You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

81 lines
2.5 KiB

import urllib, gzip, sys
from lxml.etree import iterparse
xml_url = ""
xml_file = "dump.xml.gz"
def update_progress(count, blocksize, totalsize):
percent = int(count * blocksize * 100 / totalsize)
sys.stdout.write("\r%2d%%" % percent)
def get_attribute(element, tagname):
val = element.find(tagname)
if val is None:
return ""
if val.text == "None":
return ""
return val.text
database = sqlite3.connect(options['database'])
cursor = database.cursor()
#print "Retrieving Jamendo database..."
#urllib.urlretrieve(xml_url, xml_file, reporthook=update_progress)
#print ""
xml =
for event, element in iterparse(xml, tag="artist"):
# id, name, url, image, mbgid, location, Albums
artistid = get_attribute(element, 'id')
name = get_attribute(element, 'name')
image = get_attribute(element, 'image')
mbgid = get_attribute(element, 'mbgid')
location = get_attribute(element, 'location')
print "[%s] %s from %s (image: %s)" % (artistid, name, location, image)
for album in element.find('Albums'):
# id, name, url, releasedate, filename, mbgid, license_artwork, Tracks
albumname = get_attribute(album, 'name')
albumurl = get_attribute(album, 'url')
albumrelease = get_attribute(album, 'releasedate')
albumfilename = get_attribute(album, 'filename')
albummbgid = get_attribute(album, 'mbgid')
albumartworklicense = get_attribute(album, 'license_artwork')
print " -> Album: %s (%s) at %s" % (albumname, albumrelease, albumurl)
for track in album.find('Tracks'):
# id, name, filename, mbgid, numalbum, id3genre, license, Tags
trackid = get_attribute(track, 'id')
trackname = get_attribute(track, 'name')
trackfilename = get_attribute(track, 'filename')
trackmbgid = get_attribute(track, 'mbgid')
tracknumber = get_attribute(track, 'numalbum')
trackgenre = get_attribute(track, 'id3genre')
tracklicense = get_attribute(track, 'license')
print " [%3d] %s (ID: %s)" % (int(tracknumber), trackname, trackid)
alltags = []
taglist = track.find('Tags')
if taglist is not None:
for tag in taglist:
# idstr, weight
tagid = get_attribute(tag, 'idstr')
tagweight = get_attribute(tag, 'weight')
alltags.append("%s (weight %s)" % (tagid, tagweight))
print " %s" % ' '.join(alltags)
print " No tags."
print ""