var tls = require('tls'), Socket = require('net').Socket, EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter, inherits = require('util').inherits, inspect = require('util').inspect, isDate = require('util').isDate, utf7 = require('utf7').imap; var Parser = require('./Parser').Parser, parseHeader = require('./Parser').parseHeader; var MAX_INT = 9007199254740992, KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL = 10000, MAX_IDLE_WAIT = 300000, // 5 minutes MONTHS = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], FETCH_ATTR_MAP = { 'RFC822.SIZE': 'size', 'BODY': 'struct', 'BODYSTRUCTURE': 'struct', 'UID': 'uid', 'INTERNALDATE': 'date', 'FLAGS': 'flags', 'X-GM-THRID': 'x-gm-thrid', 'X-GM-MSGID': 'x-gm-msgid', 'X-GM-LABELS': 'x-gm-labels' }, CRLF = '\r\n', RE_CMD = /^([^ ]+)(?: |$)/, RE_UIDCMD_HASRESULTS = /^UID (?:FETCH|SEARCH|SORT)/, RE_IDLENOOPRES = /^(IDLE|NOOP) /, RE_OPENBOX = /^EXAMINE|SELECT$/, RE_BODYPART = /^BODY\[/, RE_INVALID_KW_CHARS = /[\(\)\{\\\"\]\%\*\x00-\x20\x7F]/, RE_NUM_RANGE = /^(?:[\d]+|\*):(?:[\d]+|\*)$/, RE_BACKSLASH = /\\/g, RE_BACKSLASH_ESC = /\\\\/g, RE_DBLQUOTE = /"/g, RE_DBLQUOTE_ESC = /\\"/g, RE_INTEGER = /^\d+$/; function Connection(config) { if (!(this instanceof Connection)) return new Connection(config);; config || (config = {}); this._config = { host: || 'localhost', port: config.port || 143, secure: ( === true ? 'implicit' :, secureOptions: config.secureOptions, user: config.user, password: config.password, connTimeout: config.connTimeout || 10000, keepalive: (typeof config.keepalive === 'boolean' ? config.keepalive : true) }; this._sock = undefined; this._tagcount = 0; this._tmrConn = undefined; this._queue = []; this._box = undefined; this._idle = {}; this.delimiter = undefined; this.namespaces = undefined; this.state = 'disconnected'; this.debug = config.debug; } inherits(Connection, EventEmitter); Connection.prototype.connect = function() { var config = this._config, self = this, socket, tlsSocket, parser, tlsOptions; socket = new Socket(); socket.setKeepAlive(true); socket.setTimeout(0); this._state = 'disconnected'; if ( { tlsOptions = {}; for (var k in config.secureOptions) tlsOptions[k] = config.secureOptions[k]; tlsOptions.socket = socket; } if ( === 'implicit') this._sock = tlsSocket = tls.connect(tlsOptions, onconnect); else { socket.once('connect', onconnect); this._sock = socket; } function onconnect() { clearTimeout(self._tmrConn); self.state = 'connected'; self.debug&&self.debug('[connection] Connected to host'); } this._sock.once('error', function(err) { clearTimeout(self._tmrConn); clearTimeout(self._tmrKeepalive); self.debug&&self.debug('[connection] Error: ' + err); err.source = 'socket'; self.emit('error', err); }); socket.once('close', function(had_err) { clearTimeout(self._tmrConn); clearTimeout(self._tmrKeepalive); self.debug&&self.debug('[connection] Closed'); self.emit('close', had_err); }); socket.once('end', function() { clearTimeout(self._tmrConn); clearTimeout(self._tmrKeepalive); self.debug&&self.debug('[connection] Ended'); self.emit('end'); }); parser = new Parser(this._sock, this.debug); parser.on('untagged', function(info) { self._resUntagged(info); }); parser.on('tagged', function(info) { self._resTagged(info); }); parser.on('body', function(stream, info) { var msg = self._curReq.fetchCache[info.seqno], toget; if (msg === undefined) { msg = self._curReq.fetchCache[info.seqno] = { msgEmitter: new EventEmitter(), toget: self._curReq.fetching.slice(0), attrs: {}, ended: false }; self._curReq.bodyEmitter.emit('message', msg.msgEmitter, info.seqno); } toget = msg.toget; var idx = toget.indexOf('BODY[' + info.which + ']'); if (idx > -1) { toget.splice(idx, 1); msg.msgEmitter.emit('body', stream, info); } else stream.resume(); // a body we didn't ask for? }); parser.on('continue', function(info) { // only needed for IDLE and APPEND var type = self._curReq.type; if (type === 'IDLE') { // now idling self._idle.started =; } else if (/^AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH/.test(self._curReq.fullcmd)) { self._curReq.oauthError = new Buffer(info.text, 