# form-data2 A Streams2-compatible drop-in replacement for the `form-data` module. Through the wrapping done by the underlying `combined-stream2` module, old-style streams are also supported. Takes a number of streams or Buffers, and turns them into a valid `multipart/form-data` stream. ## License [WTFPL](http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/) or [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/), whichever you prefer. A donation and/or attribution are appreciated, but not required. ## Donate My income consists entirely of donations for my projects. If this module is useful to you, consider [making a donation](http://cryto.net/~joepie91/donate.html)! You can donate using Bitcoin, PayPal, Gratipay, Flattr, cash-in-mail, SEPA transfers, and pretty much anything else. ## Contributing Pull requests welcome. Please make sure your modifications are in line with the overall code style, and ensure that you're editing the `.coffee` files, not the `.js` files. Build tool of choice is `gulp`; simply run `gulp` while developing, and it will watch for changes. Be aware that by making a pull request, you agree to release your modifications under the licenses stated above. ## Migrating from `form-data` While `form-data2` was designed to be roughly API-compatible with the `form-data` module, there are a few notable differences: * `form-data2` does __not__ do HTTP requests. It is purely a multipart/form-data encoder. This means you should use a different module for your HTTP requests, such as [`bhttp`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bhttp), [`request`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/request), or the core `http` module. `bhttp` uses `form-data2` internally - that means you won't have to manually use `form-data2`. * The `header` option for the `form.append()` options object is not (yet) implemented. This means that you cannot currently set custom field headers. * There is no `form.getLengthSync()` method. Length retrieval is always asynchronous. * A `form-data2` stream is not a real stream. Only the `form.pipe()` method is implemented, other stream methods are unavailable. This may change in the future. ## Usage ```javascript var FormData = require('form-data2'); var fs = require('fs'); var form = new FormData(); form.append('my_field', 'my value'); form.append('my_buffer', new Buffer(10)); form.append('my_file', fs.createReadStream('/foo/bar.jpg')); ``` ### Getting the HTTP headers ```javascript Promise = require("bluebird"); util = require("util"); Promise.try(function(){ form.getHeaders(); }).then(function(headers){ console.log("Stream headers:", util.inspect(headers)); }).catch(function(err){ console.log("Something went wrong!"); }); ``` ... or using nodebacks: ```javascript form.getHeaders(function(err, headers){ if(err) { console.log("Something went wrong!"); } else { console.log("Stream headers:", util.inspect(headers)); } }); ``` ## API Note that this is __not__ a real stream, and does therefore not expose the regular `stream.Readable` properties. The `pipe` method will simply pipe the underlying `combined-stream2` stream into the specified target. If you want to access the stream directly for some reason, use `form._stream`. ### append(name, source, [options]) Adds a new data source to the multipart/form-data stream. This module will *not* automatically handle arrays for you - if you need to send an array, you will need to call this method for each element individually, using the same `[]`-suffixed field name for each element. * __name__: The name of the form field. * __source__: The data source to add. This can be a stream, a Buffer, or a UTF-8 string. * __options__: *Optional.* Additional options for the stream. * __contentLength__: The total length of the stream. Useful if your stream is of a type that [`stream-length`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/stream-length) can't automatically determine the length of. Also available under the alias `knownLength`, for backwards compatibility reasons. * __contentType__: The MIME type of the source. It's recommended to *always* specify this manually; however, if it's not supplied, `form-data2` will attempt to determine it for you where possible. * __filename__: The filename of the source, if it is a file or should be represented as such. It's recommended to *always* specify this manually (if the source is a file of some sort); however, if it's not supplied, `form-data2` will attempt to determine it for you where possible. ### getHeaders([callback]) Asynchronously returns the HTTP request headers that you will need to successfully transmit this stream, as an object. All object keys are lower-case. To use the headers, simply merge them into the headers object for your request. If you specify a `callback`, it will be treated as a nodeback. If you do *not* specify a `callback`, a Promise will be returned. ### pipe(target) Pipes the `multipart/form-data` stream into the `target` stream. ### done() __You probably don't need to call this.__ Calling this method will append the multipart/form-data footer to the stream. It is called automatically when you `pipe` the stream into something else. ### getBoundary() __You probably don't need to call this.__ Returns the form boundary used in the `multipart/form-data` stream. ### getLength([callback]) __You probably don't need to call this.__ Asynchronously returns the total length of the stream in bytes. If you specify a `callback`, it will be treated as a nodeback. If you do *not* specify a `callback`, a Promise will be returned.