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10 years ago
module.exports = (module) ->
module.directive "window", (windowManager) ->
return {
restrict: "E"
transclude: true
templateUrl: "/templates/window.html"
_title: "@title"
_x: "@startX"
_y: "@startY"
_width: "@width"
_height: "@height"
resizable: "@"
initialRoute: "@"
link: (scope, element, attributes) ->
scope._currentRoute = scope.initialRoute
scope._closing = false
scope.title = scope._title
scope.x = scope._x
scope.y = scope._y
scope.width = scope._width
scope.height = scope._height
# This is to deal with the fact that we can't pass 'undefined' through a HTML attribute...
for field in ["x", "y", "title", "width", "height", "resizable", "initialRoute"]
if scope[field] == ""
scope[field] = null
# If any of these values is updated, we still want to update the internal scope variables as well.
scope.$watchCollection "[_title, _x, _y, _width, _height]", (newCollection, oldCollection) ->
for item in ["_title", "_x", "_y", "_width", "_height"]
if oldCollection[item] != newCollection[item]
scope[item[1...]] = newCollection[item]
scope.setZIndex = (zIndex) ->
element.css "z-index": zIndex
scope.focusWindow = ->
# Take focus
windowManager.focusWindow scope.windowId
windowId = windowManager.addWindow scope
scope.windowElement = element.find(".window-wrapper")
scope.windowId = windowId "windowId", windowId
.on "mousedown", (event) ->
scope.$apply ->
.on "mousedown", (event) ->
scope.$apply ->
windowManager.startDrag scope.windowId, [event.pageX - (scope.x ? 0), event.pageY - (scope.y ? 0)]
.on "mousedown", (event) ->
scope.$apply ->
windowManager.startResize scope.windowId, [event.pageX - (scope.width ? 400), event.pageY - (scope.height ? 300)]
scope.windowElement.find(".window-close a")
.on "click", (event) ->
scope.$apply ->
# We will set the window as 'closing', and broadcast an event to child
# scopes. If a child scope wishes to cancel the close, they can simply
# set 'closing' back to false.
scope.closing = true
scope.$broadcast "windowClosing", scope
scope.$watch "closing", (newValue, oldValue) ->
# If 'closing' is still set to true at this point, that means no
# child scopes intercepted and cancelled the event. We'll emit
# the event upwards, to let the actual window closure be handled
# by whatever parent scope is instantiating these windows.
if newValue != oldValue and newValue == true
scope.$emit "closeWindow", scope
scope.visible = true