'base64').toString('utf8'); self._sock.write(CRLF); } else if (type === 'APPEND') self._sock.write(self._curReq.appendData); }); parser.on('other', function(line) { var m; if (m = RE_IDLENOOPRES.exec(line)) { if (m[1] === 'IDLE') { // no longer idling self._idle.enabled = false; self._idle.started = undefined; } self._curReq = undefined; if (self._queue.length === 0 && self._config.keepalive && self.state === 'authenticated') { self._idle.enabled = true; self._doKeepaliveTimer(true); } self._processQueue(); } }); this._tmrConn = setTimeout(function() { var err = new Error('Connection timed out'); err.source = 'timeout'; self.emit('error', err); socket.destroy(); }, config.connTimeout); socket.connect(config.port,; }; Connection.prototype.serverSupports = function(cap) { return (this._caps && this._caps.indexOf(cap) > -1); }; Connection.prototype.end = function() { this._sock.end(); }; Connection.prototype.append = function(data, options, cb) { if (typeof options === 'function') { cb = options; options = undefined; } options = options || {}; if (!options.mailbox) { if (!this._box) throw new Error('No mailbox specified or currently selected'); else options.mailbox =; } var cmd = 'APPEND "' + escape(utf7.encode(''+options.mailbox)) + '"'; if (options.flags) { if (!Array.isArray(options.flags)) options.flags = [options.flags]; if (options.flags.length > 0) cmd += ' (\\' + options.flags.join(' \\') + ')'; } if ( { if (!isDate( throw new Error('`date` is not a Date object'); cmd += ' "'; cmd +=; cmd += '-'; cmd += MONTHS[]; cmd += '-'; cmd +=; cmd += ' '; cmd += ('0' +; cmd += ':'; cmd += ('0' +; cmd += ':'; cmd += ('0' +; cmd += (( > 0) ? ' -' : ' +' ); cmd += ('0' + ( / 60)).slice(-2); cmd += ('0' + ( % 60)).slice(-2); cmd += '"'; } cmd += ' {'; cmd += (Buffer.isBuffer(data) ? data.length : Buffer.byteLength(data)); cmd += '}'; this._enqueue(cmd, cb); this._queue[this._queue.length - 1].appendData = data; }; Connection.prototype.getBoxes = function(namespace, cb) { if (typeof namespace === 'function') { cb = namespace; namespace = ''; } namespace = escape(utf7.encode(''+namespace)); this._enqueue('LIST "' + namespace + '" "*"', cb); }; Connection.prototype.openBox = function(name, readOnly, cb) { if (this.state !== 'authenticated') throw new Error('Not authenticated'); if (cb === undefined) { cb = readOnly; readOnly = false; } name = ''+name; var encname = escape(utf7.encode(name)), cmd = (readOnly ? 'EXAMINE' : 'SELECT'), self = this; this._enqueue(cmd + ' "' + encname + '"', function(err) { if (err) { self._box = undefined; cb(err); } else { = name; cb(err, self._box); } }); }; // also deletes any messages in this box marked with \Deleted Connection.prototype.closeBox = function(cb) { var self = this; if (this._box === undefined) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); this._enqueue('CLOSE', function(err) { if (!err) self._box = undefined; cb(err); }); }; Connection.prototype.addBox = function(name, cb) { this._enqueue('CREATE "' + escape(utf7.encode(''+name)) + '"', cb); }; Connection.prototype.delBox = function(name, cb) { this._enqueue('DELETE "' + escape(utf7.encode(''+name)) + '"', cb); }; Connection.prototype.renameBox = function(oldname, newname, cb) { var destname = newname; if (this._box && oldname === && oldname.toUpperCase() !== 'INBOX') destname = ''+oldname; var encoldname = escape(utf7.encode(''+oldname)), encnewname = escape(utf7.encode(''+newname)), self = this; this._enqueue('RENAME "' + encoldname + '" "' + encnewname + '"', function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); = destname; cb(err, self._box); } ); }; Connection.prototype.status = function(boxName, cb) { if (this._box && === boxName) throw new Error('Cannot call status on currently selected mailbox'); boxName = escape(utf7.encode(''+boxName)); this._enqueue('STATUS "' + boxName + '" (MESSAGES RECENT UNSEEN UIDVALIDITY)', cb); }; Connection.prototype.removeDeleted = function(uids, cb) { if (typeof uids === 'function') { cb = uids; uids = undefined; } if (uids !