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# This script extends nixpkgs with mozilla packages.
# First it imports the <nixpkgs> in the environment and depends on it
# providing fetchFromGitHub and lib.importJSON.
# After that it loads a pinned release of nixos-unstable and uses that as the
# base for the rest of packaging. One can pass it's own pkgsPath attribute if
# desired, probably in the context of hydra.
{ pkgsPath ? null
, overlays ? []
, system ? null
, geckoSrc ? null
, servoSrc ? null
# Pin a specific version of Nixpkgs.
_pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
_pkgsPath =
if pkgsPath != null then pkgsPath
else _pkgs.fetchFromGitHub (_pkgs.lib.importJSON ./pkgs/nixpkgs.json);
nixpkgs = import _pkgsPath ({
overlays = import ./default.nix ++ overlays;
} // (if system != null then { inherit system; } else {}));
nixpkgs // {
# Do not add a name attribute attribute in an overlay !!! As this will cause
# tons of recompilations.
name = "nixpkgs";
updateScript = nixpkgs.lib.updateFromGitHub {
owner = "NixOS";
repo = "nixpkgs-channels";
branch = "nixos-unstable-small";
path = "pkgs/nixpkgs.json";