import re, oursql, requests, sys, json, shlex, argparse, os, random from sources.nzbindex import NzbindexSpider from sources.binsearch import BinsearchSpider from shared import NotFoundException parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Automatically download NZBs for releases") parser.add_argument("--config", dest="config", action="store", help="Use a configuration file to match against the database as source") parser.add_argument("--list", dest="list", action="store", help="Use a newline-delimited list of releases as source") parser.add_argument("--target", dest="target", action="store", help="Where to save the NZBs (only needed in list mode)") parser.add_argument("--iplist", dest="iplist", action="store", help="Bind every request to a random IP from a newline-delimited list") parser.add_argument("--limit", dest="limit", action="store", help="How many records to select in configuration file mode, at most (default: 250)", default=250) parser.add_argument("--skip", dest="skip", action="store", help="Optionally, a path to a newline-delimited list of release names to always skip") args = parser.parse_args() if args.config is not None: mode = "config" elif args.list is not None: mode = "list" else: sys.stderr.write("You must specify either a configuration file or a release list.\n") exit(1) if args.iplist is not None: iplist_file = open(args.iplist, "r") iplist = else: iplist = [""] if args.skip is not None: skip_file = open(args.skip, "r") skiplist = else: skiplist = [""] if mode == "config": try: conf = json.load(open("config.json", "r")) except IOError, e: sys.stderr.write("You must have a valid config.json.\n") exit(1) if not re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$", conf['db']['table']): sys.stderr.write("Table name must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -\n") exit(1) try: searchconf_file = open(args.config, "r") except IOError, e: sys.stderr.write("The specified configuration file doesn't exist.\n") exit(1) queries = searchconf_file.close() db = oursql.connect(host=conf['db']['host'], user=conf['db']['user'], passwd=conf['db']['pass'], db=conf['db']['db'], autoreconnect=True) c = db.cursor() releases = [] for query in queries: title, section, target = shlex.split(query) fields = [] values = [] if title != "-": fields.append("`release` LIKE ?") values.append("%" + title + "%") if section != "-": fields.append("`section` LIKE ?") values.append("%" + section + "%") values.append(args.limit) if len(fields) == 0: db_query = "SELECT `release` FROM %s WHERE `time` < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - 86400) ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT ?" % conf['db']['table'] else: db_query = "SELECT `release` FROM %s WHERE %s AND `time` < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - 86400) ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT ?" % (conf['db']['table'], " AND ".join(fields)) c.execute(db_query, values) for row in c: releases.append((row[0], target)) elif mode == "list": if is None: sys.stderr.write("You did not specify a target directory with --target.\n") exit(1) try: list_file = open(args.list, "r") except IOError, e: sys.stderr.write("The specified list file doesn't exist.\n") exit(1) releases = [(release, for release in] list_file.close() sys.stdout.write("Found %d releases.\n" % len(releases)) downloaded = 0 skipped = 0 errors = 0 notfound = 0 notfound_list = [] for release in releases: release_name, target_dir = release target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, "%s.nzb" % release_name) if os.path.exists(target_path): # This NZB was already downloaded. skipped += 1 continue if release_name in notfound_list: # This NZB couldn't be found before notfound += 1 continue if release_name in skiplist: # This release should be skipped skipped += 1 continue try: os.makedirs(target_dir) except OSError, e: # Target directory already exists pass try: spider = NzbindexSpider(random.choice(iplist)) results = spider.find(release_name) except NotFoundException, e: try: spider = BinsearchSpider(random.choice(iplist)) results = spider.find(release_name) except NotFoundException, e: sys.stderr.write("Could not find release %s\n" % release_name) notfound_list.append(release_name) notfound += 1 continue # Process result result = results[0] try: except Exception, e: errors += 1 sys.stderr.write("Downloading NZB for %s failed: %s\n" % (release_name, repr(e))) continue sys.stdout.write("Downloaded NZB for %s.\n" % release_name) downloaded += 1 sys.stdout.write("Finished. %d downloaded, %d skipped, %d errors and %d not found.\n" % (downloaded, skipped, errors, notfound))