Rewrite in progress

Sven Slootweg 11 years ago
parent c40345133e
commit 20dee21a2c

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
# JSDE API Reference
## JsdeWindow
### Member variables
Holds the unique ID of the window.
^ JsdeWindow.x
Holds the current X position of the window.
^ JsdeWindow.y
Holds the current Y position of the window.
^ JsdeWindow.z
Holds the current Z-index of the window.
^ JsdeWindow.width
Holds the current width of the window.
^ JsdeWindow.height
Holds the current height of the window.
^ JsdeWindow._inner
! Do __not__ use this to set the window contents, use JsdeWindow.SetContents() instead!
Holds a reference to the DOM element containing the window contents.
### Member functions
^ JsdeWindow.SetPosition(**x**, **y**)
Sets the current position of a window.
The X coordinate.
The Y coordinate.
@ Setting the window position
$ win.SetPosition(100, 110);
^ JsdeWindow.SetSize(**width**, **height**)
Sets the current size of a window.
The new width.
The new height.
@ Setting the window size
$ win.SetSize(400, 350);
^ JsdeWindow.GetTitle()
Returns the current title of the window.
@ Retrieving the window title
$ console.log(win.GetTitle());
> "Example window title"
^ JsdeWindow.SetTitle(**title**)
Sets the current title of the window.
The title to set.
@ Setting the window title
$ win.SetTitle("Fancy new window title");
^ JsdeWindow.GetContents()
Returns the current contents of the window.
@ Retrieving the window contents
$ console.log(win.GetContents());
> "These are some example contents that could hypothetically be in a <strong>JSDE window</strong>."
^ JsdeWindow.SetContents(**contents**)
Sets the contents of the window.
The new window contents.
@ Setting the window contents
$ win.SetContents("These are <em>new</em> hypothetical contents for a window.");

@ -1,26 +1,34 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <!doctype html>
<html><head> <html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <head>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title>Javascript Desktop Environment</title> <title>Javascript Desktop Environment</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jsde.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jsde.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> <script type="text/javascript">
var t;
$(function(){ $(function(){
createWindow(140, 30, "Test title", "<strong>Test contents</strong><pre></pre>", 500, 620, false); /*createWindow(140, 30, "Test title", "<strong>Test contents</strong><pre></pre>", 500, 620, false);
var secondWindow = createWindow(440, 120, "Test title", "<strong>Test contents</strong>", 300, 150).bringToForeground(); var secondWindow = createWindow(440, 120, "Test title", "<strong>Test contents</strong>", 300, 150).bringToForeground();
debugEl = secondWindow; debugEl = secondWindow;
secondWindow.minHeight = 100; secondWindow.minHeight = 100;
secondWindow.minWidth = 100; secondWindow.minWidth = 100;
secondWindow.maxHeight = 400; secondWindow.maxHeight = 400;
secondWindow.maxWidth = 400; secondWindow.maxWidth = 400;*/
new JsdeWindow({
x: 20,
y: 20,
width: 400,
height: 300,
title: "Hi"
}) })
</script> </script>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="base.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
</head><body> </head>
<div id="make-window"> <div id="make-window">
<span id="id1">140, -8</span><br> <span id="id1">140, -8</span><br>
<span id="id2">733, 85<br>873, 77</span><br><br> <span id="id2">733, 85<br>873, 77</span><br><br>
@ -42,4 +50,23 @@ lol&lt;hr&gt;
</span> </span>
<a class="workspace-tab workspace-tab-add" id="workspace_tab_add" href="#">+</a> <a class="workspace-tab workspace-tab-add" id="workspace_tab_add" href="#">+</a>
</div> </div>
</body></html> <div id="templates">
<div class="template_window window-wrapper window-styled">
<div class="window-title">
Test title
<div class="window-close">
<a href="#">X</a>
<div class="window-outer">
<div class="window-inner">
<strong>Test contents</strong>
<div class="window-resizer">
<input type="hidden" name="MDIWindowIdentifier" value="1" class="MDIWindowIdentifier">

@ -20,271 +20,112 @@
/* JSDE code starts here */ /* JSDE code starts here */
var dragCurrentElement = null; var next_z_index = 1;
var dragStartX = 0; var currently_dragged_window = null;
var dragStartY = 0; var currently_dragging = true;
var dragCurrentX = 0;
var dragCurrentY = 0;
var dragOriginalX = 0;
var dragOriginalY = 0;
