var assert = require('assert'), tls = require('tls'), isDate = require('util').isDate, inspect = require('util').inspect, inherits = require('util').inherits, Socket = require('net').Socket, EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter, utf7 = require('utf7').imap, // customized copy of XRegExp to deal with multiple variables of the same // name XRegExp = require('./xregexp').XRegExp; var parsers = require('./imap.parsers'), utils = require('./imap.utilities'); // main constants var CRLF = '\r\n', STATES = { NOCONNECT: 0, NOAUTH: 1, AUTH: 2, BOXSELECTING: 3, BOXSELECTED: 4 }, RE_LITHEADER = /(?:((?:BODY\[.*\](?:<\d+>)?)?|[^ ]+) )?\{(\d+)\}(?:$|\r\n)/i, RE_UNRESP = /^\* (OK|PREAUTH|NO|BAD)(?:\r\n|(?: \[(.+?)\])?(?: (.+))?)(?:$|\r\n)/i, RE_TAGGED_RESP = /^A\d+ (OK|NO|BAD) (?:\[(.+?)\] )?(.+)(?:$|\r\n)/i, RE_TEXT_CODE = /([^ ]+)(?: (.*))?$/, RE_RES_IDLE = /^IDLE /i, RE_RES_NOOP = /^NOOP /i, RE_CMD_FETCH = /^(?:UID )?FETCH/i, RE_PARTID = /^(?:[\d]+[\.]{0,1})*[\d]+$/, RE_ESCAPE = /\\\\/g, RE_DBLQ = /"/g, RE_CMD = /^([^ ]+)(?: |$)/, RE_ISHEADER = /HEADER/, REX_UNRESPDATA = XRegExp('^\\* (?:(?:(?NAMESPACE) (?(?:NIL|\\((?:\\(.+\\))+\\))) (?(?:NIL|\\((?:\\(.+\\))+\\))) (?(?:NIL|\\((?:\\(.+\\))+\\))))|(?:(?FLAGS) \\((?.*)\\))|(?:(?LIST|LSUB|XLIST) \\((?.*)\\) (?"[^"]+"|NIL) (?.+))|(?:(?(SEARCH|SORT))(?: (?.*))?)|(?:(?STATUS) (?.+) \\((?.*)\\))|(?:(?CAPABILITY) (?.+))|(?:(?BYE) (?:\\[(?.+)\\] )?(?.+)))[ \t]*(?:$|\r\n)', 'i'), REX_UNRESPNUM = XRegExp('^\\* (?\\d+) (?:(?EXISTS)|(?RECENT)|(?EXPUNGE)|(?:(?FETCH) \\((?.*)\\)))[ \t]*(?:$|\r\n)', 'i'); // extension constants var IDLE_NONE = 1, IDLE_WAIT = 2, IDLE_IDLING = 3, IDLE_DONE = 4; function ImapConnection(options) { if (!(this instanceof ImapConnection)) return new ImapConnection(options);; this._options = { username: options.username || options.user || '', password: options.password || '', host: || 'localhost', port: options.port || 143, secure: === true ? { // secure = true means default behavior rejectUnauthorized: false // Force pre-node-0.9.2 behavior } : ( || false), connTimeout: options.connTimeout || 10000, // connection timeout in msecs xoauth: options.xoauth, xoauth2: options.xoauth2 }; this._state = { status: STATES.NOCONNECT, conn: null, curId: 0, requests: [], numCapRecvs: 0, isReady: false, isIdle: true, tmrKeepalive: null, tmoKeepalive: 10000, tmrConn: null, indata: { literals: [], line: undefined, line_s: { p: 0, ret: undefined }, temp: undefined, streaming: false, expect: -1 }, box: { uidnext: 0, readOnly: false, flags: [], newKeywords: false, uidvalidity: 0, keywords: [], permFlags: [], name: null, messages: { total: 0, new: 0 }, _newName: undefined }, ext: { // Capability-specific state info idle: { MAX_WAIT: 300000, // 5 mins in ms state: IDLE_NONE, timeStarted: undefined } } }; if (typeof options.debug === 'function') this.debug = options.debug; else this.debug = false; this.delimiter = undefined; this.namespaces = { personal: [], other: [], shared: [] }; this.capabilities = []; this.connected = false; this.authenticated = false; } inherits(ImapConnection, EventEmitter); module.exports = ImapConnection; module.exports.ImapConnection = ImapConnection; ImapConnection.prototype.connect = function(loginCb) { this._reset(); var self = this, state = this._state, requests = state.requests, indata = state.indata; var socket = state.conn = new Socket(); socket.setKeepAlive(true); socket.setTimeout(0); if ( { var tlsOptions = {}; for (var k in tlsOptions[k] =[k]; tlsOptions.socket = state.conn; if (process.version.indexOf('v0.6.') > -1) socket = tls.connect(null, tlsOptions, onconnect); else socket = tls.connect(tlsOptions, onconnect); } else state.conn.once('connect', onconnect); function onconnect() { state.conn = socket; // re-assign for secure connections self.connected = true; self.authenticated = false; self.debug&&self.debug('[connection] Connected to host.'); state.status = STATES.NOAUTH; } state.conn.on('end', function() { self.connected = false; self.authenticated = false; self.debug&&self.debug('[connection] FIN packet received. Disconnecting...'); clearTimeout(state.tmrConn); self.emit('end'); }); state.conn.on('close', function(had_error) { self._reset(); requests = state.requests; self.connected = false; self.authenticated = false; self.debug&&self.debug('[connection] Connection closed.'); self.emit('close', had_error); }); socket.on('error', function(err) { clearTimeout(state.tmrConn); err.level = 'socket'; if (state.status === STATES.NOCONNECT) loginCb(err); else self.emit('error', err); self.debug&&self.debug('[connection] Error occurred: ' + err); }); socket.on('ready', function() { var checkedNS = false; var reentry = function(err) { if (err) { state.conn.destroy(); return loginCb(err); } // Next, get the list of available namespaces if supported (RFC2342) if (!checkedNS && self.serverSupports('NAMESPACE')) { // Re-enter this function after we've obtained the available // namespaces checkedNS = true; return self._send('NAMESPACE', reentry); } // Lastly, get the top-level mailbox hierarchy delimiter used by the // server self._send('LIST "" ""', loginCb); }; // First, get the supported (pre-auth or otherwise) capabilities: self._send('CAPABILITY', function() { // No need to attempt the login sequence if we're on a PREAUTH // connection. if (state.status !== STATES.AUTH) { // First get pre-auth capabilities, including server-supported auth // mechanisms self._login(reentry); } else reentry(); }); }); function read(b) { var blen = b.length, origPos = b.p; if (indata.expect <= (blen - b.p)) { var left = indata.expect; indata.expect = 0; b.p += left; return b.slice(origPos, origPos + left); } else { indata.expect -= (blen - b.p); b.p = blen; return origPos > 0 ? b.slice(origPos) : b; } } function emitLitData(key, data) { var fetches = requests[0].fetchers[key.replace(RE_DBLQ, '')]; for (var i=0, len=fetches.length; i= b.length) return; self.debug&&self.debug('\n<== ' + inspect(b.toString('binary', b.p)) + '\n'); var r, m, litType, i, len, msg, fetches, index; if (indata.expect > 0) { r = read(b); if (indata.streaming) { emitLitData(requests[0].key, r); if (indata.expect === 0) indata.streaming = false; } else { if (indata.temp) indata.temp += r.toString('binary'); else indata.temp = r.toString('binary'); if (indata.expect === 0) { indata.literals.push(indata.temp); indata.temp = undefined; } } if (b.p >= b.length) return; } if ((r = utils.line(b, indata.line_s)) === false) return; else { m = RE_LITHEADER.exec(r); if (indata.line) indata.line += r; else indata.line = r; if (m) litType = m[1]; indata.expect = (m ? parseInt(m[2], 10) : -1); if (indata.expect > -1) { if ((m = /\* (\d+) FETCH/i.exec(indata.line)) && /^BODY\[/i.test(litType)) { msg = new ImapMessage(); msg.seqno = parseInt(m[1], 10); fetches = requests[0].fetchers[litType]; emitLitMsg(litType, msg); requests[0].key = litType; indata.streaming = !RE_ISHEADER.test(litType); if (indata.streaming) indata.literals.push(indata.expect); } else if (indata.expect === 0) indata.literals.push(''); // start reading of the literal or get the rest of the response return ondata(b); } } indata.line = indata.line.trim(); if (indata.line[0] === '*') { // Untagged server response var isUnsolicited = (requests[0] && requests[0].cmd === 'NOOP') || (state.isIdle && state.ext.idle.state !== IDLE_NONE) || !requests.length; if (m = XRegExp.exec(indata.line, REX_UNRESPNUM)) { // m.type = response type (numeric-based) m.type = m.type.toUpperCase(); self.debug&&self.debug('[parsing incoming] saw untagged ' + m.type); switch (m.type) { case 'FETCH': // = message details var data, parsed, headers, body, lenb, bodies, details, val; isUnsolicited = isUnsolicited || (requests[0] && !RE_CMD_FETCH.test(requests[0].cmdstr)); if (!isUnsolicited) bodies = parsers.parseFetchBodies(, indata.literals); details = new ImapMessage(); parsers.parseFetch(, indata.literals, details); details.seqno = parseInt(m.num, 10); if (details['x-gm-labels'] !