Remove obsolete stuff from system configuration

Sven Slootweg 4 vuotta sitten
vanhempi 8a9dfbf9b6
commit 19c83e8235

@ -14,15 +14,12 @@ let
pkgs = (import (fetchTarball "") nixpkgsOptions);
pkgs1803 = (import (fetchTarball "") nixpkgsOptions);
presets = {
base = (import ./presets/base.nix);
kvm = (import ./presets/kvm.nix);
nginxPresets = {
# php = (import ./presets/nginx/php.nix);
phpDisabled = (import ./presets/nginx/php-disabled.nix);
# cphpApplication = (import ./presets/nginx/cphp-application.nix);
reverseProxy = (import ./presets/nginx/reverse-proxy.nix);
letsEncrypt = (import ./presets/nginx/lets-encrypt.nix);
@ -117,11 +114,6 @@ in {
httpsHosts = hosts: map (makeHostChecker { protocol = "https"; port = 443; }) hosts;
in lib.mkMerge [
(httpHosts [
# ""
# ""
# ""
# ""
# ""
@ -129,9 +121,6 @@ in {
(httpsHosts [
# ""
# ""
# ""
@ -193,64 +182,16 @@ in {
"" = lib.mkMerge [
# (nginxPresets.php args) /* Temporary hack until I can figure out the mkMerge evaluation order issue */
# {
# root = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
# name = "cryto-books";
# src = ./sources/cryto-books;
# installPhase = ''
# mkdir -p $out/
# cp -r $src/* $out/
# cp ${../private/cryto-books/credentials.php} $out/credentials.php
# '';
# };
# }
"" = lib.mkMerge [
# (nginxPresets.php args) /* Temporary hack until I can figure out the mkMerge evaluation order issue */
# (nginxPresets.cphpApplication (pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
# name = "cryto-todo";
# src = ./sources/cryto-todo;
# installPhase = ''
# mkdir -p $out/public_html
# cp -r $src/* $out/public_html
# cp ${../private/cryto-todo/config.json} $out/config.json
# '';
# }))
"" = lib.mkMerge [
# (nginxPresets.php args) /* Temporary hack until I can figure out the mkMerge evaluation order issue */
# (nginxPresets.cphpApplication (pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
# name = "cryto-learn";
# src = ./sources/cryto-learn;
# installPhase = ''
# mkdir -p $out/public_html
# cp -r $src/* $out/public_html
# cp ${../private/cryto-learn/config.json} $out/config.json
# '';
# }))
"" = lib.mkMerge [
# (nginxPresets.php args) /* Temporary hack until I can figure out the mkMerge evaluation order issue */
# (nginxPresets.cphpApplication (pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
# name = "vps-list";
# src = ./sources/vps-list;
# installPhase = ''
# mkdir -p $out/public_html
# mkdir -p $out/public_html/cphp
# cp -r $src/* $out/public_html
# cp ${../private/vps-list/config.php} $out/public_html/cphp/config.php
# '';
# }))
"" = lib.mkMerge [
@ -271,40 +212,6 @@ in {
# services.mysql = {
# enable = true;
# package = pkgs.mysql55;
# };
# services.phpfpm = {
# settings = {
# "log_level" = "notice";
# };
# phpPackage = pkgs1803.php56;
# pools = {
# main = {
# # listen = "/var/run/phpfpm-main.sock";
# user = "nobody";
# settings = {
# "listen.owner" = "nginx";
# "" = "nginx";
# "listen.mode" = 0660;
# "pm" = "dynamic";
# "pm.max_children" = 75;
# "pm.start_servers" = 10;
# "pm.min_spare_servers" = 5;
# "pm.max_spare_servers" = 20;
# "pm.max_requests" = 500;
# "catch_workers_output" = true;
# };
# };
# };
# }; = {
description = "mobile-proxy Service User";
