# nzbspider Takes input in the form of either a list of release names or a configuration file (matching database entries), and then searches for and downloads the corresponding NZBs. ## Sources Currently uses nzbindex.nl and binsearch.info. Shouldn't be hard to extend. Contributions welcome. ## Installing You'll need to `pip install oursql requests` (this will require having the MySQL development libraries installed). Other than that, just run main.py. ## Usage You can use nzbspider with either a release list or a configuration file. Using `--iplist` you can specify a newline-delimited file that contains all the available IPs on your machine. nzbspider will randomly pick one for every search query. If not specified, the OS default is used. ### Release list This is a text file, specified with the `--list` parameter, that contains a newline-delimited list of release names to search for. You will need to use the `--target` parameter to specify what directory to download the NZBs to. ### Configuration file This is a text file using a specific configuration syntax to select specific releases from a pre-filled MySQl database, to search for. Use the `--config` parameter to specify the path of the configuration file you wish to use. To use this mode, you will need to copy config.json.example to config.json and change the database details to match yours. A (basic) database schema is included. Only results that are at least 24 hours old will be matched, regardless of your configuration. The configuration file format is as follows: * Newline-delimited, a new predicate on every line. * Three whitespace-delimited fields: release name, section, and target directory. * Enter `-` for any or both of the first two fields to match regardless of the release name or section (depending on which you fill in as `-`). * The `%` character is used to denote a multi-character wildcard anywhere in the first two fields. * The first two fields are enclosed in wildcard characters by default. * The target directory does not have to exist; it will be created if it doesn't. * You must enclose a field value in `"` quotes if it contains a space. An example configuration file (the real configuration format doesn't allow comments, so don't copy this verbatim!): - MP3 ./mp3s # Will select everything in section 'MP3' - - ./everything # Will select absolutely everything IMMERSE - ./immerse # Will select everything labeled 'IMMERSE' Mad.Men%720p - ./madmen # Will select every 720p episode of Mad Men Note that these searches are run against your own database, not directly against the NZB indexing sites! You'll still need a list of valid release names pre-filled in your database. ## Notes The script will assume that all releasenames in your database are safe as a filename. No sanitation or conversion of the filenames will take place. ## License Licensed under the WTFPL or, if you take issue with that for some reason, the CC0. Attribution (to Sven Slootweg) appreciated, not required. ## Donating If you like this, you can donate [here](http://cryto.net/~joepie91/donate.html).