Reorganize, remove Coffeescript/Gulp/Lodash/string
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"presets": [
[ "@babel/preset-env" ]
@ -0,0 +1 @@
node 0.10
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
var gulp = require('gulp');
/* CoffeeScript compile deps */
var path = require('path');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
var coffee = require('gulp-coffee');
var cache = require('gulp-cached');
var remember = require('gulp-remember');
var plumber = require('gulp-plumber');
var source = ["lib/**/*.coffee", ""]
gulp.task('coffee', function() {
return gulp.src(source, {base: "."})
.pipe(coffee({bare: true}).on('error', gutil.log)).on('data', gutil.log)
gulp.task('watch', function () {
||||, ['coffee']);
gulp.task('default', ['coffee', 'watch']);
@ -1 +0,0 @@
module.exports = require "./lib/bhttp"
@ -1 +1,3 @@
"use strict";
module.exports = require("./lib/bhttp");
@ -1,654 +0,0 @@
# FIXME: Force-lowercase user-supplied headers before merging them into the request?
# FIXME: Deep-merge query-string arguments between URL and argument?
# FIXME: Named arrays for multipart/form-data?
# FIXME: Are arrays of streams in `data` correctly recognized as being streams?
# Core modules
urlUtil = require "url"
querystring = require "querystring"
stream = require "stream"
http = require "http"
https = require "https"
util = require "util"
# Utility modules
Promise = require "bluebird"
_ = require "lodash"
S = require "string"
formFixArray = require "form-fix-array"
errors = require "errors"
debug = require("debug")
debugRequest = debug("bhttp:request")
debugResponse = debug("bhttp:response")
extend = require "extend"
devNull = require "dev-null"
# Other third-party modules
formData = require "form-data2"
concatStream = require "concat-stream"
toughCookie = require "tough-cookie"
streamLength = require "stream-length"
sink = require "through2-sink"
spy = require "through2-spy"
# For the version in the user agent, etc.
packageConfig = require "../package.json"
bhttpErrors = {}
# Error types
name: "bhttpError"
scope: bhttpErrors
name: "ConflictingOptionsError"
parents: bhttpErrors.bhttpError
scope: bhttpErrors
name: "UnsupportedProtocolError"
parents: bhttpErrors.bhttpError
scope: bhttpErrors
name: "RedirectError"
parents: bhttpErrors.bhttpError
scope: bhttpErrors
name: "MultipartError"
parents: bhttpErrors.bhttpError
scope: bhttpErrors
name: "ConnectionTimeoutError"
parents: bhttpErrors.bhttpError
scope: bhttpErrors
name: "ResponseTimeoutError"
parents: bhttpErrors.bhttpError
scope: bhttpErrors
# Utility functions
ofTypes = (obj, types) ->
match = false
for type in types
match = match or obj instanceof type
return match
addErrorData = (err, request, response, requestState) ->
err.request = request
err.response = response
err.requestState = requestState
return err
isStream = (obj) ->
obj? and (ofTypes(obj, [stream.Readable, stream.Duplex, stream.Transform]) or obj.hasOwnProperty("_bhttpStreamWrapper"))
# Middleware
# NOTE: requestState is an object that signifies the current state of the overall request; eg. for a response involving one or more redirects, it will hold a 'redirect history'.
prepareSession = (request, response, requestState) ->
debugRequest "preparing session"
Promise.try ->
if requestState.sessionOptions?
# Request options take priority over session options
request.options = _.merge _.clone(requestState.sessionOptions), request.options
# Create a headers parameter if it doesn't exist yet - we'll need to add some stuff to this later on
# FIXME: We may need to do a deep-clone of other mutable options later on as well; otherwise, when getting a redirect in a session with pre-defined options, the contents may not be correctly cleared after following the redirect.
if request.options.headers?
request.options.headers = _.clone(request.options.headers, true)
request.options.headers = {}
# If we have a cookie jar, start out by setting the cookie string.
if request.options.cookieJar?
Promise.try ->
# Move the cookieJar to the request object, the http/https module doesn't need it.
request.cookieJar = request.options.cookieJar
delete request.options.cookieJar
# Get the current cookie string for the URL
request.cookieJar.get request.url
.then (cookieString) ->
debugRequest "sending cookie string: %s", cookieString
request.options.headers["cookie"] = cookieString
Promise.resolve [request, response, requestState]
Promise.resolve [request, response, requestState]
prepareDefaults = (request, response, requestState) ->
debugRequest "preparing defaults"
Promise.try ->
# These are the options that we need for response processing, but don't need to be passed on to the http/https module.
request.responseOptions =
discardResponse: request.options.discardResponse ? false
keepRedirectResponses: request.options.keepRedirectResponses ? false
followRedirects: request.options.followRedirects ? true
noDecode: request.options.noDecode ? false
decodeJSON: request.options.decodeJSON ? false
stream: ? false
justPrepare: request.options.justPrepare ? false
redirectLimit: request.options.redirectLimit ? 10
onDownloadProgress: request.options.onDownloadProgress
responseTimeout: request.options.responseTimeout
# Whether chunked transfer encoding for multipart/form-data payloads is acceptable. This is likely to break quietly on a lot of servers.
