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45 lines
987 B

network.description = "Cryto";
osmium = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let
proxiedApplications = [{
hostname = "";
tls = false;
root = "${pkgs.valgrind.doc}/share/doc/valgrind/html";
config = ''
generateCaddyHostConfiguration = applications:
lib.concatStrings (map (application: ''
${application.hostname} {
${lib.optionalString (application.tls == false) "tls off"}
${lib.optionalString (application.root != null) "root ${application.root}"}
'') applications);
pastebinStream = (import ../applications/pastebin-stream.nix);
in {
imports = [
pastebinStream { inherit pkgs; }
services.caddy = {
enable = true;
agree = true;
email = "";
config = ''
${generateCaddyHostConfiguration proxiedApplications}
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 2015 ];
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [