not mount; try to unmount and mount again. print "## WARNING: Drive already mounted; re-mounting..." # Wait for a bit first, to let the auto-mount complete... time.sleep(1) unmount_drive(drive) mount_path = mount_drive(drive) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mount_path, "VIDEO_TS")): media_type = "dvd-video" elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(mount_path, "AUDIO_TS")): media_type = "dvd-audio" else: media_type = "dvd-data" # Apparently some discs will not work correctly, if we don't wait before unmounting... time.sleep(1) unmount_drive(drive) # Now we'll do something, depending on the media type. if media_type == "unknown": print "## ERROR: Failed to determine media type for disc." continue # abort if media_type == "cd-blank": # TODO: Figure out blank-ness of a DVD. print "## ERROR: Cannot image blank disc!" continue # abort type_map = { "cd-audio": "Audio CD", "cd-data": "Data CD(-ROM)", "cd-mixed": "CD(-ROM) with non-data (eg. audio) tracks", "dvd-video": "Video DVD", "dvd-audio": "Audio DVD", "dvd-data": "Data DVD-ROM" } print "## Disc detected as %s" % type_map[media_type] if media_type in ("cd-data", "cd-mixed") and not forced_ddrescue: bin_path = os.path.join(target_path, "%s.bin" % name) cue_path = os.path.join(target_path, "%s.cue" % name) tmp_path = "/tmp/image-%s" % ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(8)) print "## Starting imaging process..." tries = 0 success = False # TODO: Read output to scan for "Device or resource busy" while True: try: unmount_drive(drive) except: # Doesn't matter, wasn't mounted to begin with. pass retcode =[ "cdrdao", "read-cd", "--device", drive, "--read-raw", "--datafile", bin_path, "-v", "2", tmp_path ]) if retcode != 0: if tries < 2: print "## WARNING: Imaging failed, retrying in a second..." time.sleep(1) tries += 1 continue # Retry else: print "## ERROR: IMAGING FAILED." success = False break else: print "## Imaging finished successfully." success = True break if success == False: continue # Abort print "## Generating cuesheet..." retcode =[ "toc2cue", tmp_path, cue_path ]) if retcode != 0: print "## ERROR: CUESHEET CREATION FAILED." continue else: print "## Cuesheet creation finished successfully." if media_type == "cd-mixed": print "## WARNING: The disc contains audio tracks as well. You may want to consider using an Audio CD ripper for those." elif media_type == "cd-audio": print "## ERROR: Cannot currently image Audio CDs. Please use an Audio CD ripper instead." elif media_type in ("dvd-audio", "dvd-video", "dvd-data") or forced_ddrescue: # Create an ISO, that should be sufficient... use ddrescue by default. iso_path = os.path.join(target_path, "%s.iso" % name) log_path = os.path.join(target_path, "%s.ddrescuelog" % name) if media_type == "dvd-video": # We hook the stdout/stderr here, to detect large amounts of read errors for video-DVDs, # which is a likely indicator of ARccOS protection. # FIXME: Currently -completely- broken! Needs fixing ASAP. arccos = False proc = subprocess.Popen(["ddrescue", "-A", "-M", "-r", "20", "-b", "2048", drive, iso_path, log_path], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) while proc.poll() is None: line = proc.stdout.readline() sys.stdout.write(line) match = re.match("rescued:\s*([0-9]+ [A-Z]+),\s*errsize:\s*([0-9]+ [A-Z]+)", line) if match is not None and arccos == False: # Status line... rescued_bytes = format_bytes( error_bytes = format_bytes( if error_bytes > rescued_bytes and error_bytes > (1024 * 1024 * 10) and rescued_bytes > (1024 * 1024 * 10): # Only trigger if there's more read errors than read successes, and both # values exceed 10MB. print "## WARNING: Large amount of read errors detected, likely ARccOS-protected. Restarting with different parameters..." arccos = True # TODO: Figure out working parameters... #break if arccos == False: proc.communicate() retcode = proc.returncode else: os.remove(iso_path) os.remove(log_path) # TODO: Run with proper params... else: retcode =["ddrescue", "-A", "-M", "-r", "20", "-b", "2048", drive, iso_path, log_path]) if retcode in (1, 3): print "## ERROR: An error occurred in ddrescue." continue elif retcode == 2: print "## WARNING: ddrescue indicates corruption, image may have failed." # arccos bypass: # sdparm --set=RRC=0 /dev/sr0 # It might've been automounted by something again...["udisksctl", "unmount", "-b", drive]) # Eject the drive["eject", drive])