== undefined) { if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids]; validateUIDList(uids); uids = uids.join(','); this._enqueue('UID EXPUNGE ' + uids, cb); } else this._enqueue('EXPUNGE', cb); }; = function(options, cb) { this._search('UID ', options, cb); }; Connection.prototype._search = function(which, options, cb) { if (this._box === undefined) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); else if (!Array.isArray(options)) throw new Error('Expected array for search options'); this._enqueue(which + 'SEARCH' + buildSearchQuery(options, this._caps), cb); }; Connection.prototype.sort = function(sorts, options, cb) { this._sort('UID ', sorts, options, cb); }; Connection.prototype._sort = function(which, sorts, options, cb) { if (this._box === undefined) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); else if (!Array.isArray(sorts) || !sorts.length) throw new Error('Expected array with at least one sort criteria'); else if (!Array.isArray(options)) throw new Error('Expected array for search options'); else if (!this.serverSupports('SORT')) throw new Error('Sort is not supported on the server'); var criteria = { if (typeof c !== 'string') throw new Error('Unexpected sort criteria data type. ' + 'Expected string. Got: ' + typeof criteria); var modifier = ''; if (c[0] === '-') { modifier = 'REVERSE '; c = c.substring(1); } switch (c.toUpperCase()) { case 'ARRIVAL': case 'CC': case 'DATE': case 'FROM': case 'SIZE': case 'SUBJECT': case 'TO': break; default: throw new Error('Unexpected sort criteria: ' + c); } return modifier + c; }); this._enqueue(which + 'SORT (' + criteria.join(' ') + ') UTF-8' + buildSearchQuery(options, this._caps), cb); }; Connection.prototype.addFlags = function(uids, flags, cb) { this._store('UID ', uids, flags, true, cb); }; Connection.prototype.delFlags = function(uids, flags, cb) { this._store('UID ', uids, flags, false, cb); }; Connection.prototype.addKeywords = function(uids, flags, cb) { this._addKeywords('UID ', uids, flags, cb); }; Connection.prototype._addKeywords = function(which, uids, flags, cb) { if (this._box && !this._box.newKeywords) throw new Error('This mailbox does not allow new keywords to be added'); this._store(which, uids, flags, true, cb); }; Connection.prototype.delKeywords = function(uids, flags, cb) { this._store('UID ', uids, flags, false, cb); }; Connection.prototype._store = function(which, uids, flags, isAdding, cb) { var isKeywords = (arguments.callee.caller === this._addKeywords || arguments.callee.caller === this.delKeywords); if (this._box === undefined) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); else if (uids === undefined) throw new Error('No messages specified'); if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids]; validateUIDList(uids); if ((!Array.isArray(flags) && typeof flags !== 'string') || (Array.isArray(flags) && flags.length === 0)) throw new Error((isKeywords ? 'Keywords' : 'Flags') + ' argument must be a string or a non-empty Array'); if (!Array.isArray(flags)) flags = [flags]; for (var i = 0, len = flags.length; i < len; ++i) { if (!isKeywords) { if (flags[i][0] === '\\') flags[i] = flags[i].substr(1); if ([i].toLowerCase()) === -1 || flags[i] === '*') throw new Error('The flag "' + flags[i] + '" is not allowed by the server for this mailbox'); flags[i] = '\\' + flags[i]; } else { // keyword contains any char except control characters (%x00-1F and %x7F) // and: '(', ')', '{', ' ', '%', '*', '\', '"', ']' if (RE_INVALID_KW_CHARS.test(flags[i])) { throw new Error('The keyword "' + flags[i] + '" contains invalid characters'); } } } flags = flags.join(' '); uids = uids.join(','); this._enqueue(which + 'STORE ' + uids + ' ' + (isAdding ? '+' : '-') + 'FLAGS.SILENT (' + flags + ')', cb); }; Connection.prototype.setLabels = function(uids, labels, cb) { this._storeLabels('UID ', uids, labels, '', cb); }; Connection.prototype.addLabels = function(uids, labels, cb) { this._storeLabels('UID ', uids, labels, '+', cb); }; Connection.prototype.delLabels = function(uids, labels, cb) { this._storeLabels('UID ', uids, labels, '-', cb); }; Connection.prototype._storeLabels = function(which, uids, labels, mode, cb) { if (!this.serverSupports('X-GM-EXT-1')) throw new Error('Server must support X-GM-EXT-1 capability'); else if (this._box === undefined) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); else if (uids === undefined) throw new Error('No messages specified'); if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids]; validateUIDList(uids); if ((!Array.isArray(labels) && typeof labels !