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20 lines
518 B

{ pkgs, configFile, ... }:
pkgs.cryto.nodeApplication {
name = "mobile-proxy";
source = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "mobile-proxy-application";
src = pkgs.cryto.fetchFromCrytoGit {
owner = "joepie91";
repo = "mobile-proxy";
rev = "1628f4be61621c1783e93ef6719b1dae4f352be8";
2 years ago
sha256 = "1qi07psj88fqlsyr6kaypaxq9ayhc95pp66qa53ln0w58yvjgims";
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p $out
2 years ago
tar --strip-components=1 -xzvf $src -C $out
cp ${configFile} $out/config.jsx