== undefined) { var labels = details['x-gm-labels']; for (i=0, len=labels.length; i prev) { = now - prev; self.emit('mail',; // new mail } break; case 'RECENT': // messages marked with the \Recent flag (i.e. new messages) = parseInt(m.num, 10); break; case 'EXPUNGE': // confirms permanent deletion of a single message if ( > 0); if (isUnsolicited) self.emit('deleted', parseInt(m.num, 10)); break; } } else if (m = XRegExp.exec(indata.line, REX_UNRESPDATA)) { // m.type = response type (data) m.type = m.type.toUpperCase(); self.debug&&self.debug('[parsing incoming] saw untagged ' + m.type); switch (m.type) { case 'NAMESPACE': // m.personal = personal namespaces (or null) // m.other = personal namespaces (or null) // m.shared = personal namespaces (or null) self.namespaces.personal = parsers.parseNamespaces(m.personal, indata.literals); self.namespaces.other = parsers.parseNamespaces(m.other, indata.literals); self.namespaces.shared = parsers.parseNamespaces(m.shared, indata.literals); break; case 'FLAGS': // m.flags = list of 0+ flags m.flags = (m.flags ? m.flags.split(' ') .map(function(f) { return f.substr(1); }) : []); if (state.status === STATES.BOXSELECTING) = m.flags; break; case 'LIST': case 'LSUB': case 'XLIST': // m.flags = list of 0+ flags // m.delimiter = mailbox delimiter (string or null) // m.mailbox = mailbox name (string) m.flags = (m.flags ? m.flags.toUpperCase().split(' ') : []); m.delimiter = parsers.convStr(m.delimiter, indata.literals); m.mailbox = utf7.decode(''+parsers.convStr(m.mailbox, indata.literals)); if (self.delimiter === undefined) self.delimiter = parsers.convStr(m.delimiter, indata.literals); else { if (requests[0].cbargs.length === 0) requests[0].cbargs.push({}); var box = { attribs: { return attr.substr(1); }), delimiter: m.delimiter, children: null, parent: null }, name = m.mailbox, curChildren = requests[0].cbargs[0]; if (box.delimiter) { var path = name.split(box.delimiter), parent = null; name = path.pop(); for (i=0,len=path.length; iv pairs) of mailbox attributes m.mailbox = utf7.decode(''+parsers.convStr(m.mailbox, indata.literals)); var ret = { name: m.mailbox, uidvalidity: 0, messages: { total: 0, new: 0, unseen: undefined } }; if (m.attributes) { m.attributes = parsers.parseExpr(m.attributes, indata.literals); for (i=0,len=m.attributes.length; i -1) { = true; permFlags.splice(idx, 1); } = keywords = permFlags.filter(function(f) { return (f[0] !== '\\'); }); for (i=0,len=keywords.length; i -1) indata.line = indata.line.substr(index + 2); else indata.line = undefined; state.ext.idle.state = IDLE_NONE; state.ext.idle.timeStarted = undefined; if (requests.length) { state.isIdle = false; self._send(); } else doKeepalive(); } else if (RE_RES_NOOP.test(indata.line)) { self.debug&&self.debug('[parsing incoming] saw NOOP'); requests.shift(); // remove NOOP request if ((index = indata.line.indexOf(CRLF)) > -1) indata.line = indata.line.substr(index + 2); else indata.line = undefined; if (!requests.length) doKeepaliveTimer(); else self._send(); } else { // unknown response self.debug&&self.debug('[parsing incoming] saw unexpected response: ' + inspect(indata.line)); assert(false); } } function doKeepalive() { if (state.status >= STATES.AUTH) { if (self.serverSupports('IDLE')) self._send('IDLE'); else self._noop(); } } function doKeepaliveTimer() { state.tmrKeepalive = setTimeout(function idleHandler() { if (state.isIdle) { if (state.ext.idle.state === IDLE_IDLING) { var timeDiff = - state.ext.idle.timeStarted; if (timeDiff >= state.ext.idle.MAX_WAIT) { state.ext.idle.state = IDLE_DONE; self._send('DONE'); } else state.tmrKeepalive = setTimeout(idleHandler, state.tmoKeepalive); } else if (!self.serverSupports('IDLE')) doKeepalive(); } }, state.tmoKeepalive); } state.conn.connect(this._options.port,; state.tmrConn = setTimeout(function() { state.conn.destroy(); state.conn = undefined; var err = new Error('Connection timed out'); err.level = 'timeout'; loginCb(err); }, this._options.connTimeout); }; ImapConnection.prototype.logout = function(cb) { var self = this; if (this._state.status >= STATES.NOAUTH) { this._send('LOGOUT', function(err) { self._state.conn.end(); if (typeof cb === 'function') cb(err); }); if (cb === true) this._state.conn.removeAllListeners(); } else throw new Error('Not connected'); }; ImapConnection.prototype.openBox = function(name, readOnly, cb) { if (this._state.status < STATES.AUTH) throw new Error('Not connected or authenticated'); if (this._state.status === STATES.BOXSELECTED) this._resetBox(); if (cb === undefined) { cb = readOnly; readOnly = false; } name = ''+name; = name; this._send((readOnly ? 'EXAMINE' : 'SELECT') + ' "' + utils.escape(utf7.encode(name)) + '"', cb); }; // also deletes any messages in this box marked with \Deleted ImapConnection.prototype.closeBox = function(cb) { var self = this; if (this._state.status !== STATES.BOXSELECTED) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); this._send('CLOSE', function(err) { if (!err) { self._state.status = STATES.AUTH; self._resetBox(); } cb(err); }); }; ImapConnection.prototype.status = function(boxName, cb) { if (this._state.status === STATES.BOXSELECTED && === boxName) throw new Error('Not allowed to call status on the currently selected mailbox'); var cmd = 'STATUS "'; cmd += utils.escape(utf7.encode(''+boxName)); cmd += '" (MESSAGES RECENT UNSEEN UIDVALIDITY)'; this._send(cmd, cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.removeDeleted = function(uids, cb) { if (typeof uids === 'function') { cb = uids; uids = undefined; } if (uids !== undefined) { if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids]; utils.validateUIDList(uids); this._send('UID EXPUNGE ' + uids.join(','), cb); } else this._send('EXPUNGE', cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.getBoxes = function(namespace, cb) { if (typeof namespace === 'function') { cb = namespace; namespace = ''; } this._send((!this.serverSupports('XLIST') ? 'LIST' : 'XLIST') + ' "' + utils.escape(utf7.encode(''+namespace)) + '" "*"', cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.addBox = function(name, cb) { this._send('CREATE "' + utils.escape(utf7.encode(''+name)) + '"', cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.delBox = function(name, cb) { this._send('DELETE "' + utils.escape(utf7.encode(''+name)) + '"', cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.renameBox = function(oldname, newname, cb) { if (this._state.status === STATES.BOXSELECTED && oldname === && oldname !== 'INBOX') = ''+oldname; var cmd = 'RENAME "'; cmd += utils.escape(utf7.encode(''+oldname)); cmd += '" "'; cmd += utils.escape(utf7.encode(''+newname)); cmd += '"'; this._send(cmd, cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.append = function(data, options, cb) { if (typeof options === 'function') { cb = options; options = undefined; } options = options || {}; if (!options.mailbox) { if (this._state.status !== STATES.BOXSELECTED) throw new Error('No mailbox specified or currently selected'); else options.mailbox =; } var cmd = 'APPEND "' + utils.escape(utf7.encode(''+options.mailbox)) + '"'; if (options.flags) { if (!Array.isArray(options.flags)) options.flags = [options.flags]; if (options.flags.length > 0) cmd += " (\\" + options.flags.join(' \\') + ")"; } if ( { if (!isDate( throw new Error("`date` isn't a Date object"); cmd += ' "'; cmd +=; cmd += '-'; cmd += utils.MONTHS[]; cmd += '-'; cmd +=; cmd += ' '; cmd += ('0' +; cmd += ':'; cmd += ('0' +; cmd += ':'; cmd += ('0' +; cmd += (( > 0) ? ' -' : ' +' ); cmd += ('0' + ( / 60)).slice(-2); cmd += ('0' + ( % 60)).slice(-2); cmd += '"'; } cmd += ' {'; cmd += (Buffer.isBuffer(data) ? data.length : Buffer.byteLength(data)); cmd += '}'; var self = this, step = 1; this._send(cmd, function(err, info) { if (err || step++ === 2) return cb(err, info); self._state.conn.write(data); self._state.conn.write(CRLF); self.debug&&self.debug('\n==> ' + inspect(data.toString()) + '\n'); }); }; = function(options, cb) { this._search('UID ', options, cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype._search = function(which, options, cb) { if (this._state.status !