'use strict' const React = require('react') const ReactDOM = require('react-dom') const create = require('create-react-class') const Promise = require('bluebird') const debounce = require('debounce') const jdenticon = require('jdenticon') const defaultValue = require('default-value') const sdk = require('matrix-js-sdk') const sanitize = require('sanitize-html') const Event = require('./events/Event.js') const Info = require('./info.js') const Input = require('./input.js') const User = require('./events/user.js') jdenticon.config = { lightness: { color: [0.58, 0.66], grayscale: [0.30, 0.90] }, saturation: { color: 0.66, grayscale: 0.00 }, backColor: "#00000000" }; let eventFunctions = { plaintext: function() { let plain = "unknown event" if (this.type == "m.room.message") { plain = this.content.body if (this.content.format == "org.matrix.custom.html") { plain = sanitize(this.content.formatted_body, {allowedTags: []}) } } if (this.type == "m.room.member") { if (this.content.membership == "invite") { plain = `${this.sender} invited ${this.state_key}` } else if (this.content.membership == "join") { plain = `${this.state_key} joined the room` } else if (this.content.membership == "leave") { plain = `${this.state_key} left the room` } else if (this.content.membership == "kick") { plain = `${this.sender} kicked ${this.state_key}` } else if (this.content.membership == "ban") { plain = `${this.sender} banned ${this.state_key}` } } if (this.type == "m.room.avatar") { if (this.content.url.length > 0) { plain = `${this.sender} changed the room avatar` } } if (this.type == "m.room.name") { return `${this.sender} changed the room name to ${this.content.name}` } return plain } } let chat = create({ displayName: "Chat", getInitialState: function() { return { ref: null } }, getSnapshotBeforeUpdate: function(oldProps, oldState) { let ref = this.state.ref if (ref == null) {return null} if ((ref.scrollHeight - ref.offsetHeight) - ref.scrollTop < 100) { // Less than 100px from bottom return true } return null }, componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot) { let ref = this.state.ref if (ref == null) {return} if (snapshot) { // scroll to bottom ref.scrollTop = (ref.scrollHeight - ref.offsetHeight) } }, setRef: function(ref) { if (ref != null) { this.setState({ref: ref}) } }, onReplyClick: function(e) { this.setState({replyEvent: e}) }, render: function() { let empty = (
) if (this.props.roomId == undefined) { //empty screen return empty } let room = this.props.client.getRoom(this.props.roomId) if (room == null) { return empty } let messageGroups = { current: [], groups: [], sender: "", type: "" } // if the sender is the same, add it to the 'current' messageGroup, if not, // push the old one to 'groups' and start with a new array. let events = [] if (room.timeline.length > 0) { room.getLiveTimeline().getEvents().forEach((MatrixEvent) => { let event = MatrixEvent.event; event = Object.assign(event, eventFunctions) if (event.user_id != null) { // localecho messages event.sender = event.user_id event.local = true } if (event.sender != messageGroups.sender || event.type != messageGroups.type) { messageGroups.sender = event.sender messageGroups.type = event.type if (messageGroups.current.length != 0) { messageGroups.groups.push(messageGroups.current) } messageGroups.current = [] } messageGroups.current.push(event) }) messageGroups.groups.push(messageGroups.current) events = messageGroups.groups.map((events, id) => { return }) } //TODO: replace with something that only renders events in view return (
) } }) let EventGroup = create({ displayName: "EventGroup", getInitialState: function() { let user = this.props.client.getUser(this.props.events[0].sender) let avatar = if (user.avatarUrl != null) { let hs = this.props.client.baseUrl let media_mxc = user.avatarUrl.slice(6) let url = `${hs}/_matrix/media/v1/thumbnail/${media_mxc}?width=128&height=128&method=scale` avatar = } return { user: user, avatar: avatar } }, avatarRef: function(ref) { jdenticon.update(ref, this.state.user.userId) }, render: function() { let events = this.props.events.map((event, key) => { return }) return
} }) module.exports = chat