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# This file provide the latest binary versions of Firefox published by Mozilla.
self: super:
# firefo.key file is downloaded from:
# This file is currently maintained manually, if this Nix expression attempt
# to download the wrong version, this is likely to be the problem.
# Open a pull request against to
# update the version, as done in
firefox_versions = with builtins;
fromJSON (readFile (fetchurl;
arch = if self.stdenv.system == "i686-linux"
then "linux-i686"
else "linux-x86_64";
yearOf = with super.lib; yyyymmddhhmmss:
head (splitString "-" yyyymmddhhmmss);
monthOf = with super.lib; yyyymmddhhmmss:
head (tail (splitString "-" yyyymmddhhmmss));
# Given SHA512SUMS file contents and file name, extract matching sha512sum.
extractSha512Sum = sha512sums: file:
with builtins;
# Nix 1.x do not have `builtins.split`.
# Nix 2.0 have an bug in `builtins.match` (see
# So I made separate logic for Nix 1.x and Nix 2.0.
if builtins ? split then
substring 0 128 (head
(s: isString s && substring 128 (stringLength s) s == " ${file}")
(split "\n" sha512sums)))
head (match ".*[\n]([0-9a-f]*) ${file}.*" sha512sums);
# The timestamp argument is a yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss date, which corresponds to
# one specific version. This is used mostly for bisecting.
versionInfo = { name, version, release, system ? arch, timestamp ? null }: with builtins;
if release then
# For versions such as Beta & Release:
dir = "${version}";
file = "${system}/en-US/firefox-${version}.tar.bz2";
in rec {
chksum = "${dir}/SHA512SUMS";
chksumSig = "${chksum}.asc";
url = "${dir}/${file}";
sha512 = extractSha512Sum (readFile (fetchurl chksum)) file;
# For Nightly versions:
dir =
if timestamp == null then ""
else "${yearOf timestamp}/${monthOf timestamp}/${timestamp}-mozilla-central" ;
file = "firefox-${version}.en-US.${system}.tar.bz2";
in rec {
chksum = "${dir}/firefox-${version}.en-US.${system}.checksums";
chksumSig = "${chksum}.asc";
# file content:
# <hash> sha512 62733881 firefox-56.0a1.en-US.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
# <hash> sha256 62733881 firefox-56.0a1.en-US.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
url = "${dir}/${file}";
sha512 = head (match ".*[\n]([0-9a-f]*) sha512 [0-9]* ${file}[\n].*" (readFile (fetchurl chksum)));
# From the version info, check the authenticity of the check sum file, such
# that we guarantee that we have
verifyAuthenticity = info:
super.runCommandNoCC "check-firefox-signature" {
buildInputs = [ self.gnupg ];
CHKSUM_FILE = builtins.fetchurl info.chksum;
CHKSUM_ASC = builtins.fetchurl info.chksumSig;
} ''
HOME=`mktemp -d`
set -eux
cat ${./firefox.key} | gpg --import
gpgv --keyring=$HOME/.gnupg/pubring.kbx $CHKSUM_ASC $CHKSUM_FILE
mkdir $out
# From the version info, create a fetchurl derivation which will get the
# sources from the remote.
fetchVersion = info:
super.fetchurl {
inherit (info) url sha512;
# This is a fixed derivation, but we still add as a dependency the
# verification of the checksum. Thus, this fetch script can only be
# executed once the verifyAuthenticity script finished successfully.
postFetch = ''
: # Authenticity Check (${verifyAuthenticity info})
firefoxVersion = version:
let info = versionInfo version; in
super.wrapFirefox ((self.firefox-bin-unwrapped.override {
generated = {
version = version.version;
sources = { inherit (info) url sha512; };
}).overrideAttrs (old: {
# Add a dependency on the signature check.
src = fetchVersion info;
})) {
browserName = "firefox";
name = "firefox-bin-${version.version}";
desktopName = "Firefox";
lib = super.lib // {
firefoxOverlay = {
inherit firefoxVersion;
# Set of packages which are automagically updated. Do not rely on these for
# reproducible builds.
latest = (super.latest or {}) // {
firefox-nightly-bin = firefoxVersion {
name = "Firefox Nightly";
version = firefox_versions.FIREFOX_NIGHTLY;
release = false;
firefox-beta-bin = firefoxVersion {
name = "Firefox Beta";
version = firefox_versions.LATEST_FIREFOX_DEVEL_VERSION;
release = true;
firefox-bin = firefoxVersion {
name = "Firefox";
version = firefox_versions.LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION;
release = true;
firefox-esr-bin = firefoxVersion {
name = "Firefox Esr";
version = firefox_versions.FIREFOX_ESR;
release = true;
# Set of packages which used to build developer environment
devEnv = ( or {}) // {
gecko = super.callPackage ./pkgs/gecko {
inherit (self.python3Packages) setuptools;
pythonFull = self.python3Full;
# Due to std::ascii::AsciiExt changes in 1.23, Gecko does not compile, so
# use the latest Rust version before 1.23.
# rust = (super.rustChannelOf { channel = "stable"; date = "2017-11-22"; }).rust;
inherit (self.latest.rustChannels.stable) rust;
# Set of packages which are frozen at this given revision of nixpkgs-mozilla.
firefox-nightly-bin = super.callPackage ./pkgs/firefox-nightly-bin/default.nix { };