Set up mobile-proxy

Sven Slootweg 5 年之前
父節點 38e1081cb0
當前提交 ec6d1a95dc

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"use strict";
const React = require("react");
const url = require("url");
function NoticeBox({ children, siteName }) {
return (
<div style={{backgroundColor: "#3C0000", color: "white", padding: "4px", margin: "4px"}}>
<strong>This is a mobile proxy.</strong> It is intended to visit {siteName} on devices that would otherwise not correctly display the site. {children}
module.exports = {
port: 3000,
hosts: {
"": {
prefix: () => (
<NoticeBox siteName="AwesomeDude" />
filters: [{
matchPath: "/",
mapUrl: "",
mapContent: ($) => $("#container").html()
}, {
mapUrl: ({path}) => url.resolve("", path),
mapContent: ($) => $("body").html()
"": {
prefix: () => (
<NoticeBox siteName="">
Please direct all your feedback to <a style={{ color: "white" }} href=""></a> directly!
filters: [{
matchPath: "/",
mapUrl: "",
mapContent: ($) => $("section.home_about").html()
}, {
mapUrl: ({path}) => url.resolve("", path),
mapContent: ($) => $("section.home_about").html()
"": {
prefix: () => (
<NoticeBox siteName="the IOMfAtS Story Shelf">
Please direct all your feedback to the <a style={{ color: "white" }} href="">friendly guy over at IOMfAtS</a>!
filters: [{
matchPath: "/",
mapUrl: "",
mapContent: ($) => $("div#homelinks").html()
}, {
mapUrl: ({path}) => url.resolve("", path),
mapContent: ($) => $("div#content").html()

@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
nixpkgsOptions = {};
nixpkgsOptions = {
overlays = [
(self: super: {
/* NOTE: Namespaced under `pkgs.cryto.*` to prevent naming conflicts with upstream nixpkgs */
cryto = {
# FIXME: Remove default.nix suffix?
fetchFromCrytoGit = self.callPackage ./lib/fetch/from-cryto-git.nix {};
nodeApplication = self.callPackage ./lib/node-application.nix {};
unpack = self.callPackage ./lib/unpack.nix {};
mobileProxy = self.callPackage ./packages/mobile-proxy/default.nix { configFile = null; };
pkgs = (import (fetchTarball "") nixpkgsOptions);
pkgs1803 = (import (fetchTarball "") nixpkgsOptions);
presets = {
@ -9,6 +22,7 @@ let
nginxPresets = {
php = (import ./presets/nginx/php.nix);
cphpApplication = (import ./presets/nginx/cphp-application.nix);
reverseProxy = (import ./presets/nginx/reverse-proxy.nix);
in {
network = {
@ -30,6 +44,9 @@ in {
{ scheme = "http"; port = 80; path = "/"; host = ""; description = " is up"; }
{ scheme = "http"; port = 80; path = "/"; host = ""; description = " is up"; }
{ scheme = "http"; port = 80; path = "/"; host = ""; description = " is up"; }
{ scheme = "http"; port = 80; path = "/"; host = ""; description = " is up"; }
{ scheme = "http"; port = 80; path = "/"; host = ""; description = " is up"; }
{ scheme = "http"; port = 80; path = "/"; host = ""; description = " is up"; }
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
@ -37,6 +54,12 @@ in {
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
virtualHosts = {
"" = {
default = true;
extraConfig = ''
return 404;
"" = {
locations."/shadow" = {
alias = ./sources/shadow-generator;
@ -101,6 +124,9 @@ in {
"" = nginxPresets.reverseProxy "";
"" = nginxPresets.reverseProxy "";
"" = nginxPresets.reverseProxy "";
@ -135,5 +161,33 @@ in {
}; = {
description = "mobile-proxy Service User";
}; = let
package = pkgs.cryto.mobileProxy.override { configFile = ./data/mobile-proxy/config.jsx; };
in {
description = "Mobile Proxy";
wantedBy = [""];
after = [""];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${package}/bin/mobile-proxy";
User = "mobile-proxy";
Restart = "on-failure";
PermissionsStartOnly = true;
preStart = ''
mkdir -m 0700 -p /tmp/mobile-proxy-home
chown mobile-proxy /tmp/mobile-proxy-home
environment = {
HOME = "/tmp/mobile-proxy-home";

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
{ pkgs, ... }:
{owner, repo, rev, name ? ("${repo}-${rev}-src.tar.gz"), ...}@sourceArgs:
baseUrl = "${owner}/${repo}";
pkgs.fetchurl ({
inherit name;
url = "${baseUrl}/archive/${rev}.tar.gz";
meta.homepage = baseUrl;
} // removeAttrs sourceArgs ["owner" "repo" "rev"])

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
{ pkgs, ... }:
{ name, source }:
yarn2nix = (import (fetchTarball "") { inherit pkgs; });
in yarn2nix.mkYarnPackage {
name = name;
src = source;
packageJSON = "${source}/package.json";
yarnLock = "${source}/yarn.lock";

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
{ pkgs, configFile, ... }:
pkgs.cryto.nodeApplication {
name = "mobile-proxy";
source = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "mobile-proxy-application";
src = pkgs.cryto.fetchFromCrytoGit {
owner = "joepie91";
repo = "mobile-proxy";
rev = "1628f4be61621c1783e93ef6719b1dae4f352be8";
sha256 = "1d9zc3phflsi2gsi7hmzybr0q983x7155bildvlbc7za3y8hry78";
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p $out
tar -xzvf $src -C $out
cp ${configFile} $out/config.jsx

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
destination: {
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = destination;
proxyWebsockets = true;
extraConfig = ''
proxy_set_header Host $host;