* **X-GM-THRID** - <_string_ > - Conversation/thread id
* **X-GM-MSGID** - <_string_ > - Account-wide unique id
* **X-GM-LABELS** - <_string_ > - Gmail label
* fetch() will automatically retrieve the thread id, unique message id, and labels (named 'x-gm-thrid', 'x-gm-msgid', 'x-gm-labels' respectively)
@ -680,6 +681,42 @@ Extensions Supported
* **RFC4551**
* Server capability: CONDSTORE
* Connection event 'update' info may contain the additional property:
* **modseq** - <_string_ > - The new modification sequence value for the message.
* search() criteria extensions:
* **MODSEQ** - <_string_ > - Modification sequence value. If this criteria is used, the callback parameters are then: <_Error_ >err, <_array_ >UIDs, <_string_ >modseq. The `modseq` callback parameter is the highest modification sequence value of all the messages identified in the search results.
* fetch() will automatically retrieve the modification sequence value (named 'modseq') for each message.
* fetch() modifier:
* **CHANGEDSINCE** - <_string_ > - Only fetch messages that have changed since the specified modification sequence.
* The _Box_ type can now have the following property when using openBox() or status():
* **highestmodseq** - <_string_ > - The highest modification sequence value of all messages in the mailbox.
* **addFlagsSince**(<_mixed_ >source, <_mixed_ >flags, <_string_ >modseq, <_function_ >callback) - _(void)_ - Adds flag(s) to message(s) that have not changed since `modseq`. `source` can be a message UID, a message UID range (e.g. '2504:2507' or '\*' or '2504:\*'), or an _array_ of message UIDs and/or message UID ranges. `flags` is either a single flag or an _array_ of flags. `callback` has 1 parameter: <_Error_ >err.
* **delFlagsSince**(<_mixed_ >source, <_mixed_ >flags, <_function_ >callback) - _(void)_ - Removes flag(s) from message(s) that have not changed since `modseq`. `source` can be a message UID, a message UID range (e.g. '2504:2507' or '\*' or '2504:\*'), or an _array_ of message UIDs and/or message UID ranges. `flags` is either a single flag or an _array_ of flags. `callback` has 1 parameter: <_Error_ >err.
* **setFlagsSince**(<_mixed_ >source, <_mixed_ >flags, <_function_ >callback) - _(void)_ - Sets the flag(s) for message(s) that have not changed since `modseq`. `source` can be a message UID, a message UID range (e.g. '2504:2507' or '\*' or '2504:\*'), or an _array_ of message UIDs and/or message UID ranges. `flags` is either a single flag or an _array_ of flags. `callback` has 1 parameter: <_Error_ >err.
* **addKeywordsSince**(<_mixed_ >source, <_mixed_ >keywords, <_function_ >callback) - _(void)_ - Adds keyword(s) to message(s) that have not changed since `modseq`. `source` can be a message UID, a message UID range (e.g. '2504:2507' or '\*' or '2504:\*'), or an _array_ of message UIDs and/or message UID ranges. `keywords` is either a single keyword or an _array_ of keywords. `callback` has 1 parameter: <_Error_ >err.
* **delKeywordsSince**(<_mixed_ >source, <_mixed_ >keywords, <_function_ >callback) - _(void)_ - Removes keyword(s) from message(s) that have not changed since `modseq`. `source` can be a message UID, a message UID range (e.g. '2504:2507' or '\*' or '2504:\*'), or an _array_ of message UIDs and/or message UID ranges. `keywords` is either a single keyword or an _array_ of keywords. `callback` has 1 parameter: <_Error_ >err.
* **setKeywordsSince**(<_mixed_ >source, <_mixed_ >keywords, <_function_ >callback) - _(void)_ - Sets keyword(s) for message(s) that have not changed since `modseq`. `source` can be a message UID, a message UID range (e.g. '2504:2507' or '\*' or '2504:\*'), or an _array_ of message UIDs and/or message UID ranges. `keywords` is either a single keyword or an _array_ of keywords. `callback` has 1 parameter: <_Error_ >err.
@ -689,5 +726,4 @@ Several things not yet implemented in no particular order:
* Support additional IMAP commands/extensions:
* NOTIFY (via NOTIFY extension -- RFC5465)
* STATUS addition to LIST (via LIST-STATUS extension -- RFC5819)