var dragEnabled = false;
var dragMode = 'none';
var mouseX = 0; function JsdeWindow(options)
var mouseY = 0; {
$.extend(this, options);
var windowCurrentZ = 1;
var windowList = []; this._outer = $("#templates .template_window").clone()[0];
var windowIterator = 0; this._inner = $(this._outer).children(".window-inner")[0];
this._title = $(this._outer).children(".window-title")[0];
var lastWorkspace = 0;
var currentWorkspace = 0; if(typeof options.visible !== "undefined" && options.visible == false)
var debugEl = null; this.Hide();
// Initialization function if(typeof options.title !== "undefined")
$(document).mousemove(function(e){ {
mouseX = e.pageX; this.SetTitle(options.title);
mouseY = e.pageY; }
{ if(typeof options.contents !== "undefined")
if(dragMode == 'moveWindow') {
{ this.SetContents(options.contents);
dragCurrentX = e.pageX - dragStartX; }
dragCurrentY = e.pageY - dragStartY;
$("span#id1").text("> " + dragCurrentX + ", " + dragCurrentY); if(typeof options.x === "undefined") { this.x = 0; }
dragCurrentElement.x = dragOriginalX + dragCurrentX; if(typeof options.y === "undefined") { this.y = 0; }
dragCurrentElement.y = dragOriginalY + dragCurrentY; if(typeof options.width === "undefined") { this.width = 250; }
if(dragCurrentElement.y < 0) if(typeof options.height === "undefined") { this.height = 200; }
dragCurrentElement.y = 0; this.SetPosition(this.x, this.y);
} this.SetSize(this.width, this.height);
$("span#id2").html(dragOriginalX + ", " + dragOriginalY + "<br>" + dragCurrentElement.x + ", " + dragCurrentElement.y); $(this._outer).click(this._HandleClick);
} $(this._outer).mousedown(this._HandleMouseDown);
else if(dragMode == 'resizeWindow') $(this._outer).appendTo("body");
{ }
var dragNewX, dragNewY;
dragCurrentX = e.pageX - dragStartX;
dragCurrentY = e.pageY - dragStartY;
$("span#id1").text("> " + dragCurrentX + ", " + dragCurrentY);
dragNewX = dragOriginalX + dragCurrentX;
dragNewY = dragOriginalY + dragCurrentY;
if(dragCurrentElement.maxWidth != undefined && dragNewX > dragCurrentElement.maxWidth)
dragNewX = dragCurrentElement.maxWidth;
if(dragCurrentElement.minWidth != undefined && dragNewX < dragCurrentElement.minWidth)
dragNewX = dragCurrentElement.minWidth;
if(dragCurrentElement.maxHeight != undefined && dragNewY > dragCurrentElement.maxHeight)
dragNewY = dragCurrentElement.maxHeight;
if(dragCurrentElement.minHeight != undefined && dragNewY < dragCurrentElement.minHeight)
dragNewY = dragCurrentElement.minHeight;
dragCurrentElement.width = dragNewX;
dragCurrentElement.height = dragNewY;
if(dragCurrentElement.y < 0)
dragCurrentElement.y = 0;
$("span#id2").html(dragOriginalX + ", " + dragOriginalY + "<br>" + dragCurrentElement.width + ", " + dragCurrentElement.height);
$("span#id1").text(dragCurrentX + ", " + dragCurrentY);
dragEnabled = false;
debugEl = dragCurrentElement;
createWorkspace(); // creates initial workspace
function createWindow(x, y, title, contents, width, height, resizable) JsdeWindow.prototype.BringToForeground = function()
{ {
if(width === undefined) { var width = 400; } this.element.css({"z-index": next_z_index})
if(height === undefined) { var height = 300; } next_z_index++;
var _newWindow = new MDIWindow(x, y, title, contents, width, height, currentWorkspace, resizable); return this;
return _newWindow;
} }
function createWorkspace() JsdeWindow.prototype.GetContents = function()
{ {
var newWorkspaceId = lastWorkspace + 1; return $(this._inner).html();
var workspaceHtmlElement = document.createElement('a');
workspaceHtmlElement.setAttribute('id','tab_' + newWorkspaceId);
var workspaceElement = $(workspaceHtmlElement).addClass('workspace-tab');{
debugEl = workspaceElement;
lastWorkspace += 1;
} }
function activateWorkspace(id) JsdeWindow.prototype.GetTitle = function()
{ {
currentWorkspace = id; return $(this._title).children(".window-title-inner").html();
$('#tab_' + id).addClass('workspace-tab-active');
} }
function redrawWindows() JsdeWindow.prototype.Hide = function()
{ {
$.each($('.window-wrapper'),function(id, element){ this.visible = false;
var currentElement = $(element); return $(this._outer).hide();
debugEl = windowList[currentElement.children('input.MDIWindowIdentifier')[0].value];
var currentWindow = windowList[currentElement.children('input.MDIWindowIdentifier')[0].value];
if(currentWindow.assignedWorkspace == currentWorkspace)
currentElement.css({display: 'block'});
currentElement.css({display: 'none'});
} }
