## 1.0.1 (August 23, 2016) * __Documentation:__ Corrected a typo in the changelog. ## 1.0.0 (August 17, 2016) First stable and documented release - however, the functionality or API has not changed from `0.0.7`. * __Documentation:__ Updated donation text. * __Documentation:__ Added documentation and a changelog. ## 0.0.7 (April 26, 2016) * __Patch:__ Display string-typed error properties literally, without quotes or colorization. * __Patch:__ Removed unnecessary interpolation. ## 0.0.6 (April 26, 2016) * __Patch:__ Always hide the `stack` property, as it is already handled separately. ## 0.0.5 (April 25, 2016) * __Patch:__ Always hide `name` and `message` from the property listing, as these are already displayed separately anyway. * __Patch:__ Display a more accurate error message when a stacktrace is absent - previously, it would always try to use the first line of the stacktrace. ## 0.0.4 (April 25, 2016) * __Major:__ Improved error logging by displaying all properties clearly and verbosely using a custom output format, rather than just dumping the error object. ## 0.0.3 (April 14, 2016) * __Patch:__ Removed stray angle bracket from Vinyl file logging output. ## 0.0.2 (April 11, 2016) * __Minor:__ Clearer Vinyl file logging, by displaying relative paths when a `basePath` option is specified. ## 0.0.1 (April 10, 2016) Initial release.