request.options.allowChunkedMultipart ?= false
# Whether we should always use multipart/form-data for payloads, even if querystring-encoding would be a possibility.
request.options.forceMultipart ?= false
# If no custom user-agent is defined, set our own
request.options.headers["user-agent"] ?= "bhttp/#{packageConfig.version}"
# Normalize the request method to lowercase.
request.options.method = request.options.method.toLowerCase()
Promise.resolve [request, response, requestState]
prepareUrl = (request, response, requestState) ->
debugRequest "preparing URL"
Promise.try ->
# Parse the specified URL, and use the resulting information to build a complete `options` object
urlOptions = urlUtil.parse request.url, true
_.extend request.options, {hostname: urlOptions.hostname, port: urlOptions.port}
request.options.path = urlUtil.format {pathname: urlOptions.pathname, query: request.options.query ? urlOptions.query}
request.protocol = S(urlOptions.protocol).chompRight(":").toString()
Promise.resolve [request, response, requestState]
prepareProtocol = (request, response, requestState) ->
debugRequest "preparing protocol"
Promise.try ->
request.protocolModule = switch request.protocol
when "http" then http
when "https" then https # CAUTION / FIXME: Node will silently ignore SSL settings without a custom agent!
else null
if not request.protocolModule?
return Promise.reject() new bhttpErrors.UnsupportedProtocolError "The protocol specified (#{protocol}) is not currently supported by this module."
request.options.port ?= switch request.protocol
when "http" then 80
when "https" then 443
Promise.resolve [request, response, requestState]
prepareOptions = (request, response, requestState) ->
debugRequest "preparing options"
Promise.try ->
# Do some sanity checks - there are a number of options that cannot be used together
if (request.options.formFields? or request.options.files?) and (request.options.inputStream? or request.options.inputBuffer?)
return Promise.reject addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.ConflictingOptionsError("You cannot define both formFields/files and a raw inputStream or inputBuffer."), request, response, requestState)
if request.options.encodeJSON and (request.options.inputStream? or request.options.inputBuffer?)
return Promise.reject addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.ConflictingOptionsError("You cannot use both encodeJSON and a raw inputStream or inputBuffer.", undefined, "If you meant to JSON-encode the stream, you will currently have to do so manually."), request, response, requestState)
# If the user plans on streaming the response, we need to disable the agent entirely - otherwise the streams will block the pool.
request.options.agent ?= false
Promise.resolve [request, response, requestState]
preparePayload = (request, response, requestState) ->
debugRequest "preparing payload"
Promise.try ->
# Persist the download progress event handler on the request object, if there is one.
request.onUploadProgress = request.options.onUploadProgress
# If a 'files' parameter is present, then we will send the form data as multipart data - it's most likely binary data.
multipart = request.options.forceMultipart or request.options.files?
# Similarly, if any of the formFields values are either a Stream or a Buffer, we will assume that the form should be sent as multipart.
multipart = multipart or _.any request.options.formFields, (item) ->
item instanceof Buffer or isStream(item)
# Really, 'files' and 'formFields' are the same thing - they mostly have different names for 1) clarity and 2) multipart detection. We combine them here.
_.extend request.options.formFields, request.options.files
# For a last sanity check, we want to know whether there are any Stream objects in our form data *at all* - these can't be used when encodeJSON is enabled.
containsStreams = _.any request.options.formFields, (item) -> isStream(item)
if request.options.encodeJSON and containsStreams
return Promise.reject() new bhttpErrors.ConflictingOptionsError "Sending a JSON-encoded payload containing data from a stream is not currently supported.", undefined, "Either don't use encodeJSON, or read your stream into a string or Buffer."
if request.options.method not in ["get", "head", "delete"]
# Prepare the payload, and set the appropriate headers.
if (request.options.encodeJSON or request.options.formFields?) and not multipart
# We know the payload and its size in advance.
debugRequest "got url-encodable form-data"
if request.options.encodeJSON
debugRequest "... but encodeJSON was set, so we will send JSON instead"
request.options.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
request.payload = JSON.stringify request.options.formFields ? null
else if not _.isEmpty request.options.formFields
# The `querystring` module copies the key name verbatim, even if the value is actually an array. Things like PHP don't understand this, and expect every array-containing key to be suffixed with []. We'll just append that ourselves, then.
request.options.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
request.payload = querystring.stringify formFixArray(request.options.formFields)
request.payload = ""
request.options.headers["content-length"] = request.payload.length
return Promise.resolve()
else if request.options.formFields? and multipart
# This is going to be multipart data, and we'll let `form-data` set the headers for us.
debugRequest "got multipart form-data"
formDataObject = new formData()
for fieldName, fieldValue of formFixArray(request.options.formFields)
if not _.isArray fieldValue
fieldValue = [fieldValue]
for valueElement in fieldValue
if valueElement._bhttpStreamWrapper?
streamOptions = valueElement.options
valueElement =
streamOptions = {}
formDataObject.append fieldName, valueElement, streamOptions
request.payloadStream = formDataObject
Promise.try ->
.then (headers) ->
if headers["content-transfer-encoding"] == "chunked" and not request.options.allowChunkedMultipart
Promise.reject addErrorData(new MultipartError("Most servers do not support chunked transfer encoding for multipart/form-data payloads, and we could not determine the length of all the input streams. See the documentation for more information."), request, response, requestState)
_.extend request.options.headers, headers
else if request.options.inputStream?
# A raw inputStream was provided, just leave it be.
debugRequest "got inputStream"
Promise.try ->
request.payloadStream = request.options.inputStream
if request.payloadStream._bhttpStreamWrapper? and (request.payloadStream.options.contentLength? or request.payloadStream.options.knownLength?)
Promise.resolve(request.payloadStream.options.contentLength ? request.payloadStream.options.knownLength)
streamLength request.options.inputStream
.then (length) ->
debugRequest "length for inputStream is %s", length
request.options.headers["content-length"] = length
.catch (err) ->
debugRequest "unable to determine inputStream length, switching to chunked transfer encoding"
request.options.headers["content-transfer-encoding"] = "chunked"
else if request.options.inputBuffer?