function MDIWindow(x, y, title, contents, width, height, workspace, resizable) JsdeWindow.prototype.SetPosition = function(x, y)
{ {
this.x = x; this.x = x;
this.y = y; this.y = y;
this.title = title;
this.contents = contents; return $(this._outer).css({left: this.x, top: this.y});
JsdeWindow.prototype.SetSize = function(width, height)
this.width = width; this.width = width;
this.height = height; this.height = height;
this.minWidth = undefined;
this.minHeight = undefined;
this.maxWidth = undefined;
this.maxHeight = undefined;
this.windowId = windowIterator;
if(resizable == undefined)
this.resizable = true;
this.resizable = resizable;
if(workspace == undefined)
this.assignedWorkspace = 1;
this.assignedWorkspace = workspace;
var parentMDIWindow = this;
var _wrapper = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('window-wrapper').addClass('window-styled').css({'top':y+'px', 'left':x+'px', 'width':width+'px', 'height':height+'px'});
var _titlebar = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('window-title').html(title);
var _close = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('window-close').html('<a href="#">X</a>');
var _outer = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('window-outer');
var _inner = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('window-inner').html(contents);
var _identifier = document.createElement('input');
var _resizer = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('window-resizer');
_identifier.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); return $(this._outer).css({width: this.width, height: this.height});
_identifier.setAttribute('name', 'MDIWindowIdentifier'); }
_identifier.setAttribute('value', windowIterator);
_identifier = $(_identifier).addClass('MDIWindowIdentifier'); JsdeWindow.prototype.SetContents = function(html)
_titlebar.mousedown(function(){ return $(this._inner).html(html);
parentMDIWindow.bringToForeground(); }
JsdeWindow.prototype.SetTitle = function(html)
_outer.mousedown(function(){ {
parentMDIWindow.bringToForeground(); return $(this._title).children(".window-title-inner").html(html);
}); }
_close.children("a").click(function(){ JsdeWindow.prototype.Show = function()
parentMDIWindow.close(); {
}); this.visible = true;
return $(this._outer).show();
_titlebar.append(_close); }
JsdeWindow.prototype._HandleClick = function(event)
if(this.resizable == true) {
this.element = _wrapper;
this.bringToForeground = function(){
windowCurrentZ += 1;
return this;
this.startDrag = function(){
dragCurrentElement = this;
dragOriginalX = this.x;
dragOriginalY = this.y;
dragStartX = mouseX;
dragStartY = mouseY;
dragMode = 'moveWindow';
dragEnabled = true;
this.startResize = function(){
dragCurrentElement = this;
dragOriginalX = this.width;
dragOriginalY = this.height;
dragStartX = mouseX;
dragStartY = mouseY;
dragMode = 'resizeWindow';
dragEnabled = true;
this.close = function(){ }
windowList[this.windowId] = null;
$(this.element).remove(); JsdeWindow.prototype._HandleMouseDown = function(event)
} {
debugEl = this.element.children('.window-title'); }
var thisElement = this;
this.element.children('.window-title').mousedown(function(){thisElement.startDrag();}); JsdeWindow.prototype._HandleMouseUp = function(event)
this.element.find('.window-resizer').mousedown(function(){thisElement.startResize();}); {
windowList[windowIterator] = this;
windowIterator += 1;
} }


@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
var dragCurrentElement = null;
var dragStartX = 0;
var dragStartY = 0;
var dragCurrentX = 0;
var dragCurrentY = 0;
var dragOriginalX = 0;
var dragOriginalY = 0;
var dragEnabled = false;
var dragMode = 'none';
var mouseX = 0;
var mouseY = 0;
var windowCurrentZ = 1;
var windowList = [];
var windowIterator = 0;
var lastWorkspace = 0;
var currentWorkspace = 0;
var debugEl = null;
// Initialization function
mouseX = e.pageX;
mouseY = e.pageY;
if(dragMode == 'moveWindow')
dragCurrentX = e.pageX - dragStartX;
dragCurrentY = e.pageY - dragStartY;
$("span#id1").text("> " + dragCurrentX + ", " + dragCurrentY);
dragCurrentElement.x = dragOriginalX + dragCurrentX;
dragCurrentElement.y = dragOriginalY + dragCurrentY;
if(dragCurrentElement.y < 0)
dragCurrentElement.y = 0;
$("span#id2").html(dragOriginalX + ", " + dragOriginalY + "<br>" + dragCurrentElement.x + ", " + dragCurrentElement.y);
else if(dragMode == 'resizeWindow')
var dragNewX, dragNewY;
dragCurrentX = e.pageX - dragStartX;