== 'string') || (Array.isArray(labels) && labels.length === 0)) throw new Error('labels argument must be a string or a non-empty Array'); if (!Array.isArray(labels)) labels = [labels]; labels = { return '"' + escape(utf7.encode(''+v)) + '"'; }).join(' '); uids = uids.join(','); this._enqueue(which + 'STORE ' + uids + ' ' + mode + 'X-GM-LABELS.SILENT (' + labels + ')', cb); }; Connection.prototype.copy = function(uids, boxTo, cb) { this._copy('UID ', uids, boxTo, cb); }; Connection.prototype._copy = function(which, uids, boxTo, cb) { if (this._box === undefined) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids]; validateUIDList(uids); boxTo = escape(utf7.encode(''+boxTo)); this._enqueue(which + 'COPY ' + uids.join(',') + ' "' + boxTo + '"', cb); }; Connection.prototype.move = function(uids, boxTo, cb) { this._move('UID ', uids, boxTo, cb); }; Connection.prototype._move = function(which, uids, boxTo, cb) { if (this._box === undefined) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); if (this.serverSupports('MOVE')) { if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids]; validateUIDList(uids); uids = uids.join(','); boxTo = escape(utf7.encode(''+boxTo)); this._enqueue(which + 'MOVE ' + uids + ' "' + boxTo + '"', cb); } else if (this._box.permFlags.indexOf('deleted') === -1) { throw new Error('Cannot move message: ' + 'server does not allow deletion of messages'); } else { var deletedUIDs, task = 0, self = this; this._copy(which, uids, boxTo, function ccb(err, info) { if (err) return cb(err, info); if (task === 0 && which && self.serverSupports('UIDPLUS')) { // UIDPLUS gives us a 'UID EXPUNGE n' command to expunge a subset of // messages with the \Deleted flag set. This allows us to skip some // actions. task = 2; } // Make sure we don't expunge any messages marked as Deleted except the // one we are moving if (task === 0) {['DELETED'], function(e, result) { ++task; deletedUIDs = result; ccb(e, info); }); } else if (task === 1) { if (deletedUIDs.length) { self.delFlags(deletedUIDs, 'Deleted', function(e) { ++task; ccb(e, info); }); } else { ++task; ccb(err, info); } } else if (task === 2) { function cbMarkDel(e) { ++task; ccb(e, info); } if (which) self.addFlags(uids, 'Deleted', cbMarkDel); else self.seq.addFlags(uids, 'Deleted', cbMarkDel); } else if (task === 3) { if (which && self.serverSupports('UIDPLUS')) self.removeDeleted(uids, cb); else { self.removeDeleted(function(e) { ++task; ccb(e, info); }); } } else if (task === 4) { if (deletedUIDs.length) { self.addFlags(deletedUIDs, 'Deleted', function(e) { cb(e, info); }); } else cb(err, info); } }); } }; Connection.prototype.fetch = function(uids, options) { return this._fetch('UID ', uids, options); }; Connection.prototype._fetch = function(which, uids, options) { if (uids === undefined || uids === null || (Array.isArray(uids) && uids.length === 0)) throw new Error('Nothing to fetch'); if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids]; validateUIDList(uids); uids = uids.join(','); var cmd = which + 'FETCH ' + uids + ' (', fetching = []; // always fetch GMail-specific bits of information when on GMail if (this.serverSupports('X-GM-EXT-1')) { fetching.push('X-GM-THRID'); fetching.push('X-GM-MSGID'); fetching.push('X-GM-LABELS'); } fetching.push('UID'); fetching.push('FLAGS'); fetching.push('INTERNALDATE'); if (options) { if (options.struct) fetching.push('BODYSTRUCTURE'); if (options.size) fetching.push('RFC822.SIZE'); cmd += fetching.join(' '); if (options.bodies !