# A raw inputBuffer was provided, just leave it be (but make sure it's an actual Buffer).
debugRequest "got inputBuffer"
if typeof request.options.inputBuffer == "string"
request.payload = new Buffer(request.options.inputBuffer) # Input string should be utf-8!
request.payload = request.options.inputBuffer
debugRequest "length for inputBuffer is %s", request.payload.length
request.options.headers["content-length"] = request.payload.length
return Promise.resolve()
# No payload specified.
return Promise.resolve()
# GET, HEAD and DELETE should not have a payload. While technically not prohibited by the spec, it's also not specified, and we'd rather not upset poorly-compliant webservers.
# FIXME: Should this throw an Error?
return Promise.resolve()
.then ->
Promise.resolve [request, response, requestState]
prepareCleanup = (request, response, requestState) ->
debugRequest "preparing cleanup"
Promise.try ->
# Remove the options that we're not going to pass on to the actual http/https library.
delete request.options[key] for key in ["query", "formFields", "files", "encodeJSON", "inputStream", "inputBuffer", "discardResponse", "keepRedirectResponses", "followRedirects", "noDecode", "decodeJSON", "allowChunkedMultipart", "forceMultipart", "onUploadProgress", "onDownloadProgress"]
# Lo-Dash apparently has no `map` equivalent for object keys...?
fixedHeaders = {}
for key, value of request.options.headers
fixedHeaders[key.toLowerCase()] = value
request.options.headers = fixedHeaders
Promise.resolve [request, response, requestState]
# The guts of the module
prepareRequest = (request, response, requestState) ->
debugRequest "preparing request"
# FIXME: Mock httpd for testing functionality.
Promise.try ->
middlewareFunctions = [
promiseChain = Promise.resolve [request, response, requestState]
middlewareFunctions.forEach (middleware) -> # We must use the functional construct here, to avoid losing references
promiseChain = promiseChain.spread (_request, _response, _requestState) ->
middleware(_request, _response, _requestState)
return promiseChain
makeRequest = (request, response, requestState) ->
debugRequest "making %s request to %s", request.options.method.toUpperCase(), request.url
Promise.try ->
# Instantiate a regular HTTP/HTTPS request
req = request.protocolModule.request request.options
timeoutTimer = null
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
# Connection timeout handling, if one is set.
if request.responseOptions.responseTimeout?
debugRequest "setting response timeout timer to #{request.responseOptions.responseTimeout}ms..."
req.on "socket", (socket) ->
timeoutHandler = ->
debugRequest "a response timeout occurred!"
reject addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.ResponseTimeoutError("The response timed out."))
timeoutTimer = setTimeout(timeoutHandler, request.responseOptions.responseTimeout)
# Set up the upload progress monitoring.
totalBytes = request.options.headers["content-length"]
completedBytes = 0
progressStream = spy (chunk) ->
completedBytes += chunk.length
req.emit "progress", completedBytes, totalBytes
if request.onUploadProgress?
req.on "progress", (completedBytes, totalBytes) ->
request.onUploadProgress(completedBytes, totalBytes, req)
# This is where we write our payload or stream to the request, and the actual request is made.
if request.payload?
# The entire payload is a single Buffer. We'll still pretend that it's a stream for our progress events, though, to provide a consistent API.
debugRequest "sending payload"
req.emit "progress", request.payload.length, request.payload.length
req.write request.payload
else if request.payloadStream?
# The payload is a stream.
debugRequest "piping payloadStream"
if request.payloadStream._bhttpStreamWrapper?
.pipe progressStream
.pipe req
.pipe progressStream
.pipe req
# For GET, HEAD, DELETE, etc. there is no payload, but we still need to call end() to complete the request.
debugRequest "closing request without payload"
# In case something goes wrong during this process, somehow...
req.on "error", (err) ->
if err.code == "ETIMEDOUT"
debugRequest "a connection timeout occurred!"
reject addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.ConnectionTimeoutError("The connection timed out."))
reject err
req.on "response", (res) ->
if timeoutTimer?
debugResponse "got response in time, clearing response timeout timer"
resolve res
.then (response) ->
Promise.resolve [request, response, requestState]
processResponse = (request, response, requestState) ->
debugResponse "processing response, got status code %s", response.statusCode
# When we receive the response, we'll buffer it up and/or decode it, depending on what the user specified, and resolve the returned Promise. If the user just wants the raw stream, we resolve immediately after receiving a response.
Promise.try ->
# First, if a cookie jar is set and we received one or more cookies from the server, we should store them in our cookieJar.
if request.cookieJar? and response.headers["set-cookie"]?
promises = for cookieHeader in response.headers["set-cookie"]
debugResponse "storing cookie: %s", cookieHeader
request.cookieJar.set cookieHeader, request.url
Promise.all promises
.then ->
# Now the actual response processing.
response.request = request
response.requestState = requestState
response.redirectHistory = requestState.redirectHistory
if response.statusCode in [301, 302, 303, 307] and request.responseOptions.followRedirects
if requestState.redirectHistory.length >= (request.responseOptions.redirectLimit - 1)
return Promise.reject addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.RedirectError("The maximum amount of redirects ({request.responseOptions.redirectLimit}) was reached."))
# 301: For GET and HEAD, redirect unchanged. For POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, "ask user" (in our case: throw an error.)
