# Neo v4: iris Donate using Liberapay A lightweight [Matrix](https://matrix.org) webclient, with basic functionality. The latest build is hosted at [neo.lain.haus/neo](https://neo.lain.haus/neo) Screenshot ## Building Keep in mind it's not quite useable currently; `npm install` `gulp build` static assets should now be in `build/` ## Vision There's demand for nicer Matrix clients in general, and I've been trying to fill this gap for a while now. I chose a web-based approach, since those are the technologies I like, and enjoy using. This is very much a 'fun' sid project at the moment. Neo doesn't use Electron, but might be packaged with some Rust based webview for a more 'desktop' experience. If you're religiously opposed to JavaScript I'll refer you to [nuclear's readme](https://github.com/nukeop/nuclear#what-if-i-am-religiously-opposed-to-using-electron-for-any-and-all-purposes) ## Why the name Neo and the rabbit logo are both from Matrix. Iris is the personification of the rainbow and messenger of the gods in Greek mythology, so I found that fitting as well. ## Code of Conduct We follow the Rust one, see CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md