You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

110 lines
2.7 KiB

2 years ago
"use strict";
const assert = require("assert");
const types = require("@babel/types");
const template = require("@babel/template").default;
const unreachable = require("@joepie91/unreachable")("jsnix");
const NoChange = require("../astformer/actions/no-change");
const ConsumeNode = require("../astformer/actions/consume-node");
const RemoveNode = require("../astformer/actions/remove-node");
const asExpression = require("as-expression");
const unpackExpression = require("./_unpack-expression");
const printAst = require("../print-ast");
// FIXME: Make strict mode! Otherwise objects will inherit from `global`
let tmplModule = template(`
module.exports = function({ builtins, $$jsNix$extend }) {
return %%contents%%;
let tmplLetIn = template(`
(() => {
return %%expression%%;
let tmplObjectDynamic = template(`
(() => {
let $$nixJS_object = {};
return $$nixJS_object;
let tmplObjectDynamicEntry = template(`
if ($$nixJS_object[%%key%%] !== undefined) { throw new Error(\`Duplicate key '\${%%key%%}' in attribute set\`); }
$$nixJS_object[%%key%%] = %%wrappedExpression%%;
let tmplIdentifierReference = template(`(
2 years ago
function generateDynamicObject(bindings, recursive) {
let generatedBindings = => {
let wrapper = (recursive)
? tmplLazyWrapperRecursive
: tmplLazyWrapper;
let key = isDynamicBinding(binding)
? binding.attrpath.attr[0]
: binding.attrpath.attr[0].name;
return tmplObjectDynamicEntry({
key: key,
wrappedExpression: wrapper({ expression: binding.expression })
return tmplObjectDynamic({ entries: generatedBindings.flat() })
let trivial = {
name: "trivial-transforms",
visitors: {
// Trivial transforms
NixParenthesizedExpression: (node) => node.expression,
Program: (_node, { setContext, defer }) => {
setContext(null, "identifierType", "reference");
return defer((node) => {
assert(node.body.length === 1);
return tmplModule({ contents: node.body[0] });
NixIdentifier: (node, { getContext }) => {
// FIXME: Mangle reserved keywords like `const`
if (getContext("identifierType") === "define") {
return types.identifier(;
} else { // reference
return unpackExpression(tmplIdentifierReference({ name: }));
NixBinaryOperation: (_node, { defer }) => {
return defer((node) => {
// FIXME: Verify that all the 'operator' values match between Nix and JS!
return types.binaryExpression(node.operator, node.left, node.right);
module.exports = [
2 years ago
2 years ago