== undefined) { var bodies = options.bodies, prefix = (options.markSeen ? '' : '.PEEK'); if (!Array.isArray(bodies)) bodies = [bodies]; for (var i = 0, len = bodies.length; i < len; ++i) { fetching.push('BODY[' + bodies[i] + ']'); cmd += ' BODY' + prefix + '[' + bodies[i] + ']'; } } } else cmd += fetching.join(' '); cmd += ')'; this._enqueue(cmd); var req = this._queue[this._queue.length - 1]; req.fetchCache = {}; req.fetching = fetching; return (req.bodyEmitter = new EventEmitter()); }; // Namespace for seqno-based commands Connection.prototype.__defineGetter__('seq', function() { var self = this; return { move: function(seqnos, boxTo, cb) { self._move('', seqnos, boxTo, cb); }, copy: function(seqnos, boxTo, cb) { self._copy('', seqnos, boxTo, cb); }, delKeywords: function(seqnos, flags, cb) { self._store('', seqnos, flags, false, cb); }, addKeywords: function(seqnos, flags, cb) { self._addKeywords('', seqnos, flags, cb); }, delFlags: function(seqnos, flags, cb) { self._store('', seqnos, flags, false, cb); }, addFlags: function(seqnos, flags, cb) { self._store('', seqnos, flags, true, cb); }, delLabels: function(seqnos, labels, cb) { self._storeLabels('', seqnos, labels, '-', cb); }, addLabels: function(seqnos, labels, cb) { self._storeLabels('', seqnos, labels, '+', cb); }, setLabels: function(seqnos, labels, cb) { self._storeLabels('', seqnos, labels, '', cb); }, fetch: function(seqnos, options, what, cb) { return self._fetch('', seqnos, options, what, cb); }, search: function(options, cb) { self._search('', options, cb); }, sort: function(sorts, options, cb) { self._sort('', sorts, options, cb); } }; }); Connection.prototype._resUntagged = function(info) { var type = info.type; if (type === 'bye') this._sock.end(); else if (type === 'namespace') this.namespaces = info.text; else if (type === 'capability') this._caps = { return v.toUpperCase(); }); else if (type === 'preauth') this.state = 'authenticated'; else if (type === 'search' || type === 'sort') this._curReq.cbargs.push(info.text); else if (type === 'recent') { if (!this._box && RE_OPENBOX.test(this._curReq.type)) this._createCurrentBox(); = info.num; } else if (type === 'flags') { if (!this._box && RE_OPENBOX.test(this._curReq.type)) this._createCurrentBox(); this._box.flags = info.text; } else if (type === 'bad' || type === 'no') { if (this.state === 'connected' && !this._curReq) { clearTimeout(this._tmrConn); var err = new Error('Received negative welcome: ' + info.text); err.level = 'protocol'; this.emit('error', err); this._sock.end(); } } else if (type === 'exists') { if (!this._box && RE_OPENBOX.test(this._curReq.type)) this._createCurrentBox(); var prev =, now = info.num; = now; if (now > prev && this.state === 'authenticated') { = now - prev; this.emit('mail',; } } else if (type === 'expunge') { if ( > 0); if (!this._curReq) this.emit('deleted', info.num); } else if (type === 'ok') { if (this.state === 'connected' && !this._curReq) this._login(); else if (typeof info.textCode === 'string' && info.textCode.toUpperCase() === 'ALERT') this.emit('alert', info.text); else if (this._curReq && typeof info.textCode === 'object' && (RE_OPENBOX.test(this._curReq.type))) { // we're opening a mailbox if (!this._box) this._createCurrentBox(); var key = info.textCode.key.toUpperCase(); if (key === 'UIDVALIDITY') this._box.uidvalidity = info.textCode.val; else if (key === 'UIDNEXT') this._box.uidnext = info.textCode.val; else if (key === 'PERMANENTFLAGS') { var idx, permFlags, keywords; this._box.permFlags = permFlags = info.textCode.val; if ((idx = this._box.permFlags.indexOf('\\*')) > -1) { this._box.newKeywords = true; permFlags.splice(idx, 1); } this._box.keywords = keywords = permFlags.filter(function(f) { return (f[0] !== '\\'); }); for (var i = 0, len = keywords.length; i < len; ++i) permFlags.splice(permFlags.indexOf(keywords[i]), 1); this._box.permFlags = { return f.substr(1).toLowerCase(); }); } } } else if (type === 'list') { if (this.delimiter === undefined) this.delimiter = info.text.delimiter; else { if (this._curReq.cbargs.length === 0) this._curReq.cbargs.push({}); var box = { attribs: { return attr.substr(1); }).filter(function(attr) { return (attr.toUpperCase() !