== STATES.BOXSELECTED) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); if (!Array.isArray(options)) throw new Error('Expected array for search options'); this._send(which + 'SEARCH' + utils.buildSearchQuery(options, this.capabilities), cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.sort = function(sorts, options, cb) { this._sort('UID ', sorts, options, cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype._sort = function(which, sorts, options, cb) { if (this._state.status !== STATES.BOXSELECTED) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); if (!Array.isArray(sorts) || !sorts.length) throw new Error('Expected array with at least one sort criteria'); if (!Array.isArray(options)) throw new Error('Expected array for search options'); if (!this.serverSupports('SORT')) return cb(new Error('Sorting is not supported on the server')); var criteria = { if (typeof criterion !== 'string') throw new Error('Unexpected sort criterion data type. ' + 'Expected string. Got: ' + typeof criteria); var modifier = ''; if (criterion[0] === '-') { modifier = 'REVERSE '; criterion = criterion.substring(1); } switch (criterion.toUpperCase()) { case 'ARRIVAL': case 'CC': case 'DATE': case 'FROM': case 'SIZE': case 'SUBJECT': case 'TO': break; default: throw new Error('Unexpected sort criteria: ' + criterion); } return modifier + criterion; }); this._send(which + 'SORT (' + criteria.join(' ') + ') UTF-8' + utils.buildSearchQuery(options, this.capabilities), cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.fetch = function(uids, options, what, cb) { return this._fetch('UID ', uids, options, what, cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype._fetch = function(which, uids, options, what, cb) { if (uids === undefined || uids === null || (Array.isArray(uids) && uids.length === 0)) throw new Error('Nothing to fetch'); if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids]; utils.validateUIDList(uids); var toFetch = '', prefix = ' BODY[', extensions, parse, headers, key, stream, fetchers = {}; // argument detection! if (cb === undefined) { // fetch(uids, xxxx, yyyy) if (what === undefined) { // fetch(uids, xxxx) if (options === undefined) { // fetch(uids) what = options = {}; } else if (typeof options === 'function') { // fetch(uids, callback) cb = options; what = options = {}; } else if (options.struct !== undefined || options.size !== undefined || options.markSeen !== undefined) { // fetch(uids, options) what = {}; } else { // fetch(uids, what) what = options; options = {}; } } else if (typeof what === 'function') { // fetch(uids, xxxx, callback) cb = what; if (options.struct !== undefined || options.size !== undefined || options.markSeen !== undefined) { // fetch(uids, options, callback) what = {}; } else { // fetch(uids, what, callback) what = options; options = {}; } } } if (!Array.isArray(what)) what = [what]; for (var i = 0, wp, pprefix, len = what.length; i < len; ++i) { wp = what[i]; parse = true; if ( !== undefined && !RE_PARTID.test('' throw new Error('Invalid part id: ' +; if (( (typeof wp.headers === 'object' && (!wp.headers.fields || (Array.isArray(wp.headers.fields) && wp.headers.fields.length === 0) ) && wp.headers.parse === false ) || (typeof wp.headersNot === 'object' && (!wp.headersNot.fields || (Array.isArray(wp.headersNot.fields) && wp.headersNot.fields.length === 0) ) && wp.headersNot.parse === false ) ) && wp.body === true) { key = prefix.trim(); if ( !== undefined) key +=; key += ']'; if (!fetchers[key]) { fetchers[key] = [new ImapFetch()]; toFetch += ' '; toFetch += key; } if (typeof wp.cb === 'function') wp.cb(fetchers[key][0]); key = undefined; } else if (wp.headers || wp.headersNot || wp.body) { pprefix = prefix; if ( !