"use strict"; const matchValue = require("match-value"); const asExpression = require("as-expression"); function convertStringNodeParts(node) { let fullText = node.text; let currentIndex = node.startIndex; let parts = []; function relative(index) { return index - node.startIndex; } for (let child of node.children) { if (child.type === "interpolation") { if (child.startIndex > currentIndex) { // We skipped some literal string let value = fullText.slice(relative(currentIndex), relative(child.startIndex)); parts.push({ type: "NixInterpolationLiteral", value: value }); } parts.push(convertNode(child)); currentIndex = child.endIndex; } } if (currentIndex < node.endIndex) { // Last bit of string literal at the end let value = fullText.slice(relative(currentIndex), relative(node.endIndex)); parts.push({ type: "NixInterpolationLiteral", value: value }); } return parts; } function convertNode(node) { let { type } = node; let result = (node.isNamed) ? { type: type } : { type: "token", text: node.text } if (node.fields != null) { for (let field of node.fields) { let children = node[field]; let fieldName = field.replace(/Nodes?$/, ""); result[fieldName] = asExpression(() => { if (children == null) { return null; } else if (Array.isArray(children)) { return children.map(convertNode); } else { return convertNode(children); } }); } } // Special case: if we don't provide a Babel-compatible top-level Program entry, traversal will fail if (type === "source_expression") { return { type: "Program", sourceType: "script", body: [ result.expression ] }; } // The below section is based on `alias` expressions throughout the grammar, and the rules in https://github.com/cstrahan/tree-sitter-nix/blob/83ee5993560bf15854c69b77d92e34456f8fb655/grammar.js#L53-L59 if (type === "identifier" || type === "attr_identifier") { result.name = node.text; } else if (type === "integer" || type === "float") { result.value = node.text; } else if (type === "string") { result.parts = convertStringNodeParts(node); } else if (type === "path" || type === "hpath") { result.path = node.text; } else if (type === "spath") { // Strip the < and > result.path = node.text.slice(1, -1); } else if (type === "uri") { result.uri = node.text; } if (type === "binary") { // Unpack the anonymous token result.operator = result.operator.text; } if (type === "rec_attrset") { result.recursive = true; } else if (type === "attrset") { result.recursive = false; } result.type = matchValue(result.type, { source_expression: "NixProgram", token: "NixAnonymousToken", path: "NixPathLiteral", hpath: "NixHomePathLiteral", spath: "NixEnvironmentPathLiteral", uri: "NixURILiteral", integer: "NixIntegerLiteral", float: "NixFloatLiteral", string: "NixStringLiteral", parenthesized: "NixParenthesizedExpression", attrset: "NixAttributeSet", rec_attrset: "NixAttributeSet", identifier: "NixIdentifier", attr_identifier: "NixAttributeIdentifier", attrpath: "NixAttributePath", bind: "NixBinding", binary: "NixBinaryOperation", app: "NixFunctionCall", select: "NixAttributeSelection", interpolation: "NixInterpolationExpression", // Function definitions function: "NixFunctionDefinition", formals: "NixUnpackedAttributes", formal: "NixUnpackedAttribute", }); return result; } /* Produces an AST that's roughly shape-compatible with ESTree so that Babel can deal with it */ module.exports = function prepareAST(tree) { return convertNode(tree.rootNode); };