== 'HASNOCHILDREN'); }), delimiter: info.text.delimiter, children: null, parent: null }, name =, curChildren = this._curReq.cbargs[0]; if (box.delimiter) { var path = name.split(box.delimiter), parent = null; name = path.pop(); for (var i = 0, len = path.length; i < len; ++i) { if (!curChildren[path[i]]) curChildren[path[i]] = {}; if (!curChildren[path[i]].children) curChildren[path[i]].children = {}; parent = curChildren[path[i]]; curChildren = curChildren[path[i]].children; } box.parent = parent; } if (curChildren[name]) box.children = curChildren[name].children; curChildren[name] = box; } } else if (type === 'status') { var box = { name:, uidvalidity: 0, messages: { total: 0, new: 0, unseen: 0 } }, attrs = info.text.attrs; if (attrs) { if (attrs.recent !== undefined) = attrs.recent; if (attrs.unseen !== undefined) box.messages.unseen = attrs.unseen; if (attrs.messages !== undefined) = attrs.messages; if (attrs.uidvalidity !== undefined) box.uidvalidity = attrs.uidvalidity; } this._curReq.cbargs.push(box); } else if (type === 'fetch') { var msg = this._curReq.fetchCache[info.num], keys = Object.keys(info.text), keyslen = keys.length, attrs, toget, msgEmitter, i, j; if (msg === undefined) { // simple case -- no bodies were streamed toget = this._curReq.fetching.slice(0); if (toget.length === 0) return; msgEmitter = new EventEmitter(); attrs = {}; this._curReq.bodyEmitter.emit('message', msgEmitter, info.num); } else { toget = msg.toget; msgEmitter = msg.msgEmitter; attrs = msg.attrs; } i = toget.length; if (i === 0) { if (!msg.ended) { msg.ended = true; msgEmitter.emit('end'); } return; } if (keyslen > 0) { while (--i >= 0) { j = keyslen; while (--j >= 0) { if (keys[j].toUpperCase() === toget[i]) { if (!RE_BODYPART.test(toget[i])) attrs[FETCH_ATTR_MAP[toget[i]]] = info.text[keys[j]]; toget.splice(i, 1); break; } } } } if (toget.length === 0) { msgEmitter.emit('attributes', attrs); msgEmitter.emit('end'); } else if (msg === undefined) { this._curReq.fetchCache[info.num] = { msgEmitter: msgEmitter, toget: toget, attrs: attrs, ended: false }; } } }; Connection.prototype._resTagged = function(info) { var req = this._curReq, err; this._curReq = undefined; if (info.type === 'no' || info.type === 'bad') { var errtext; if (/^AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH/.test(req.fullcmd) && req.oauthError) errtext = req.oauthError; else errtext = info.text; var err = new Error(errtext); err.textCode = info.textCode; err.source = 'protocol'; } else if (this._box) { if (req.type === 'EXAMINE' || req.type === 'SELECT') { this._box.readOnly = (typeof info.textCode === 'string' && info.textCode.toUpperCase() === 'READ-ONLY'); } // According to RFC 3501, UID commands do not give errors for // non-existant user-supplied UIDs, so give the callback empty results // if we unexpectedly received no untagged responses. if (RE_UIDCMD_HASRESULTS.test(req.fullcmd) && req.cbargs.length === 0) req.cbargs.push([]); } if (req.bodyEmitter) { if (err) req.bodyEmitter.emit('error', err); req.bodyEmitter.emit('end'); } else { req.cbargs.unshift(err); req.cb && req.cb.apply(this, req.cbargs); } if (this._queue.length === 0 && this._config.keepalive && this.state === 'authenticated') { this._idle.enabled = true; this._doKeepaliveTimer(true); } this._processQueue(); }; Connection.prototype._createCurrentBox = function() { this._box = { name: '', flags: [], readOnly: false, uidvalidity: 0, uidnext: 0, permFlags: [], keywords: [], newKeywords: false, messages: { total: 0, new: 0 } }; }; Connection.prototype._doKeepaliveTimer = function(immediate) { var self = this, timerfn = function() { if (self._idle.enabled) { // unlike NOOP, IDLE is only a valid command after authenticating if (!self.serverSupports('IDLE') || self.state !