# 302: Redirect, change method to GET.
# 303: Redirect, change method to GET.
# 307: Redirect, retain method. Make same request again.
switch response.statusCode
when 301
switch request.options.method
when "get", "head"
return redirectUnchanged request, response, requestState
when "post", "put", "patch", "delete"
return Promise.reject addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.RedirectError("Encountered a 301 redirect for POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE. RFC says we can't automatically continue."), request, response, requestState)
return Promise.reject addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.RedirectError("Encountered a 301 redirect, but not sure how to proceed for the #{request.options.method.toUpperCase()} method."))
when 302, 303
return redirectGet request, response, requestState
when 307
if request.containsStreams and request.options.method not in ["get", "head"]
return Promise.reject addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.RedirectError("Encountered a 307 redirect for POST, PUT or DELETE, but your payload contained (single-use) streams. We therefore can't automatically follow the redirect."), request, response, requestState)
return redirectUnchanged request, response, requestState
else if request.responseOptions.discardResponse
response.pipe(devNull()) # Drain the response stream
Promise.resolve response
totalBytes = response.headers["content-length"]
if totalBytes? # Otherwise `undefined` will turn into `NaN`, and we don't want that.
totalBytes = parseInt(totalBytes)
completedBytes = 0
progressStream = sink (chunk) ->
completedBytes += chunk.length
response.emit "progress", completedBytes, totalBytes
if request.responseOptions.onDownloadProgress?
response.on "progress", (completedBytes, totalBytes) ->
request.responseOptions.onDownloadProgress(completedBytes, totalBytes, response)
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
# This is a very, very dirty hack - however, using .pipe followed by .pause breaks in Node.js v0.10.35 with "Cannot switch to old mode now". Our solution is to monkeypatch the `on` and `resume` methods to attach the progress event handler as soon as something else is attached to the response stream (or when it is drained). This way, a user can also pipe the response in a later tick, without the stream draining prematurely.
_resume = response.resume.bind(response)
_on = response.on.bind(response)
_progressStreamAttached = false
attachProgressStream = ->
# To keep this from sending us into an infinite loop.
if not _progressStreamAttached
debugResponse "attaching progress stream"
_progressStreamAttached = true
response.on = (eventName, handler) ->
debugResponse "'on' called, #{eventName}"
if eventName == "data" or eventName == "readable"
_on(eventName, handler)
response.resume = ->
# Continue with the regular response processing.
resolve response
response.on "error", (err) ->
reject err
response.pipe concatStream (body) ->
# FIXME: Separate module for header parsing?
if request.responseOptions.decodeJSON or ((response.headers["content-type"] ? "").split(";")[0] == "application/json" and not request.responseOptions.noDecode)
response.body = JSON.parse body
catch err
reject err
response.body = body
resolve response
.then (response) ->
Promise.resolve [request, response, requestState]
# Some wrappers
doPayloadRequest = (url, data, options, callback) ->
# A wrapper that processes the second argument to .post, .put, .patch shorthand API methods.
# FIXME: Treat a {} for data as a null? Otherwise {} combined with inputBuffer/inputStream will error.
if isStream(data)
options.inputStream = data
else if ofTypes(data, [Buffer]) or typeof data == "string"
options.inputBuffer = data
options.formFields = data
@request url, options, callback
redirectGet = (request, response, requestState) ->
debugResponse "following forced-GET redirect to %s", response.headers["location"]
Promise.try ->
options = _.clone(requestState.originalOptions)
options.method = "get"
delete options[key] for key in ["inputBuffer", "inputStream", "files", "formFields"]
doRedirect request, response, requestState, options
redirectUnchanged = (request, response, requestState) ->
debugResponse "following same-method redirect to %s", response.headers["location"]
Promise.try ->
options = _.clone(requestState.originalOptions)
doRedirect request, response, requestState, options
doRedirect = (request, response, requestState, newOptions) ->
Promise.try ->
if not request.responseOptions.keepRedirectResponses
response.pipe(devNull()) # Let the response stream drain out...
requestState.redirectHistory.push response
bhttpAPI._doRequest urlUtil.resolve(request.url, response.headers["location"]), newOptions, requestState
createCookieJar = (jar) ->
# Creates a cookie jar wrapper with a simplified API.
return {
set: (cookie, url) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
@jar.setCookie cookie, url, (err, cookie) ->
if err then reject(err) else resolve(cookie)
get: (url) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
@jar.getCookieString url, (err, cookies) ->
if err then reject(err) else resolve(cookies)
jar: jar
# The exposed API
bhttpAPI =
head: (url, options = {}, callback) ->
options.method = "head"
@request url, options, callback
get: (url, options = {}, callback) ->
options.method = "get"
@request url, options, callback
post: (url, data, options = {}, callback) ->
options.method = "post"
doPayloadRequest.bind(this) url, data, options, callback
put: (url, data, options = {}, callback) ->
options.method = "put"
doPayloadRequest.bind(this) url, data, options, callback
patch: (url, data, options = {}, callback) ->
options.method = "patch"
doPayloadRequest.bind(this) url, data, options, callback
delete: (url, options = {}, callback) ->
options.method = "delete"
@request url, options, callback
request: (url, options = {}, callback) ->
@_doRequest(url, options).nodeify(callback)
_doRequest: (url, options, requestState) ->
# This is split from the `request` method, so that the user doesn't have to pass in `undefined` for the `requestState` when they want to specify a `callback`.
