var parseExpr = require('../lib/Parser').parseExpr; var assert = require('assert'), inspect = require('util').inspect; [ { source: '', expected: [], what: 'Empty value' }, { source: '""', expected: [''], what: 'Empty quoted string' }, { source: 'FLAGS NIL RFC822.SIZE 44827', expected: ['FLAGS', null, 'RFC822.SIZE', 44827], what: 'Simple, two key-value pairs with nil' }, { source: 'FLAGS (\\Seen) RFC822.SIZE 44827', expected: ['FLAGS', ['\\Seen'], 'RFC822.SIZE', 44827], what: 'Simple, two key-value pairs with list' }, { source: 'RFC822.SIZE 9007199254740993', expected: ['RFC822.SIZE', '9007199254740993'], what: 'Integer exceeding JavaScript max int size' }, { source: 'FLAGS (\\Seen) INTERNALDATE "17-Jul-1996 02:44:25 -0700"', expected: ['FLAGS', ['\\Seen'], 'INTERNALDATE', '17-Jul-1996 02:44:25 -0700'], what: 'Quoted string' }, { source: '("Foo")("Bar") ("Baz")', expected: [['Foo'], ['Bar'], ['Baz']], what: 'Lists with varying spacing' }, { source: '"\\"IMAP\\" is terrible :\\\\"', expected: ['"IMAP" is terrible :\\'], what: 'Quoted string with escaped chars' }, { source: '"\\\\"IMAP\\" is terrible :\\\\"', expected: ['\\"IMAP" is terrible :\\'], what: 'Quoted string with escaped chars #2' }, { source: '"Who does not think \\"IMAP\\" is terrible\\\\bad?"', expected: ['Who does not think "IMAP" is terrible\\bad?'], what: 'Quoted string with escaped chars #3' }, { source: '"Who does not think \\\\"IMAP\\" is terrible\\\\bad?"', expected: ['Who does not think \\"IMAP" is terrible\\bad?'], what: 'Quoted string with escaped chars #4' }, { source: 'ENVELOPE ("Wed, 30 Mar 2014 02:38:23 +0100" "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?##ALLCAPS##123456## - ?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?[ALERT][P3][ONE.TWO.FR] ?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Some Subject Line \\"D:\\\\\\"?=" (("Test Account (Rltvty L)" NIL "account" "")) (("Test Account (Rltvty L)" NIL "account" "")) ((NIL NIL "account" "")) ((NIL NIL "one.two" "") (NIL NIL "two.three" "")) NIL NIL NIL "")', expected: [ 'ENVELOPE', [ 'Wed, 30 Mar 2014 02:38:23 +0100', '=?ISO-8859-1?Q?##ALLCAPS##123456## - ?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?[ALERT][P3][ONE.TWO.FR] ?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Some Subject Line "D:\\"?=', [ [ 'Test Account (Rltvty L)', null, 'account', '' ] ], [ [ 'Test Account (Rltvty L)', null, 'account', '' ] ], [ [ null, null, 'account', '' ] ], [ [ null, null, 'one.two', '' ], [ null, null, 'two.three', '' ] ], null, null, null, '' ] ], what: 'Triple backslash in quoted string (GH Issue #345)' }, ].forEach(function(v) { var result; try { result = parseExpr(v.source); } catch (e) { console.log(makeMsg(v.what, 'JS Exception: ' + e.stack)); return; } assert.deepEqual(result, v.expected, makeMsg(v.what, 'Result mismatch:' + '\nParsed: ' + inspect(result, false, 10) + '\nExpected: ' + inspect(v.expected, false, 10) ) ); }); function makeMsg(what, msg) { return '[' + what + ']: ' + msg; }