app .logo-section img(src="../../assets/npm.svg", height=40) .bar-section search-box search-results(results="{results}") .window-height-marker script. const Promise = require("bluebird"); const {ipcRenderer} = require("electron"); const rfr = require("rfr"); const search = rfr("lib/search/constructor-io")("CD06z4gVeqSXRiDL2ZNK"); this.mixin(require("riot-query").mixin); let lastQuery; this.results = [] this.on("mount", () => { let searchBox = this.queryOne("search-box"); let searchResults = this.queryOne("search-results"); searchBox.on("selectionUp", () => { searchResults.moveSelectionUp(); }); searchBox.on("selectionDown", () => { searchResults.moveSelectionDown(); }); searchBox.on("queryChanged", (query) => { Promise.try(() => { lastQuery = query; return search(query); }).then((results) => { /* Sometimes, search results may come back out of order. Here we check whether * the lastQuery is still the same as when we initially made the request. */ if (lastQuery === query) { this.results = results.packages; this.update(); } }); }); searchBox.on("cancel", () => { ipcRenderer.send("closeSearch"); }) }); this.on("updated", () => { global.triggerWindowResize(); }); style(scoped, type="scss"). .logo-section { position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; bottom: 0px; width: 120px; text-align: center; background-color: #2a333c; padding: 9px; } .bar-section { position: absolute; left: 138px; top: 0px; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; }