You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

73 lines
2.2 KiB

var parseExpr = require('../lib/Parser').parseExpr;
var assert = require('assert'),
inspect = require('util').inspect;
{ source: '',
expected: [],
what: 'Empty value'
{ source: '""',
expected: [''],
what: 'Empty quoted string'
{ source: 'FLAGS NIL RFC822.SIZE 44827',
expected: ['FLAGS', null, 'RFC822.SIZE', 44827],
what: 'Simple, two key-value pairs with nil'
{ source: 'FLAGS (\\Seen) RFC822.SIZE 44827',
expected: ['FLAGS', ['\\Seen'], 'RFC822.SIZE', 44827],
what: 'Simple, two key-value pairs with list'
{ source: 'RFC822.SIZE 9007199254740993',
expected: ['RFC822.SIZE', '9007199254740993'],
what: 'Integer exceeding JavaScript max int size'
{ source: 'FLAGS (\\Seen) INTERNALDATE "17-Jul-1996 02:44:25 -0700"',
expected: ['FLAGS', ['\\Seen'], 'INTERNALDATE', '17-Jul-1996 02:44:25 -0700'],
what: 'Quoted string'
{ source: '("Foo")("Bar") ("Baz")',
expected: [['Foo'], ['Bar'], ['Baz']],
what: 'Lists with varying spacing'
{ source: '"\\"IMAP\\" is terrible :\\\\"',
expected: ['"IMAP" is terrible :\\'],
what: 'Quoted string with escaped chars'
{ source: '"\\\\"IMAP\\" is terrible :\\\\"',
expected: ['\\"IMAP" is terrible :\\'],
what: 'Quoted string with escaped chars #2'
{ source: '"Who does not think \\"IMAP\\" is terrible\\\\bad?"',
expected: ['Who does not think "IMAP" is terrible\\bad?'],
what: 'Quoted string with escaped chars #3'
{ source: '"Who does not think \\\\"IMAP\\" is terrible\\\\bad?"',
expected: ['Who does not think \\"IMAP" is terrible\\bad?'],
what: 'Quoted string with escaped chars #4'
].forEach(function(v) {
var result;
try {
result = parseExpr(v.source);
} catch (e) {
console.log(makeMsg(v.what, 'JS Exception: ' + e.stack));
'Result mismatch:'
+ '\nParsed: ' + inspect(result, false, 10)
+ '\nExpected: ' + inspect(v.expected, false, 10)
function makeMsg(what, msg) {
return '[' + what + ']: ' + msg;