QUESTIONS: - What are allowable characters for a device ID? ---- The txn_id in a token authentication request is meant to be tied permanently to the (single-use) token by the server, *after* the first request from the client that includes the txn_id. It functions as a nonce that other clients would not be able to guess, essentially locking the token to a specific client. Ref ---- Error metadata: TooManyRequests: { retry_after_ms: 2000 } ---- Deprecated features to maybe support later: - ---- Skipped, todo later: GET /_matrix/static/client/login/ This returns an HTML and JavaScript page which can perform the entire login process. The page will attempt to call the JavaScript function window.onLogin when login has been successfully completed. ----- GUEST ACCOUNTS The following API endpoints are allowed to be accessed by guest accounts for retrieving events: GET /rooms/:room_id/state GET /rooms/:room_id/context/:event_id GET /rooms/:room_id/event/:event_id GET /rooms/:room_id/state/:event_type/:state_key GET /rooms/:room_id/messages GET /rooms/:room_id/initialSync GET /sync GET /events as used for room previews. The following API endpoints are allowed to be accessed by guest accounts for sending events: POST /rooms/:room_id/join POST /rooms/:room_id/leave PUT /rooms/:room_id/send/ PUT /sendToDevice/{eventType}/{txnId} The following API endpoints are allowed to be accessed by guest accounts for their own account maintenance: PUT /profile/:user_id/displayname GET /devices GET /devices/{deviceId} PUT /devices/{deviceId} The following API endpoints are allowed to be accessed by guest accounts for end-to-end encryption: POST /keys/upload POST /keys/query POST /keys/claim ---------- FIXME: Review where the homeserver *address* should be returned and where the *name* should be returned (which can differ, ref. -- in particular the `homeserver` property in login/register routes