Promise.try =>
request = {url: url, options: _.clone(options)}
response = null
requestState ?= {originalOptions: _.clone(options), redirectHistory: []}
requestState.sessionOptions ?= @_sessionOptions ? {}
prepareRequest request, response, requestState
.spread (request, response, requestState) =>
if request.responseOptions.justPrepare
Promise.resolve [request, response, requestState]
Promise.try ->
bhttpAPI.executeRequest request, response, requestState
.spread (request, response, requestState) ->
# The user likely only wants the response.
Promise.resolve response
executeRequest: (request, response, requestState) ->
# Executes a pre-configured request.
Promise.try ->
makeRequest request, response, requestState
.spread (request, response, requestState) ->
processResponse request, response, requestState
session: (options) ->
options ?= {}
options = _.clone options
session = {}
for key, value of this
if value instanceof Function
value = value.bind(session)
session[key] = value
if not options.cookieJar?
options.cookieJar = createCookieJar(new toughCookie.CookieJar())
else if options.cookieJar == false
delete options.cookieJar
# Assume we've gotten a cookie jar.
options.cookieJar = createCookieJar(options.cookieJar)
session._sessionOptions = options
return session
wrapStream: (stream, options) ->
# This is a method for wrapping a stream in an object that also contains metadata.
return {
_bhttpStreamWrapper: true
stream: stream
options: options
extend(bhttpAPI, bhttpErrors)
module.exports = bhttpAPI
# That's all, folks!
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
"use strict";
// FIXME: Force-lowercase user-supplied headers before merging them into the request?
// FIXME: Deep-merge query-string arguments between URL and argument?
// FIXME: Named arrays for multipart/form-data?
// FIXME: Are arrays of streams in `data` correctly recognized as being streams?
// Core modules
const urlUtil = require("url");
const querystring = require("querystring");
const stream = require("stream");
const http = require("http");
const https = require("https");
// Utility modules
const Promise = require("bluebird");
const formFixArray = require("form-fix-array");
const errors = require("errors");
const debug = require("debug");
const debugRequest = debug("bhttp:request");
const debugResponse = debug("bhttp:response");
const extend = require("extend");
const devNull = require("dev-null");
const deepClone = require("lodash.clonedeep");
const deepMerge = require("lodash.merge");
// Other third-party modules
const formData = require("form-data2");
const concatStream = require("concat-stream");
const toughCookie = require("tough-cookie");
const streamLength = require("stream-length");
const sink = require("through2-sink");
const spy = require("through2-spy");
// For the version in the user agent, etc.
const packageConfig = require("../package.json");
const bhttpErrors = {};
// Error types
name: "bhttpError",
scope: bhttpErrors
name: "ConflictingOptionsError",
parents: bhttpErrors.bhttpError,
scope: bhttpErrors
name: "UnsupportedProtocolError",
parents: bhttpErrors.bhttpError,
scope: bhttpErrors
name: "RedirectError",
parents: bhttpErrors.bhttpError,
scope: bhttpErrors
name: "MultipartError",
parents: bhttpErrors.bhttpError,
scope: bhttpErrors
name: "ConnectionTimeoutError",
parents: bhttpErrors.bhttpError,
scope: bhttpErrors
name: "ResponseTimeoutError",
parents: bhttpErrors.bhttpError,
scope: bhttpErrors
// Utility functions
function shallowClone(object) {
return Object.assign({}, object);
const ofTypes = function(obj, types) {
let match = false;
for (let type of types) {
match = match || obj instanceof type;
return match;
const addErrorData = function(err, request, response, requestState) {
err.request = request;
err.response = response;
err.requestState = requestState;
return err;
const isStream = obj => (obj != null) && (ofTypes(obj, [stream.Readable, stream.Duplex, stream.Transform]) || obj.hasOwnProperty("_bhttpStreamWrapper"));
// Middleware
// NOTE: requestState is an object that signifies the current state of the overall request; eg. for a response involving one or more redirects, it will hold a 'redirect history'.
const prepareSession = function(request, response, requestState) {
debugRequest("preparing session");
return Promise.try(function() {
if (requestState.sessionOptions != null) {
// Request options take priority over session options
request.options = deepMerge(shallowClone(requestState.sessionOptions), request.options);
// Create a headers parameter if it doesn't exist yet - we'll need to add some stuff to this later on
// FIXME: We may need to do a deep-clone of other mutable options later on as well; otherwise, when getting a redirect in a session with pre-defined options, the contents may not be correctly cleared after following the redirect.
if (request.options.headers != null) {
request.options.headers = deepClone(request.options.headers);
} else {
request.options.headers = {};
// If we have a cookie jar, start out by setting the cookie string.
if (request.options.cookieJar != null) {
return Promise.try(function() {
// Move the cookieJar to the request object, the http/https module doesn't need it.
request.cookieJar = request.options.cookieJar;
delete request.options.cookieJar;
// Get the current cookie string for the URL
return request.cookieJar.get(request.url);}).then(function(cookieString) {
debugRequest("sending cookie string: %s", cookieString);
request.options.headers["cookie"] = cookieString;
return Promise.resolve([request, response, requestState]);});
} else {
return Promise.resolve([request, response, requestState]);
const prepareDefaults = function(request, response, requestState) {
debugRequest("preparing defaults");
return Promise.try(function() {
// These are the options that we need for response processing, but don't need to be passed on to the http/https module.
request.responseOptions = {
discardResponse: request.options.discardResponse != null ? request.options.discardResponse : false,
keepRedirectResponses: request.options.keepRedirectResponses != null ? request.options.keepRedirectResponses : false,
followRedirects: request.options.followRedirects != null ? request.options.followRedirects : true,
noDecode: request.options.noDecode != null ? request.options.noDecode : false,
decodeJSON: request.options.decodeJSON != null ? request.options.decodeJSON : false,
stream: != null ? : false,
justPrepare: request.options.justPrepare != null ? request.options.justPrepare : false,
redirectLimit: request.options.redirectLimit != null ? request.options.redirectLimit : 10,
onDownloadProgress: request.options.onDownloadProgress,
responseTimeout: request.options.responseTimeout
// Whether chunked transfer encoding for multipart/form-data payloads is acceptable. This is likely to break quietly on a lot of servers.
