* **openBox**(<_string_ >mailboxName[, <_boolean_ >openReadOnly=false], <_function_ >callback) - _(void)_ - Opens a specific mailbox that exists on the server. `mailboxName` should include any necessary prefix/path. `callback` has 2 parameters: <_Error_ >err, <_Box_ >mailbox.
* **closeBox**(<_function_ >callback) - _(void)_ - Closes the currently open mailbox. **Any messages marked as Deleted in the mailbox will be removed if the mailbox was NOT opened in read-only mode.** Additionally, logging out or opening another mailbox without closing the current one first will NOT cause deleted messages to be removed. `callback` has 1 parameter: <_Error_ >err.
* **closeBox**([<_boolean_ >autoExpunge=true, ]<_function_ >callback) - _(void)_ - Closes the currently open mailbox. If `autoExpunge` is true, any messages marked as Deleted in the currently open mailbox will be removed if the mailbox was NOT opened in read-only mode. If `autoExpunge` is false, you disconnect, or you open another mailbox, messages marked as Deleted will **NOT** be removed from the currently open mailbox. `callback` has 1 parameter: <_Error_ >err.
* **addBox**(<_string_ >mailboxName, <_function_ >callback) - _(void)_ - Creates a new mailbox on the server. `mailboxName` should include any necessary prefix/path. `callback` has 1 parameter: <_Error_ >err.