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{ stdenv, fetchurl
, # required for both
unzip, libjpeg, zlib, libvorbis, curl
, # glx
libX11, mesa, libXpm, libXext, libXxf86vm, alsaLib
, # sdl
SDL2, ...
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "xonotic-0.8.2";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.zip";
sha256 = "1mcs6l4clvn7ibfq3q69k2p0z6ww75rxvnngamdq5ic6yhq74bx2";
buildInputs = [
# required for both
unzip libjpeg
# glx
libX11 mesa libXpm libXext libXxf86vm alsaLib
# sdl
zlib libvorbis curl
sourceRoot = "Xonotic/source/darkplaces";
buildPhase = ''
make DP_FS_BASEDIR=$DP_FS_BASEDIR cl-release
make DP_FS_BASEDIR=$DP_FS_BASEDIR sdl-release
make DP_FS_BASEDIR=$DP_FS_BASEDIR sv-release
enableParallelBuilding = true;
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p "$out/bin"
cp darkplaces-dedicated "$out/bin/xonotic-dedicated"
cp darkplaces-sdl "$out/bin/xonotic-sdl"
cp darkplaces-glx "$out/bin/xonotic-glx"
cd ../..
mkdir -p "$out/share/xonotic"
mv data "$out/share/xonotic"
# default to sdl
ln -s "$out/bin/xonotic-sdl" "$out/bin/xonotic"
dontPatchELF = true;
meta = {
description = "A free fast-paced first-person shooter";
longDescription = ''
Xonotic is a free, fast-paced first-person shooter that works on
Windows, OS X and Linux. The project is geared towards providing
addictive arena shooter gameplay which is all spawned and driven
by the community itself. Xonotic is a direct successor of the
Nexuiz project with years of development between them, and it
aims to become the best possible open-source FPS of its kind.
homepage =;
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2Plus;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ astsmtl ];
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux;
hydraPlatforms = [];