Promise = require "bluebird" _shallowClone = (obj) -> newObject = {} for key, value of obj newObject[key] = value return newObject module.exports = class Record constructor: -> @_data = {} @_savedData = {} @_changedData = {} _setModel: (model) -> self = this @_model = model if model.options.columns? model.options.columns.forEach (column) => Object.defineProperty this, column, get: -> self.get column set: (value) -> self.set column, value _setData: (data) -> # We might need a deep clone here? @_data = _shallowClone(data) @_savedData = _shallowClone(data) _loadRelations: (relations, data) -> relations, (relation) => {key: relation, value: @_model.options.relations[relation]} .reduce ((obj, relationData) => obj[relationData.key] = relationData.value return obj ), {} .then (relations) => @_model._getRelations(relations, data) .then (relations) => for attribute, record of relations this[attribute] = record return this _saveAttributes: (attributes) -> null # do stuff # Upon success... @_savedData = @_data @_changedData = {} get: (attribute) -> return @_data[attribute] set: (attribute, value) -> @_data[attribute] = value @_changedData[attribute] = value save: -> # This only saves the changed attributes - it is almost always what you want. @_saveAttributes(@_changedData) saveAll: -> # This saves *all* the attributes as they are currently set in the object - even if something else has changed them in the database in the meantime. You probably don't need this. @_saveAttributes(@_data)