You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
1.6 KiB

10 years ago
_ = require "lodash"
module.exports = (module) ->
module.factory "windowRouter", ->
$document = $(document)
obj = {
routes: []
_parseRoute: (selector) ->
segments = selector.split "/"
selector = for segment in segments
if segment[...1] == ":"
{type: "parameter", parameterName: segment[1...]}
{type: "string", string: segment}
return selector
_parsePath: (path) ->
path.split "/"
route: (selector, options) ->
# options: templateUrl, controller
selector = @_parseRoute selector
@routes.push [selector, options]
return this # For chaining purposes...
findRoute: (path) ->
path = @_parsePath path
for [selector, options] in @routes
options = _.clone(options)
result = (->
if selector.length != path.length
# Different amount of segments; this can't possibly match.
return false
params = {}
for i, segment of selector
matches = switch segment.type
when "string" then (segment.string == path[i])
when "parameter"
params[segment.parameterName] = path[i]
if not matches
return false
return params
if result == false
# Match found, we got parameters.
options.parameters = result
return options
# Still no matching routes found...
throw new obj.RouterError("No matching routes found.")
obj.RouterError = (message) ->
@name = "RouterError"
@message = message
obj.RouterError.prototype = new Error()
obj.RouterError.prototype.construtor = obj.RouterError
return obj