"use strict"; function getValue(value, functionsAreLiterals) { if (typeof value === "function" && !functionsAreLiterals) { return value(); } else { return value; } } function doMatchValue(value, arms, functionsAreLiterals) { if (value == null) { return value; } else if (arms[value] !== undefined) { // NOTE: We intentionally only check for `undefined` here (and below), since we want to allow the mapped-to value to be an explicit `null`. return getValue(arms[value], functionsAreLiterals); } else if (arms._ !== undefined) { return getValue(arms._, functionsAreLiterals); } else { throw new Error(`No match arm found for value '${value}'`); } } module.exports = function matchValue(value, arms) { return doMatchValue(value, arms, false); }; module.exports.literal = function matchValueLiteral(value, arms) { return doMatchValue(value, arms, true); };