if (request.options.allowChunkedMultipart == null) { request.options.allowChunkedMultipart = false; }
// Whether we should always use multipart/form-data for payloads, even if querystring-encoding would be a possibility.
if (request.options.forceMultipart == null) { request.options.forceMultipart = false; }
// If no custom user-agent is defined, set our own
if (request.options.headers["user-agent"] == null) { request.options.headers["user-agent"] = `bhttp/${packageConfig.version}`; }
// Normalize the request method to lowercase.
request.options.method = request.options.method.toLowerCase();
return Promise.resolve([request, response, requestState]);});
const prepareUrl = function(request, response, requestState) {
debugRequest("preparing URL");
return Promise.try(function() {
// Parse the specified URL, and use the resulting information to build a complete `options` object
const urlOptions = urlUtil.parse(request.url, true);
Object.assign(request.options, {hostname: urlOptions.hostname, port: urlOptions.port});
request.options.path = urlUtil.format({pathname: urlOptions.pathname, query: request.options.query != null ? request.options.query : urlOptions.query});
request.protocol = urlOptions.protocol.replace(/:$/, "");
return Promise.resolve([request, response, requestState]);});
const prepareProtocol = function(request, response, requestState) {
debugRequest("preparing protocol");
return Promise.try(function() {
request.protocolModule = (() => { switch (request.protocol) {
case "http": return http;
case "https": return https; // CAUTION / FIXME: Node will silently ignore SSL settings without a custom agent!
default: return null;
} })();
if ((request.protocolModule == null)) {
return Promise.reject(new bhttpErrors.UnsupportedProtocolError(`The protocol specified (${request.protocol}) is not currently supported by this module.`));
if (request.options.port == null) { request.options.port = (() => { switch (request.protocol) {
case "http": return 80;
case "https": return 443;
} })(); }
return Promise.resolve([request, response, requestState]);});
const prepareOptions = function(request, response, requestState) {
debugRequest("preparing options");
return Promise.try(function() {
// Do some sanity checks - there are a number of options that cannot be used together
if (((request.options.formFields != null) || (request.options.files != null)) && ((request.options.inputStream != null) || (request.options.inputBuffer != null))) {
return Promise.reject(addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.ConflictingOptionsError("You cannot define both formFields/files and a raw inputStream or inputBuffer."), request, response, requestState));
if (request.options.encodeJSON && ((request.options.inputStream != null) || (request.options.inputBuffer != null))) {
return Promise.reject(addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.ConflictingOptionsError("You cannot use both encodeJSON and a raw inputStream or inputBuffer.", undefined, "If you meant to JSON-encode the stream, you will currently have to do so manually."), request, response, requestState));
// If the user plans on streaming the response, we need to disable the agent entirely - otherwise the streams will block the pool.
if ( {
if (request.options.agent == null) { request.options.agent = false; }
return Promise.resolve([request, response, requestState]);});
const preparePayload = function(request, response, requestState) {
debugRequest("preparing payload");
return Promise.try(function() {
// Persist the download progress event handler on the request object, if there is one.
request.onUploadProgress = request.options.onUploadProgress;
// If a 'files' parameter is present, then we will send the form data as multipart data - it's most likely binary data.
let multipart = request.options.forceMultipart || (request.options.files != null);
// Similarly, if any of the formFields values are either a Stream or a Buffer, we will assume that the form should be sent as multipart.
multipart = multipart || Object.values(request.options.formFields).some((item) => item instanceof Buffer || isStream(item));
// Really, 'files' and 'formFields' are the same thing - they mostly have different names for 1) clarity and 2) multipart detection. We combine them here.
Object.assign(request.options.formFields, request.options.files);
// For a last sanity check, we want to know whether there are any Stream objects in our form data *at all* - these can't be used when encodeJSON is enabled.
const containsStreams = Object.values(request.options.formFields).some((item) => isStream(item));
if (request.options.encodeJSON && containsStreams) {
return Promise.reject(new bhttpErrors.ConflictingOptionsError("Sending a JSON-encoded payload containing data from a stream is not currently supported.", undefined, "Either don't use encodeJSON, or read your stream into a string or Buffer."));
if (!["get", "head", "delete"].includes(request.options.method)) {
// Prepare the payload, and set the appropriate headers.
if ((request.options.encodeJSON || (request.options.formFields != null)) && !multipart) {
// We know the payload and its size in advance.
debugRequest("got url-encodable form-data");
if (request.options.encodeJSON) {
debugRequest("... but encodeJSON was set, so we will send JSON instead");
request.options.headers["content-type"] = "application/json";
request.payload = JSON.stringify(request.options.formFields != null ? request.options.formFields : null);
} else if (Object.keys(request.options.formFields).length > 0) {
// The `querystring` module copies the key name verbatim, even if the value is actually an array. Things like PHP don't understand this, and expect every array-containing key to be suffixed with []. We'll just append that ourselves, then.
request.options.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.payload = querystring.stringify(formFixArray(request.options.formFields));
} else {
request.payload = "";
request.options.headers["content-length"] = request.payload.length;
return Promise.resolve();
} else if ((request.options.formFields != null) && multipart) {
// This is going to be multipart data, and we'll let `form-data` set the headers for us.
