# @joepie91/promise-delay-every A function for writing *one per N amount of time* rate-limiting implementations. When called, it returns a 'delayer' function. This delayer function can be called repeatedly; every time it is called, it returns a Promise that resolves `delay` milliseconds further into the future. The first time it is called, it resolves immediately. So for example, if you specify a `delay` of 2000 milliseconds, the Promise returned from the first call will resolve immediately; the Promise returned from the second call will resolve after 2 seconds, the Promise resolved from the third call will resolve after 4 seconds, and so on. All of these times are relative to the first call you make - so in the above example, there are 2 seconds between every resolution: ``` 0ms Call 1 0ms Resolve 1 2ms Call 2 3ms Call 3 5ms Call 4 2000ms Resolve 2 4000ms Resolve 3 6000ms Resolve 4 ``` If you wait longer than the delay to call the delayer function again, the returned Promise will resolve immediately and that time becomes the new base time for future delays: ``` 0ms Call 1 0ms Resolve 1 2ms Call 2 2000ms Resolve 2 ... time passes, beyond the 2000ms delay ... 7400ms Call 3 7400ms Resolve 3 7402ms Call 4 9400ms Resolve 4 ``` ## Example See also `example.js` for a runnable version. This example uses Bluebird for `Promise.try` (read [this article](http://cryto.net/~joepie91/blog/2016/05/11/what-is-promise-try-and-why-does-it-matter/) to understand why), but Bluebird is not required to use this module. ```js "use strict"; const Promise = require("bluebird"); const promiseDelayEvery = require("@joepie91/promise-delay-every"); let delayer = promiseDelayEvery(2000); return Promise.try(() => { return delayer(); }).then(() => { // Logs immediately after running console.log("Hello world 1"); return delayer(); }).then(() => { // Logs 2 seconds after running console.log("Hello world 2"); return delayer(); }).then(() => { // Logs 4 seconds after running console.log("Hello world 3"); }); ``` ## API ### promiseDelayEvery(delay) Returns a new `delayer` function. - __delay:__ The delay as a number, in millseconds. ### delayer() Returns a new Promise that will resolve at the next scheduled interval, according to the algorithm described at the top of this documentation. The Promise will never reject. ## Changelog ### v1.0.1 (February 17, 2020) - Fixed repository URL in package.json ### v1.0.0 (April 23, 2019) Initial release.