== 'authenticated') self._enqueue('NOOP', true); else { if (self._idle.started === undefined) { self._idle.started = 0; self._enqueue('IDLE', true); } else if (self._idle.started > 0) { var timeDiff = - self._idle.started; if (timeDiff >= MAX_IDLE_WAIT) { self._idle.enabled = false; self.debug && self.debug('=> DONE'); self._sock.write('DONE' + CRLF); return; } } self._doKeepaliveTimer(); } } }; if (immediate) timerfn(); else this._tmrKeepalive = setTimeout(timerfn, KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL); }; Connection.prototype._login = function() { var self = this, checkedNS = false; var reentry = function(err) { if (err) { self.emit('error', err); return self._sock.destroy(); } // 2. Get the list of available namespaces (RFC2342) if (!checkedNS && self.serverSupports('NAMESPACE')) { checkedNS = true; return self._enqueue('NAMESPACE', reentry); } // 3. Get the top-level mailbox hierarchy delimiter used by the server self._enqueue('LIST "" ""', function() { self.state = 'authenticated'; self.emit('ready'); }); }; // 1. Get the supported capabilities self._enqueue('CAPABILITY', function() { // No need to attempt the login sequence if we're on a PREAUTH connection. if (self.state === 'connected') { var err, checkCaps = function(error) { if (error) { error.source = 'authentication'; return reentry(error); } if (self._caps === undefined) { // Fetch server capabilities if they were not automatically // provided after authentication return self._enqueue('CAPABILITY', reentry); } else reentry(); }; if (self.serverSupports('LOGINDISABLED')) { err = new Error('Logging in is disabled on this server'); err.source = 'authentication'; return reentry(err); } if (self.serverSupports('AUTH=XOAUTH') && self._config.xoauth) { self._caps = undefined; self._enqueue('AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH ' + escape(self._config.xoauth), checkCaps); } else if (self.serverSupports('AUTH=XOAUTH2') && self._config.xoauth2) { self._caps = undefined; self._enqueue('AUTHENTICATE XOAUTH2 ' + escape(self._config.xoauth2), checkCaps); } else if (self._config.user && self._config.password) { self._caps = undefined; self._enqueue('LOGIN "' + escape(self._config.user) + '" "' + escape(self._config.password) + '"', checkCaps); } else { err = new Error('No supported authentication method(s) available. ' + 'Unable to login.'); err.source = 'authentication'; return reentry(err); } } else reentry(); }); }; Connection.prototype._processQueue = function() { if (this._curReq || !this._queue.length || !this._sock.writable) return; this._curReq = this._queue.shift(); if (this._tagcount === MAX_INT) this._tagcount = 0; var prefix; if (this._curReq.type === 'IDLE' || this._curReq.type === 'NOOP') prefix = this._curReq.type; else prefix = 'A' + (this._tagcount++); var out = prefix + ' ' + this._curReq.fullcmd; this.debug && this.debug('=> ' + inspect(out)); this._sock.write(out + CRLF); }; Connection.prototype._enqueue = function(fullcmd, promote, cb) { if (typeof promote === 'function') { cb = promote; promote = false; } var info = { type: fullcmd.match(RE_CMD)[1], fullcmd: fullcmd, cb: cb, cbargs: [] }, self = this; if (promote) this._queue.unshift(info); else this._queue.push(info); if (!this._curReq) { // defer until next tick for requests like APPEND where access to the // request object is needed immediately after enqueueing process.nextTick(function() { self._processQueue(); }); } else if (this._curReq.type === 'IDLE') { this._idle.enabled = false; this.debug && this.debug('=> DONE'); this._sock.write('DONE' + CRLF); } }; Connection.parseHeader = parseHeader; // from Parser.js module.exports = Connection; // utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------- function escape(str) { return str.replace(RE_BACKSLASH, '\\\\').replace(RE_DBLQUOTE, '\\"'); } function validateUIDList(uids) { for (var i = 0, len = uids.length, intval; i < len; ++i) { if (typeof uids[i] === 'string') { if (uids[i] === '*' || uids[i] === '*:*') { if (len > 1) uids = ['*']; break; } else if (RE_NUM_RANGE.test(uids[i])) continue; } intval = parseInt(''+uids[i], 10); if (isNaN(intval)) { throw new Error('Message ID/number must be an integer, "*", or a range: ' + uids[i]); } else if (typeof uids[i] !== 'number') uids[i] = intval; } } function buildSearchQuery(options, extensions, isOrChild) { var searchargs = ''; for (var i = 0, len = options.length; i < len; ++i) { var criteria = (isOrChild ? options : options[i]), args = null, modifier = (isOrChild ? '' : ' '); if (typeof criteria === 'string') criteria = criteria.toUpperCase(); else if (Array.isArray(criteria)) { if (criteria.length > 1) args = criteria.slice(1); if (criteria.length > 0) criteria = criteria[0].toUpperCase(); } else throw new Error('Unexpected search option data type. ' + 'Expected string or array. Got: ' + typeof criteria); if (criteria === 'OR') { if (args.length !