packages: {config, ...}: { environment.systemPackages = with packages; [ # Cryptocurrency nixpkgs.electrum # Browsers nixpkgs.chromium nixpkgs.firefox nixpkgs.w3m # Filesystems nixpkgs.ntfs3g nixpkgs.davfs2 nixpkgs.exfat # Build tools nixpkgs.gcc nixpkgs.gnumake nixpkgs.automake nixpkgs.autoconf # Development tools unstable.atom nixpkgs.geany nixpkgs.sqlitebrowser nixpkgs.gitAndTools.gitFull nixpkgs.meld nixpkgs.radare2 nixpkgs.wxhexeditor nixpkgs.gdb # Node.js nixpkgs.nodejs-6_x unstable.electron nixpkgs.nodePackages_6_x.node2nix # Rust nixpkgs.rustChannels.nightly.rust nixpkgs.rustChannels.nightly.rust-src # Downloaders and filesharing ( { ffmpeg = unstable.ffmpeg-full; }) unstable.megatools nixpkgs.aria2 nixpkgs.qbittorrent nixpkgs.filezilla # Emulation nixpkgs.wineUnstable nixpkgs.dosbox nixpkgs.playonlinux # Light-weight games nixpkgs.simutrans unstable.openttd unstable.voxelands # File and archive management nixpkgs.p7zip nixpkgs.pcmanfm # Password management nixpkgs.keepassx2 # Chat and communication nixpkgs.pidgin nixpkgs.konversation # Productivity nixpkgs.libreoffice nixpkgs.gimp nixpkgs.inkscape nixpkgs.audacity nixpkgs.shutter nixpkgs.jekyll # Multimedia # Video nixpkgs.mplayer nixpkgs.mpv nixpkgs.vlc nixpkgs.kodi # Audio nixpkgs.tomahawk nixpkgs.audacious nixpkgs.mpg321 nixpkgs.xmp # Documents nixpkgs.evince nixpkgs.djvulibre # Images nixpkgs.gqview # Utilities nixpkgs.mediainfo # Diagnostics # General nixpkgs.lsof # Processes nixpkgs.htop nixpkgs.psmisc # Network nixpkgs.iftop nixpkgs.nload nixpkgs.tcpdump nixpkgs.nmap nixpkgs.vnstat nixpkgs.telnet # Disk and filesystem nixpkgs.smartmontools nixpkgs.iotop nixpkgs.ncdu nixpkgs.gparted # == `progress` # Peripherals nixpkgs.pciutils nixpkgs.usbutils # Graphics nixpkgs.glxinfo ]; nixpkgs.config = { firefox = { enableGoogleTalkPlugin = true; enableAdobeFlash = true; jre = true; }; chromium = { enablePepperFlash = true; enablePepperPDF = true; jre = true; }; }; services = { postgresql = { enable = true; package = packages.nixpkgs.postgresql95; authentication = '' local all all ident host all all md5 ''; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 8999 # qBittorrent ]; }