let nixpkgsOptions = { overlays = [ (self: super: { /* NOTE: Namespaced under `pkgs.cryto.*` to prevent naming conflicts with upstream nixpkgs */ cryto = { fetchFromCrytoGit = self.callPackage ./lib/fetch/from-cryto-git.nix {}; nodeApplication = self.callPackage ./lib/node-application.nix {}; unpack = self.callPackage ./lib/unpack.nix {}; mobileProxy = self.callPackage ./packages/mobile-proxy { configFile = null; }; matrixRooms = self.callPackage ./packages/matrix-rooms {}; pastebinStream = self.callPackage ./packages/pastebin-stream { errorPath = null; }; }; }) ]; }; pkgs = (import (fetchTarball "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/nixos-21.11.tar.gz") nixpkgsOptions); presets = { base = (import ./presets/base.nix); kvm = (import ./presets/kvm.nix); }; nginxPresets = { phpDisabled = (import ./presets/nginx/php-disabled.nix); reverseProxy = (import ./presets/nginx/reverse-proxy.nix); letsEncrypt = (import ./presets/nginx/lets-encrypt.nix); }; nodes = (import ./data/nodes.nix); tincConfiguration = (import ./lib/tinc-configuration.nix); trackSystemMetrics = (import ./lib/track-system-metrics.nix); trackServiceMetrics = (import ./lib/track-service-metrics.nix); httpHealthChecks = (import ./lib/http-health-checks.nix); nginx = (import ./lib/nginx.nix); daemon = (import ./lib/daemon.nix); errorReporter = (import ./lib/error-reporter.nix); in { network = { inherit pkgs; description = "Cryto"; }; "machine-borg2-01.cryto.net" = let self = nodes."machine-borg2-01.cryto.net"; in { pkgs, lib, ... }: { system.stateVersion = "18.09"; networking.hostName = "machine-borg2-01"; # FIXME: Why is this needed? nixpkgs.overlays = []; imports = [ presets.base presets.kvm ./hardware-configurations/machine-borg2-01.nix (tincConfiguration { hostname = self.hostname; nodes = nodes; }) (trackSystemMetrics self.internalIpv4) (trackServiceMetrics self.internalIpv4) ]; boot.loader.grub.device = lib.mkForce "/dev/vda"; users.extraUsers = { backup-f0x = { createHome = true; home = "/home/backup-f0x"; }; backup-haless = { createHome = true; home = "/home/backup-haless"; }; }; users.extraGroups = { backup-f0x = { members = [ "backup-f0x" ]; }; backup-haless = { members = [ "backup-haless" ]; }; }; services.borgbackup.repos = { "f0x" = { allowSubRepos = true; quota = "400G"; path = "/home/backup-f0x"; user = "backup-f0x"; group = "backup-f0x"; authorizedKeys = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINjJDP2TDyj1X/L6gNgHCXASIWoW/VnJ77FQy39VRTi8 f0x@elephantus" "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIB+dwsWe1/ujR0N4IxPv7mfyiuKWURc6QwYNJ+VV8KA6 f0x@behemoth" ]; authorizedKeysAppendOnly = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIG7WSUY6Y2lsIawo8dPBu4/Omx6c7/1SMD9ve/vpcorN borg-backup@terra" "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDeMWPR38zXAbURVTJs+yGDnld5kO7bcgp/70l4wJG0k borg-backup@luna" ]; }; "haless" = { allowSubRepos = true; path = "/home/backup-haless"; user = "backup-haless"; group = "backup-haless"; authorizedKeys = [ "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCzV5dI01NhwuL6ayiO0STcSQiDf7lEtu63NuLZKQUdZVuVHIqyt3Gquks2OI1NZGrJdXA315yw89ZqyMo+z7gSGHEV6P0fAXKW6G78JOFWsA5lGpaLxTsZ6Q7r0Z9FMqDvA5Jlsyznyj9hhO1cz01WPLzB92ypd9ifldtrAQIYQItxGXOuRkBJiShuIRqtr4Q2chXiOoRZKb4v4Gyt/UPxTpvfM/zcOz0zi1d4ijSbLqgIUJhxvrWADfdgEQ77unepDoD+HT51QBX7dj8RuYivxLSA3vpfNeCgt2CYBf6FYnmWkWSnN1RCtQPJNxsMuLzC2ZBbIkz0tDgcIBPbHxGr sven@linux-rfa7.site" ]; authorizedKeysAppendOnly = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFAOpXsDxE7SXeSw/kjgzdwEkNsL9REMabMqYVPM9rem root@machine-haless-03.cryto.net" ]; }; }; }; "machine-haless-03.cryto.net" = let self = nodes."machine-haless-03.cryto.net"; in { pkgs, lib, config, ... }@args: { system.stateVersion = "19.03"; networking.hostName = "machine-haless-03"; imports = [ presets.base presets.kvm ./hardware-configurations/machine-haless-03.nix (tincConfiguration { hostname = self.hostname; nodes = nodes; }) (trackSystemMetrics self.internalIpv4) (trackServiceMetrics self.internalIpv4) (httpHealthChecks { both = [ "iomfats.cryto.net" "castleroland.cryto.net" "awesomedude.cryto.net" "matrix-rooms.cryto.net" "validatem.cryto.net" "nixos-manual-mdx.cryto.net" "geojson.cryto.net" "ossworks.nl" ]; }) (daemon { name = "mobile-proxy"; displayName = "Mobile Proxy"; fakeHome = true; # Needed for Babel binaryPath = "${pkgs.cryto.mobileProxy.override { configFile = ./data/mobile-proxy/config.jsx; }}/bin/mobile-proxy"; environmentVariables = {}; }) (daemon { name = "matrix-rooms"; displayName = "Matrix Room List Viewer"; fakeHome = true; # Needed for Babel binaryPath = "${pkgs.cryto.matrixRooms}/bin/matrix-room-list-viewer"; environmentVariables = { NODE_ENV = "production"; }; }) (nginx { "modular-matrix.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) { root = ./sources/modular-matrix; } ]; "geojson.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) { root = ../../image-to-geojson/static; } ]; "validatem.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) { root = ../../validatem/site/build; } ]; "ossworks.nl" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) { root = ../../ossworks-site/build; } ]; "nixos-manual-mdx.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) { root = ../../nixos-manual-mdx/build; } ]; "haless.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) { locations."/shadow/" = { alias = ./sources/shadow-generator; }; locations."/knex-mirror/" = { alias = ./sources/knex-mirror; }; } ]; "books.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) (nginxPresets.phpDisabled) ]; "todo.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.phpDisabled) ]; "learn.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.phpDisabled) ]; "vps-list.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) (nginxPresets.phpDisabled) ]; "iomfats.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) (nginxPresets.reverseProxy "") ]; "castleroland.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) (nginxPresets.reverseProxy "") ]; "awesomedude.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) (nginxPresets.reverseProxy "") ]; "matrix-rooms.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) (nginxPresets.reverseProxy "") ]; }) ]; # FIXME: Verify that this actually works... services.borgbackup.jobs.system = { paths = "/"; exclude = [ "/nix" "/boot" "/sys" "/run" "/tmp" "/dev" "/proc" ]; repo = "backup-haless@machine-borg2-01.cryto.net:haless-03"; encryption = { mode = "repokey-blake2"; passphrase = (import ../private/machine-haless-03.cryto.net/borg-passphrase.nix); }; compression = "auto,zlib"; startAt = "daily"; }; }; "machine-konjassiem-02.cryto.net" = let self = nodes."machine-konjassiem-02.cryto.net"; in { pkgs, lib, config, ... }@args: { system.stateVersion = "20.03"; networking.hostName = "machine-konjassiem-02"; imports = [ presets.base presets.kvm ./hardware-configurations/machine-konjassiem-02.nix (tincConfiguration { hostname = self.hostname; nodes = nodes; }) (trackSystemMetrics self.internalIpv4) (trackServiceMetrics self.internalIpv4) (httpHealthChecks { both = [ "git.cryto.net" ]; }) (nginx { "git.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) (nginxPresets.reverseProxy "") ]; }) ]; services.postgresql = { enable = true; ensureDatabases = [ "gitea" ]; ensureUsers = [{ name = "git"; ensurePermissions = { "DATABASE gitea" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; }; }]; }; users.users.git = { description = "Gitea Service"; home = "/var/lib/gitea"; useDefaultShell = true; group = "git"; isSystemUser = true; }; users.groups.git = {}; # NOTE: Workaround that removes `setuid` from the disallowed syscall list, because otherwise sendmail/opensmtpd breaks # systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.SystemCallFilter = lib.mkForce "~@clock @cpu-emulation @debug @keyring @memlock @module @mount @obsolete @raw-io @reboot @resources @swap"; # Temporary workaround to make opensmtpd sendmail work (ref. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/103446) # Can remain enabled systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.PrivateMounts = lib.mkForce true; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.PrivateTmp = lib.mkForce true; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.ProtectControlGroups = lib.mkForce true; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.ProtectHome = lib.mkForce true; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.ProtectSystem = lib.mkForce "full"; # downgraded from "strict" # Have to be disabled systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.LockPersonality = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.MemoryDenyWriteExecute = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.NoNewPrivileges = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.PrivateDevices = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.PrivateUsers = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.ProtectClock = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.ProtectHostname = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.ProtectKernelLogs = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.ProtectKernelModules = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.ProtectKernelTunables = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.RestrictAddressFamilies = lib.mkForce []; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.RestrictRealtime = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.RestrictSUIDSGID = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.SystemCallArchitectures = lib.mkForce ""; systemd.services.gitea.serviceConfig.SystemCallFilter = lib.mkForce []; # FIXME: This isn't really a secret... and should probably be a part of the Gitea module instead deployment.secrets.gitea-header = { source = builtins.toFile "header.tmpl" ""; destination = "/var/lib/gitea/custom/templates/custom/header.tmpl"; owner = { user = "git"; }; action = [ "systemctl" "restart" "gitea.service" ]; }; # FIXME: Healthcheck for this! services.gitea = { enable = true; user = "git"; appName = "Cryto Git"; repositoryRoot = "/var/lib/repositories"; log.level = "Info"; domain = "git.cryto.net"; httpAddress = "localhost"; httpPort = 3000; rootUrl = "https://git.cryto.net/"; database = { createDatabase = false; type = "postgres"; socket = "/run/postgresql"; user = "git"; }; settings = { server = { LOCAL_ROOT_URL = "http://localhost:3000/"; }; database = { LOG_SQL = false; }; service = { ENABLE_CAPTCHA = true; REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM = true; ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = true; ENABLE_USER_HEATMAP = false; }; security = { PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY = "off"; INTERNAL_TOKEN = lib.mkForce "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE2MDU0NzQ1Mzh9.XqS6-ha22VNgtUP_mVkZXCMmst-lO8blFAEpWMSlU5g"; }; session = { PROVIDER = "file"; }; mailer = { ENABLED = true; MAILER_TYPE = "sendmail"; FROM = "\"Cryto Git\" "; SENDMAIL_PATH = "${pkgs.system-sendmail}/bin/sendmail"; }; }; }; # FIXME: DKIM/DMARC services.opensmtpd = { enable = true; serverConfiguration = '' listen on lo action "outbound" relay match from local for any action "outbound" ''; }; }; "machine-pikachu-02.cryto.net" = let self = nodes."machine-pikachu-02.cryto.net"; in { pkgs, lib, config, ... }@args: { system.stateVersion = "19.03"; networking.hostName = "machine-pikachu-02"; imports = [ presets.base presets.kvm ./hardware-configurations/machine-pikachu-02.nix (tincConfiguration { hostname = self.hostname; nodes = nodes; }) (trackSystemMetrics self.internalIpv4) (trackServiceMetrics self.internalIpv4) ]; }; "machine-osmium-01.cryto.net" = let self = nodes."machine-osmium-01.cryto.net"; pastebinStreamPackage = pkgs.cryto.pastebinStream.override { errorPath = "/var/lib/pastebin-stream/errors"; }; in { pkgs, lib, config, ... }@args: { system.stateVersion = "16.09"; networking.hostName = "machine-osmium-01"; imports = [ presets.base ./hardware-configurations/machine-osmium-01.nix (tincConfiguration { hostname = self.hostname; nodes = nodes; }) (trackSystemMetrics self.internalIpv4) (trackServiceMetrics self.internalIpv4) (httpHealthChecks { both = [ "pastebin-stream.cryto.net" ]; }) (daemon { name = "pastebin-stream"; displayName = "pastebin-stream"; fakeHome = false; binaryPath = "${pastebinStreamPackage}/bin/pastebin-stream"; environmentVariables = {}; }) (errorReporter { serviceName = "pastebin-stream"; binaryPath = "${pastebinStreamPackage}/node_modules/.bin/report-errors"; errorPath = "/var/lib/pastebin-stream/errors"; from = "ops@cryto.net"; to = "admin@cryto.net"; }) (nginx { "pastebin-stream.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) (nginxPresets.reverseProxy "http://localhost:3000/") ]; }) ]; }; "machine-workbot-01.cryto.net" = let self = nodes."machine-workbot-01.cryto.net"; in { pkgs, lib, config, ... }@args: { system.stateVersion = "18.03"; networking.hostName = "machine-workbot-01"; imports = [ presets.base ./hardware-configurations/machine-workbot-01.nix (tincConfiguration { hostname = self.hostname; nodes = nodes; }) (trackSystemMetrics "") (trackServiceMetrics "") (httpHealthChecks { both = [ "hydra.cryto.net" "prometheus.cryto.net" "metrics.cryto.net" # "nix-cache.cryto.net" # Not directory-indexable ]; }) (nginx { "hydra.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) (nginxPresets.reverseProxy "http://localhost:3333/") ]; "prometheus.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) (nginxPresets.reverseProxy "http://localhost:9090/") ]; "metrics.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) (nginxPresets.reverseProxy "http://localhost:8452/") ]; "nix-cache.cryto.net" = [ (nginxPresets.letsEncrypt) { root = "/var/lib/hydra-builds"; } ]; }) ]; services.postgresql = { enable = true; }; services.hydra = { enable = true; port = 3333; hydraURL = "http://hydra.cryto.net/"; notificationSender = "hydra@cryto.net"; useSubstitutes = false; minimumDiskFree = 20; minimumDiskFreeEvaluator = 20; buildMachinesFiles = pkgs.lib.mkIf (config.nix.buildMachines == []) []; extraConfig = '' store_uri = file:///var/lib/hydra-builds?secret-key=/var/lib/hydra/binary-cache.key&write-nar-listing=1 binary_cache_public_uri = https://nix-cache.cryto.net ''; }; services.prometheus = { enable = true; globalConfig = { scrape_interval = "30s"; }; scrapeConfigs = let nameInstance = address: name: { source_labels = [ "__address__" ]; target_label = "instance"; regex = address; replacement = name; }; mapToPort = port: builtins.map (host: "${host.internalIpv4}:${builtins.toString port}"); mapToPortRelabel = port: builtins.map (host: (nameInstance "${host.internalIpv4}:${builtins.toString port}" host.friendlyName)); # Replace the workbot node (ie. ourselves) with an entry that points directly at localhost instead nodes_ = builtins.attrValues (nodes // { "machine-workbot-01.cryto.net" = { friendlyName = "workbot"; internalIpv4 = "localhost"; }; }); in [ { job_name = "prometheus"; static_configs = [{ targets = [ "localhost:9090" ]; }]; relabel_configs = [ (nameInstance "localhost:9090" "workbot") ]; } { job_name = "nodes"; scrape_interval = "10s"; static_configs = [{ targets = mapToPort 9100 nodes_; }]; relabel_configs = mapToPortRelabel 9100 nodes_; } { job_name = "systemd"; scrape_interval = "60s"; static_configs = [{ targets = mapToPort 9333 nodes_; }]; relabel_configs = mapToPortRelabel 9333 nodes_; } ]; }; services.grafana = { enable = true; port = 8452; rootUrl = "https://metrics.cryto.net/"; security = let credentials = import ../private/grafana-credentials.nix; in { adminUser = credentials.username; adminPassword = credentials.password; }; auth = { anonymous.enable = true; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ]; }; }