== 2) throw new Error('OR must have exactly two arguments'); searchargs += ' OR ('; searchargs += buildSearchQuery(args[0], extensions, true); searchargs += ') ('; searchargs += buildSearchQuery(args[1], extensions, true); searchargs += ')'; } else { if (criteria[0] === '!') { modifier += 'NOT '; criteria = criteria.substr(1); } switch(criteria) { // -- Standard criteria -- case 'ALL': case 'ANSWERED': case 'DELETED': case 'DRAFT': case 'FLAGGED': case 'NEW': case 'SEEN': case 'RECENT': case 'OLD': case 'UNANSWERED': case 'UNDELETED': case 'UNDRAFT': case 'UNFLAGGED': case 'UNSEEN': searchargs += modifier + criteria; break; case 'BCC': case 'BODY': case 'CC': case 'FROM': case 'SUBJECT': case 'TEXT': case 'TO': if (!args || args.length !== 1) throw new Error('Incorrect number of arguments for search option: ' + criteria); searchargs += modifier + criteria + ' "' + escape(''+args[0]) + '"'; break; case 'BEFORE': case 'ON': case 'SENTBEFORE': case 'SENTON': case 'SENTSINCE': case 'SINCE': if (!args || args.length !== 1) throw new Error('Incorrect number of arguments for search option: ' + criteria); else if (!(args[0] instanceof Date)) { if ((args[0] = new Date(args[0])).toString() === 'Invalid Date') throw new Error('Search option argument must be a Date object' + ' or a parseable date string'); } searchargs += modifier + criteria + ' ' + args[0].getDate() + '-' + MONTHS[args[0].getMonth()] + '-' + args[0].getFullYear(); break; case 'KEYWORD': case 'UNKEYWORD': if (!args || args.length !== 1) throw new Error('Incorrect number of arguments for search option: ' + criteria); searchargs += modifier + criteria + ' ' + args[0]; break; case 'LARGER': case 'SMALLER': if (!args || args.length !== 1) throw new Error('Incorrect number of arguments for search option: ' + criteria); var num = parseInt(args[0], 10); if (isNaN(num)) throw new Error('Search option argument must be a number'); searchargs += modifier + criteria + ' ' + args[0]; break; case 'HEADER': if (!args || args.length !== 2) throw new Error('Incorrect number of arguments for search option: ' + criteria); searchargs += modifier + criteria + ' "' + escape(''+args[0]) + '" "' + escape(''+args[1]) + '"'; break; case 'UID': if (!args) throw new Error('Incorrect number of arguments for search option: ' + criteria); validateUIDList(args); searchargs += modifier + criteria + ' ' + args.join(','); break; // -- Extensions criteria -- case 'X-GM-MSGID': // Gmail unique message ID case 'X-GM-THRID': // Gmail thread ID if (extensions.indexOf('X-GM-EXT-1') === -1) throw new Error('IMAP extension not available: ' + criteria); var val; if (!args || args.length !== 1) throw new Error('Incorrect number of arguments for search option: ' + criteria); else { val = ''+args[0]; if (!(RE_INTEGER.test(args[0]))) throw new Error('Invalid value'); } searchargs += modifier + criteria + ' ' + val; break; case 'X-GM-RAW': // Gmail search syntax if (extensions.indexOf('X-GM-EXT-1') === -1) throw new Error('IMAP extension not available: ' + criteria); if (!args || args.length !== 1) throw new Error('Incorrect number of arguments for search option: ' + criteria); searchargs += modifier + criteria + ' "' + escape(''+args[0]) + '"'; break; case 'X-GM-LABELS': // Gmail labels if (extensions.indexOf('X-GM-EXT-1') === -1) throw new Error('IMAP extension not available: ' + criteria); if (!args || args.length !== 1) throw new Error('Incorrect number of arguments for search option: ' + criteria); searchargs += modifier + criteria + ' ' + args[0]; break; default: try { // last hope it's a seqno set // var seqnos = (args ? [criteria].concat(args) : [criteria]); validateUIDList(seqnos); searchargs += modifier + seqnos.join(','); } catch(e) { throw new Error('Unexpected search option: ' + criteria); } } } if (isOrChild) break; } return searchargs; }