debugRequest("got multipart form-data");
const formDataObject = new formData();
const object = formFixArray(request.options.formFields);
for (let fieldName in object) {
let fieldValue = object[fieldName];
if (!Array.isArray(fieldValue)) {
fieldValue = [fieldValue];
for (let valueElement of fieldValue) {
var streamOptions;
if (valueElement._bhttpStreamWrapper != null) {
streamOptions = valueElement.options;
valueElement =;
} else {
streamOptions = {};
formDataObject.append(fieldName, valueElement, streamOptions);
request.payloadStream = formDataObject;
return Promise.try(() => formDataObject.getHeaders()).then(function(headers) {
if ((headers["content-transfer-encoding"] === "chunked") && !request.options.allowChunkedMultipart) {
return Promise.reject(addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.MultipartError("Most servers do not support chunked transfer encoding for multipart/form-data payloads, and we could not determine the length of all the input streams. See the documentation for more information."), request, response, requestState));
} else {
Object.assign(request.options.headers, headers);
return Promise.resolve();
} else if (request.options.inputStream != null) {
// A raw inputStream was provided, just leave it be.
debugRequest("got inputStream");
return Promise.try(function() {
request.payloadStream = request.options.inputStream;
if ((request.payloadStream._bhttpStreamWrapper != null) && ((request.payloadStream.options.contentLength != null) || (request.payloadStream.options.knownLength != null))) {
return Promise.resolve(request.payloadStream.options.contentLength != null ? request.payloadStream.options.contentLength : request.payloadStream.options.knownLength);
} else {
return streamLength(request.options.inputStream);
}).then(function(length) {
debugRequest("length for inputStream is %s", length);
request.options.headers["content-length"] = length;
}).catch(function(_error) {
debugRequest("unable to determine inputStream length, switching to chunked transfer encoding");
request.options.headers["content-transfer-encoding"] = "chunked";
} else if (request.options.inputBuffer != null) {
// A raw inputBuffer was provided, just leave it be (but make sure it's an actual Buffer).
debugRequest("got inputBuffer");
if (typeof request.options.inputBuffer === "string") {
request.payload = new Buffer(request.options.inputBuffer); // Input string should be utf-8!
} else {
request.payload = request.options.inputBuffer;
debugRequest("length for inputBuffer is %s", request.payload.length);
request.options.headers["content-length"] = request.payload.length;
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
// No payload specified.
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
// GET, HEAD and DELETE should not have a payload. While technically not prohibited by the spec, it's also not specified, and we'd rather not upset poorly-compliant webservers.
// FIXME: Should this throw an Error?
return Promise.resolve();
}}).then(() => Promise.resolve([request, response, requestState]));
const prepareCleanup = function(request, response, requestState) {
debugRequest("preparing cleanup");
return Promise.try(function() {
// Remove the options that we're not going to pass on to the actual http/https library.
let key;
for (key of ["query", "formFields", "files", "encodeJSON", "inputStream", "inputBuffer", "discardResponse", "keepRedirectResponses", "followRedirects", "noDecode", "decodeJSON", "allowChunkedMultipart", "forceMultipart", "onUploadProgress", "onDownloadProgress"]) { delete request.options[key]; }
// Lo-Dash apparently has no `map` equivalent for object keys...?
const fixedHeaders = {};
for (key in request.options.headers) {
const value = request.options.headers[key];
fixedHeaders[key.toLowerCase()] = value;
request.options.headers = fixedHeaders;
return Promise.resolve([request, response, requestState]);});
// The guts of the module
const prepareRequest = function(request, response, requestState) {
debugRequest("preparing request");
// FIXME: Mock httpd for testing functionality.
return Promise.try(function() {
const middlewareFunctions = [
let promiseChain = Promise.resolve([request, response, requestState]);
middlewareFunctions.forEach((middleware) => {
// We must use the functional construct here, to avoid losing references
promiseChain = promiseChain.spread((_request, _response, _requestState) => middleware(_request, _response, _requestState));
return promiseChain;
const makeRequest = function(request, response, requestState) {
debugRequest("making %s request to %s", request.options.method.toUpperCase(), request.url);
return Promise.try(function() {
// Instantiate a regular HTTP/HTTPS request
const req = request.protocolModule.request(request.options);
let timeoutTimer = null;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Connection timeout handling, if one is set.
if (request.responseOptions.responseTimeout != null) {
debugRequest(`setting response timeout timer to ${request.responseOptions.responseTimeout}ms...`);
req.on("socket", function(_socket) {
const timeoutHandler = function() {
debugRequest("a response timeout occurred!");
return reject(addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.ResponseTimeoutError("The response timed out.")));
timeoutTimer = setTimeout(timeoutHandler, request.responseOptions.responseTimeout);
// Set up the upload progress monitoring.
const totalBytes = request.options.headers["content-length"];
let completedBytes = 0;
const progressStream = spy(function(chunk) {
completedBytes += chunk.length;
return req.emit("progress", completedBytes, totalBytes);
if (request.onUploadProgress != null) {
req.on("progress", (completedBytes, totalBytes) => request.onUploadProgress(completedBytes, totalBytes, req));
// This is where we write our payload or stream to the request, and the actual request is made.
if (request.payload != null) {
// The entire payload is a single Buffer. We'll still pretend that it's a stream for our progress events, though, to provide a consistent API.
debugRequest("sending payload");
req.emit("progress", request.payload.length, request.payload.length);
} else if (request.payloadStream != null) {
// The payload is a stream.
debugRequest("piping payloadStream");
if (request.payloadStream._bhttpStreamWrapper != null) {
} else {
} else {
// For GET, HEAD, DELETE, etc. there is no payload, but we still need to call end() to complete the request.
debugRequest("closing request without payload");
// In case something goes wrong during this process, somehow...
