html head script(src="test-bundle.js") link(rel="stylesheet", href="style.css") body .main .notice strong This demo is not representative of the final functionality or design! | This is a technical demo, purely for the purpose of displaying some of the functionality that could be implemented. The authoring tool is intentionally a small, modular framework that allows for implementing pretty much any kind of functionality. .renderer .sidebar section#scenes h1 Scenes div.scenes .toolbar button.action.action-addScene Add scene button.action.action-removeScene Remove scene ul.sceneList section#layers h1 Layers div.layers .toolbar button.action.action-addLayer Add layer button.action.action-removeLayer Remove layer ul.layerList section#objects h1 Objects div.objects .toolbar // button.action.action-addObject Add object button.action.action-addObject(data-type="text") + Text button.action.action-addObject(data-type="image") + Image button.action.action-addObject(data-type="video") + Video button.action.action-removeObject Remove ul.objectList section#properties h1 Properties div.propertyList