data as $category) { $format = htmlspecialchars($category['Format']); $checked = ""; foreach($_GET['filetype'] as $type) { if($type == $format) { $checked = " checked"; } } $inputboxes .= ""; } $inputboxes .= ""; ?> Cryto Books
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data as $row) { $id = $row['Id']; $query = "SELECT * FROM files WHERE `BookId` = '$id' AND ({$type})"; if($res = mysql_query_cached($query)) { $s_title = strip_tags(stripslashes($row['Title'])); $s_authors = strip_tags(stripslashes($row['Authors'])); $s_description = strip_tags(stripslashes($row['Description'])); $s_thumbnail = strip_tags(stripslashes($row['Thumbnail'])); $s_files = "Download as: "; if(trim($s_description) == "") { $s_description = "There is no description for this book."; } foreach($res->data as $file_row) { $s_formatname = strip_tags(stripslashes($file_row['Format'])); $s_formaturl = strip_tags(stripslashes($file_row['Url'])); $s_files .= "{$s_formatname}"; } echo("
{$s_title} {$s_authors}
"); $found = true; } } } if($found === false) { echo("No books were found that match your query."); } ?>