req.on("error", function(err) {
if (err.code === "ETIMEDOUT") {
debugRequest("a connection timeout occurred!");
return reject(addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.ConnectionTimeoutError("The connection timed out.")));
} else {
return reject(err);
return req.on("response", function(res) {
if (timeoutTimer != null) {
debugResponse("got response in time, clearing response timeout timer");
return resolve(res);
});}).then(response => Promise.resolve([request, response, requestState]));
const processResponse = function(request, response, requestState) {
debugResponse("processing response, got status code %s", response.statusCode);
// When we receive the response, we'll buffer it up and/or decode it, depending on what the user specified, and resolve the returned Promise. If the user just wants the raw stream, we resolve immediately after receiving a response.
return Promise.try(function() {
// First, if a cookie jar is set and we received one or more cookies from the server, we should store them in our cookieJar.
if ((request.cookieJar != null) && (response.headers["set-cookie"] != null)) {
const promises = (() => {
const result = [];
for (let cookieHeader of response.headers["set-cookie"]) {
debugResponse("storing cookie: %s", cookieHeader);
result.push(request.cookieJar.set(cookieHeader, request.url));
return result;
return Promise.all(promises);
} else {
return Promise.resolve();
}}).then(function() {
// Now the actual response processing.
response.request = request;
response.requestState = requestState;
response.redirectHistory = requestState.redirectHistory;
if ([301, 302, 303, 307].includes(response.statusCode) && request.responseOptions.followRedirects) {
if (requestState.redirectHistory.length >= (request.responseOptions.redirectLimit - 1)) {
return Promise.reject(addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.RedirectError("The maximum amount of redirects ({request.responseOptions.redirectLimit}) was reached.")));
// 301: For GET and HEAD, redirect unchanged. For POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, "ask user" (in our case: throw an error.)
// 302: Redirect, change method to GET.
// 303: Redirect, change method to GET.
// 307: Redirect, retain method. Make same request again.
switch (response.statusCode) {
case 301:
switch (request.options.method) {
case "get": case "head":
return redirectUnchanged(request, response, requestState);
case "post": case "put": case "patch": case "delete":
return Promise.reject(addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.RedirectError("Encountered a 301 redirect for POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE. RFC says we can't automatically continue."), request, response, requestState));
return Promise.reject(addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.RedirectError(`Encountered a 301 redirect, but not sure how to proceed for the ${request.options.method.toUpperCase()} method.`)));
case 302: case 303:
return redirectGet(request, response, requestState);
case 307:
if (request.containsStreams && !["get", "head"].includes(request.options.method)) {
return Promise.reject(addErrorData(new bhttpErrors.RedirectError("Encountered a 307 redirect for POST, PUT or DELETE, but your payload contained (single-use) streams. We therefore can't automatically follow the redirect."), request, response, requestState));
} else {
return redirectUnchanged(request, response, requestState);
} else if (request.responseOptions.discardResponse) {
response.pipe(devNull()); // Drain the response stream
return Promise.resolve(response);
} else {
let totalBytes = response.headers["content-length"];
if (totalBytes != null) { // Otherwise `undefined` will turn into `NaN`, and we don't want that.
totalBytes = parseInt(totalBytes);
let completedBytes = 0;
const progressStream = sink(function(chunk) {
completedBytes += chunk.length;
return response.emit("progress", completedBytes, totalBytes);
if (request.responseOptions.onDownloadProgress != null) {
response.on("progress", (completedBytes, totalBytes) => request.responseOptions.onDownloadProgress(completedBytes, totalBytes, response));
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// This is a very, very dirty hack - however, using .pipe followed by .pause breaks in Node.js v0.10.35 with "Cannot switch to old mode now". Our solution is to monkeypatch the `on` and `resume` methods to attach the progress event handler as soon as something else is attached to the response stream (or when it is drained). This way, a user can also pipe the response in a later tick, without the stream draining prematurely.
const _resume = response.resume.bind(response);
const _on = response.on.bind(response);
let _progressStreamAttached = false;
const attachProgressStream = function() {
// To keep this from sending us into an infinite loop.
if (!_progressStreamAttached) {
debugResponse("attaching progress stream");
_progressStreamAttached = true;
return response.pipe(progressStream);
response.on = function(eventName, handler) {
debugResponse(`'on' called, ${eventName}`);
if ((eventName === "data") || (eventName === "readable")) {
return _on(eventName, handler);
response.resume = function() {
return _resume();
// Continue with the regular response processing.
if ( {
return resolve(response);
} else {
response.on("error", err => reject(err));
return response.pipe(concatStream(function(body) {
// FIXME: Separate module for header parsing?
if (request.responseOptions.decodeJSON || (((response.headers["content-type"] != null ? response.headers["content-type"] : "").split(";")[0] === "application/json") && !request.responseOptions.noDecode)) {
try {
response.body = JSON.parse(body);
} catch (err) {
} else {
response.body = body;
return resolve(response);
}}).then(response => Promise.resolve([request, response, requestState]));
// Some wrappers
const doPayloadRequest = function(url, data, options, callback) {
// A wrapper that processes the second argument to .post, .put, .patch shorthand API methods.
// FIXME: Treat a {} for data as a null? Otherwise {} combined with inputBuffer/inputStream will error.
if (isStream(data)) {
options.inputStream = data;
} else if (ofTypes(data, [Buffer]) || (typeof data === "string")) {
options.inputBuffer = data;
} else {
options.formFields = data;
return this.request(url, options, callback);
var redirectGet = function(request, response, requestState) {
debugResponse("following forced-GET redirect to %s", response.headers["location"]);
return Promise.try(function() {
const options = shallowClone(requestState.originalOptions);
options.method = "get";
for (let key of ["inputBuffer", "inputStream", "files", "formFields"]) { delete options[key]; }
return doRedirect(request, response, requestState, options);
var redirectUnchanged = function(request, response, requestState) {