== undefined) { pprefix +=; pprefix += '.'; } if (wp.headers) { key = pprefix.trim(); if (wp.headers === true) key += 'HEADER]'; else { if (Array.isArray(wp.headers)) headers = wp.headers; else if (typeof wp.headers === 'string') headers = [wp.headers]; else if (typeof wp.headers === 'object') { if (wp.headers.fields === undefined) wp.headers.fields = true; if (!Array.isArray(wp.headers.fields) && typeof wp.headers.fields !== 'string' && wp.headers.fields !== true) throw new Error('Invalid `fields` property'); if (Array.isArray(wp.headers.fields)) headers = wp.headers.fields; else if (wp.headers.fields === true) headers = true; else headers = [wp.headers.fields]; if (wp.headers.parse === false) parse = false; } else throw new Error('Invalid `headers` value: ' + wp.headers); if (headers === true) key += 'HEADER]'; else { key += 'HEADER.FIELDS ('; key += headers.join(' ').toUpperCase(); key += ')]'; } } } else if (wp.headersNot) { key = pprefix.trim(); if (wp.headersNot === true) key += 'HEADER]'; else { if (Array.isArray(wp.headersNot)) headers = wp.headersNot; else if (typeof wp.headersNot === 'string') headers = [wp.headersNot]; else if (typeof wp.headersNot === 'object') { if (wp.headersNot.fields === undefined) wp.headersNot.fields = true; if (!Array.isArray(wp.headersNot.fields) && typeof wp.headersNot.fields !== 'string' && wp.headersNot.fields !== true) throw new Error('Invalid `fields` property'); if (Array.isArray(wp.headersNot.fields)) headers = wp.headersNot.fields; else if (wp.headersNot.fields) headers = true; else headers = [wp.headersNot.fields]; if (wp.headersNot.parse === false) parse = false; } else throw new Error('Invalid `headersNot` value: ' + wp.headersNot); if (headers === true) key += 'HEADER]'; else { key += 'HEADER.FIELDS.NOT ('; key += headers.join(' ').toUpperCase(); key += ')]'; } } } if (key) { stream = new ImapFetch(); if (parse) stream._parse = true; if (!fetchers[key]) { fetchers[key] = [stream]; toFetch += ' '; toFetch += key; } else fetchers[key].push(stream); if (typeof wp.cb === 'function') wp.cb(stream); key = undefined; } if (wp.body) { key = pprefix; if (wp.body === true) key += 'TEXT]'; else throw new Error('Invalid `body` value: ' + wp.body); key = key.trim(); if (!stream) stream = new ImapFetch(); if (!fetchers[key]) { fetchers[key] = [stream]; toFetch += ' ' + key; } else fetchers[key].push(stream); if (!wp.headers && !wp.headersNot && typeof wp.cb === 'function') wp.cb(stream); stream = undefined; key = undefined; } } else { // non-body fetches stream = new ImapFetch(); if (fetchers['']) fetchers[''].push(stream); else fetchers[''] = [stream]; if (typeof wp.cb === 'function') wp.cb(stream); } } // always fetch GMail-specific bits of information when on GMail if (this.serverSupports('X-GM-EXT-1')) extensions = 'X-GM-THRID X-GM-MSGID X-GM-LABELS '; var cmd = which; cmd += 'FETCH '; cmd += uids.join(','); cmd += ' ('; if (extensions) cmd += extensions; cmd += 'UID FLAGS INTERNALDATE'; if (options.struct) cmd += ' BODYSTRUCTURE'; if (options.size) cmd += ' RFC822.SIZE'; if (toFetch) { if (!options.markSeen) cmd += toFetch.replace(/BODY\[/g, 'BODY.PEEK['); else cmd += toFetch; } cmd += ')'; this._send(cmd, function(err) { var keys = Object.keys(fetchers), k, lenk = keys.length, f, lenf, fetches; if (err) { for (k = 0; k < lenk; ++k) { fetches = fetchers[keys[k]]; for (f = 0, lenf = fetches.length; f < lenf; ++f) fetches[f].emit('error', err); } } for (k = 0; k < lenk; ++k) { fetches = fetchers[keys[k]]; for (f = 0, lenf = fetches.length; f < lenf; ++f) fetches[f].emit('end'); } cb&&cb(err); }); this._state.requests[this._state.requests.length - 1].fetchers = fetchers; }; ImapConnection.prototype.addFlags = function(uids, flags, cb) { this._store('UID ', uids, flags, true, cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.delFlags = function(uids, flags, cb) { this._store('UID ', uids, flags, false, cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.addKeywords = function(uids, flags, cb) { return this._addKeywords('UID ', uids, flags, cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype._addKeywords = function(which, uids, flags, cb) { if (! throw new Error('This mailbox does not allow new keywords to be added'); this._store(which, uids, flags, true, cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.delKeywords = function(uids, flags, cb) { this._store('UID ', uids, flags, false, cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.setLabels = function(uids, labels, cb) { this._storeLabels('UID ', uids, labels, '', cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.addLabels = function(uids, labels, cb) { this._storeLabels('UID ', uids, labels, '+', cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.delLabels = function(uids, labels, cb) { this._storeLabels('UID ', uids, labels, '-', cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype._storeLabels = function(which, uids, labels, mode, cb) { if (!this.serverSupports('X-GM-EXT-1')) throw new Error('Server must support X-GM-EXT-1 capability'); if (this._state.status !== STATES.BOXSELECTED) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); if (uids === undefined) throw new Error('The message ID(s) must be specified'); if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids]; utils.validateUIDList(uids); if ((!Array.isArray(labels) && typeof labels !== 'string') || (Array.isArray(labels) && labels.length === 0)) throw new Error('labels argument must be a string or a non-empty Array'); if (!Array.isArray(labels)) labels = [labels]; labels = labels.join(' '); this._send(which + 'STORE ' + uids.join(',') + ' ' + mode + 'X-GM-LABELS.SILENT (' + labels + ')', cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.copy = function(uids, boxTo, cb) { return this._copy('UID ', uids, boxTo, cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype._copy = function(which, uids, boxTo, cb) { if (this._state.status !== STATES.BOXSELECTED) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids]; utils.validateUIDList(uids); this._send(which + 'COPY ' + uids.join(',') + ' "' + utils.escape(utf7.encode(''+boxTo)) + '"', cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype.move = function(uids, boxTo, cb) { return this._move('UID ', uids, boxTo, cb); }; ImapConnection.prototype._move = function(which, uids, boxTo, cb) { var self = this; if (this._state.status !== STATES.BOXSELECTED) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); if (this.serverSupports('MOVE')) { if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids]; utils.validateUIDList(uids); this._send(which + 'MOVE ' + uids.join(',') + ' "' + utils.escape(utf7.encode(''+boxTo)) + '"', cb); } else if ('deleted') === -1) { throw new Error('Cannot move message: ' + 'server does not allow deletion of messages'); } else { var deletedUIDs, task = 0; this._copy(which, uids, boxTo, function ccb(err, info) { if (err) return cb(err, info); if (task === 0 && which && self.serverSupports('UIDPLUS')) { // UIDPLUS gives us a 'UID EXPUNGE n' command to expunge a subset of // messages with the \Deleted flag set. This allows us to skip some // actions. task = 2; } // Make sure we don't expunge any messages marked as Deleted except the // one we are moving if (task === 0) {['DELETED'], function(e, result) { ++task; deletedUIDs = result; ccb(e, info); }); } else if (task === 1) { if (deletedUIDs.length) { self.delFlags(deletedUIDs, 'Deleted', function(e) { ++task; ccb(e, info); }); } else { ++task; ccb(err, info); } } else if (task === 2) { function cbMarkDel(e) { ++task; ccb(e, info); } if (which) self.addFlags(uids, 'Deleted', cbMarkDel); else self.seq.addFlags(uids, 'Deleted', cbMarkDel); } else if (task === 3) { if (which && self.serverSupports('UIDPLUS')) self.removeDeleted(uids, cb); else { self.removeDeleted(function(e) { ++task; ccb(e, info); }); } } else if (task === 4) { if (deletedUIDs.length) { self.addFlags(deletedUIDs, 'Deleted', function(e) { cb(e, info); }); } else cb(err, info); } }); } }; // Namespace for seqno-based commands ImapConnection.prototype.