dragCurrentY = e.pageY - dragStartY;
$("span#id1").text("> " + dragCurrentX + ", " + dragCurrentY);
dragNewX = dragOriginalX + dragCurrentX;
dragNewY = dragOriginalY + dragCurrentY;
if(dragCurrentElement.maxWidth != undefined && dragNewX > dragCurrentElement.maxWidth)
dragNewX = dragCurrentElement.maxWidth;
if(dragCurrentElement.minWidth != undefined && dragNewX < dragCurrentElement.minWidth)
dragNewX = dragCurrentElement.minWidth;
if(dragCurrentElement.maxHeight != undefined && dragNewY > dragCurrentElement.maxHeight)
dragNewY = dragCurrentElement.maxHeight;
if(dragCurrentElement.minHeight != undefined && dragNewY < dragCurrentElement.minHeight)
dragNewY = dragCurrentElement.minHeight;
dragCurrentElement.width = dragNewX;
dragCurrentElement.height = dragNewY;
if(dragCurrentElement.y < 0)
dragCurrentElement.y = 0;
$("span#id2").html(dragOriginalX + ", " + dragOriginalY + "<br>" + dragCurrentElement.width + ", " + dragCurrentElement.height);
$("span#id1").text(dragCurrentX + ", " + dragCurrentY);
dragEnabled = false;
debugEl = dragCurrentElement;
createWorkspace(); // creates initial workspace
function createWindow(x, y, title, contents, width, height, resizable)
if(width === undefined) { var width = 400; }
if(height === undefined) { var height = 300; }
var _newWindow = new MDIWindow(x, y, title, contents, width, height, currentWorkspace, resizable);
return _newWindow;
function createWorkspace()
var newWorkspaceId = lastWorkspace + 1;
var workspaceHtmlElement = document.createElement('a');
workspaceHtmlElement.setAttribute('id','tab_' + newWorkspaceId);
var workspaceElement = $(workspaceHtmlElement).addClass('workspace-tab');{
debugEl = workspaceElement;
lastWorkspace += 1;
function activateWorkspace(id)
currentWorkspace = id;
$('#tab_' + id).addClass('workspace-tab-active');
function redrawWindows()
$.each($('.window-wrapper'),function(id, element){
var currentElement = $(element);
debugEl = windowList[currentElement.children('input.MDIWindowIdentifier')[0].value];
var currentWindow = windowList[currentElement.children('input.MDIWindowIdentifier')[0].value];
if(currentWindow.assignedWorkspace == currentWorkspace)
currentElement.css({display: 'block'});
currentElement.css({display: 'none'});
function MDIWindow(x, y, title, contents, width, height, workspace, resizable)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.title = title;
this.contents = contents;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.minWidth = undefined;
this.minHeight = undefined;
this.maxWidth = undefined;
this.maxHeight = undefined;
this.windowId = windowIterator;
if(resizable == undefined)
this.resizable = true;
this.resizable = resizable;
if(workspace == undefined)
this.assignedWorkspace = 1;
this.assignedWorkspace = workspace;
var parentMDIWindow = this;
var _wrapper = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('window-wrapper').addClass('window-styled').css({'top':y+'px', 'left':x+'px', 'width':width+'px', 'height':height+'px'});
var _titlebar = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('window-title').html(title);
var _close = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('window-close').html('<a href="#">X</a>');
var _outer = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('window-outer');
var _inner = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('window-inner').html(contents);
var _identifier = document.createElement('input');
var _resizer = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('window-resizer');
_identifier.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
_identifier.setAttribute('name', 'MDIWindowIdentifier');
_identifier.setAttribute('value', windowIterator);
_identifier = $(_identifier).addClass('MDIWindowIdentifier');
if(this.resizable == true)
this.element = _wrapper;
this.bringToForeground = function(){
windowCurrentZ += 1;
return this;
this.startDrag = function(){
dragCurrentElement = this;
dragOriginalX = this.x;
dragOriginalY = this.y;
dragStartX = mouseX;
dragStartY = mouseY;
dragMode = 'moveWindow';
dragEnabled = true;
this.startResize = function(){
dragCurrentElement = this;
dragOriginalX = this.width;
dragOriginalY = this.height;
dragStartX = mouseX;
dragStartY = mouseY;
dragMode = 'resizeWindow';
dragEnabled = true;
this.close = function(){
windowList[this.windowId] = null;
debugEl = this.element.children('.window-title');
var thisElement = this;
windowList[windowIterator] = this;
windowIterator += 1;