__defineGetter__('seq', function() { var self = this; return { move: function(seqnos, boxTo, cb) { return self._move('', seqnos, boxTo, cb); }, copy: function(seqnos, boxTo, cb) { return self._copy('', seqnos, boxTo, cb); }, delKeywords: function(seqnos, flags, cb) { self._store('', seqnos, flags, false, cb); }, addKeywords: function(seqnos, flags, cb) { return self._addKeywords('', seqnos, flags, cb); }, delFlags: function(seqnos, flags, cb) { self._store('', seqnos, flags, false, cb); }, addFlags: function(seqnos, flags, cb) { self._store('', seqnos, flags, true, cb); }, delLabels: function(seqnos, labels, cb) { self._storeLabels('', seqnos, labels, '-', cb); }, addLabels: function(seqnos, labels, cb) { self._storeLabels('', seqnos, labels, '+', cb); }, setLabels: function(seqnos, labels, cb) { self._storeLabels('', seqnos, labels, '', cb); }, fetch: function(seqnos, options, what, cb) { return self._fetch('', seqnos, options, what, cb); }, search: function(options, cb) { self._search('', options, cb); }, sort: function(sorts, options, cb) { self._sort('', sorts, options, cb); } }; }); // Private/Internal Functions ImapConnection.prototype.serverSupports = function(capability) { return (this.capabilities.indexOf(capability) > -1); }; ImapConnection.prototype._store = function(which, uids, flags, isAdding, cb) { var isKeywords = (arguments.callee.caller === this._addKeywords || arguments.callee.caller === this.delKeywords); if (this._state.status !== STATES.BOXSELECTED) throw new Error('No mailbox is currently selected'); if (uids === undefined) throw new Error('The message ID(s) must be specified'); if (!Array.isArray(uids)) uids = [uids]; utils.validateUIDList(uids); if ((!Array.isArray(flags) && typeof flags !== 'string') || (Array.isArray(flags) && flags.length === 0)) throw new Error((isKeywords ? 'Keywords' : 'Flags') + ' argument must be a string or a non-empty Array'); if (!Array.isArray(flags)) flags = [flags]; for (var i=0; i= STATES.AUTH) this._send('NOOP'); }; ImapConnection.prototype._send = function(cmdstr, cb) { if (!this._state.conn.writable) return; var reqs = this._state.requests, idle = this._state.ext.idle; if (cmdstr !== undefined) { var info = { cmd: cmdstr.match(RE_CMD)[1], cmdstr: cmdstr, callback: cb, cbargs: [] }; if (cmdstr === 'IDLE' || cmdstr === 'DONE' || cmdstr === 'NOOP') reqs.unshift(info); else reqs.push(info); } if (idle.state !== IDLE_NONE && cmdstr !== 'DONE') { if ((cmdstr !== undefined || reqs.length > 1) && idle.state === IDLE_IDLING) { idle.state = IDLE_DONE; this._send('DONE'); } return; } if ((cmdstr === undefined && reqs.length) || reqs.length === 1 || cmdstr === 'DONE') { var prefix = '', curReq = reqs[0]; cmdstr = curReq.cmdstr; clearTimeout(this._state.tmrKeepalive); if (cmdstr === 'IDLE') { // we use a different prefix to differentiate and disregard the tagged // response the server will send us when we issue DONE prefix = 'IDLE '; this._state.ext.idle.state = IDLE_WAIT; } else if (cmdstr === 'NOOP') prefix = 'NOOP '; else if (cmdstr !== 'DONE') prefix = 'A' + (++this._state.curId) + ' '; this._state.conn.write(prefix + cmdstr + CRLF); this.debug&&this.debug('\n==> ' + prefix + cmdstr + '\n'); if (curReq.cmd === 'EXAMINE' || curReq.cmd === 'SELECT') this._state.status = STATES.BOXSELECTING; else if (cmdstr === 'DONE') reqs.shift(); } }; function ImapMessage() { this.seqno = undefined; this.uid = undefined; this.flags = undefined; = undefined; this.structure = undefined; this.size = undefined; } inherits(ImapMessage, EventEmitter); function ImapFetch() { this._parse = false; } inherits(ImapFetch, EventEmitter);