You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

335 lines
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10 years ago
var module = angular.module('cryto.jsde', ["frapontillo.ex.filters", "ngRoute"]);
module.factory("jsdeRouteManager", function($routeProvider, $q) {
/* This is a partial reimplementation of the routeProvider, and uses part of that.
* Since they already have routing figured out, we might as well implement a
* modified version that works on a window level. */
var obj = {};
obj.routes = {};
obj.getParams = function(target) {
var parts = target.split("?");
keyValue = parts[1];
return angular.parseKeyValue(keyValue);
/* Modified from angular router */
obj.parseRoute = function(target, routes) {
// Match a route
var params, match;
angular.forEach(routes, function(route, path) {
if (!match && (params = $routeProvider.switchRouteMatcher(target, route))) {
match = $routeProvider.inherit(route, {
params: angular.extend({}, obj.getParams(target), params),
pathParams: params});
match.$$route = route;
// No route matched; fallback to "otherwise" route
return match || routes[null] && $routeProvider.inherit(routes[null], {params: {}, pathParams:{}});
/* Modified from angular router */
obj.updateRoute = function(scope, element) {
var next = obj.parseRoute(scope.path, obj.routes);
var last = obj.lastRoute;
if (next && last && next.$$route === last.$$route
&& angular.equals(next.pathParams, last.pathParams)) {
last.params = next.params;
angular.copy(last.params, scope.params); // this sets the current route parameters so that other stuff can access it
} else if (next || last) {
obj.lastRoute = next;
// actually change route
var controller = next.$$route.controller;
if (angular.isDefined(template = next.template)) {
if (angular.isFunction(template)) {
template = template(next.params);
} else if (angular.isDefined(templateUrl = next.templateUrl)) {
if (angular.isFunction(templateUrl)) {
templateUrl = templateUrl(next.params);
templateUrl = $sce.getTrustedResourceUrl(templateUrl);
if (angular.isDefined(templateUrl)) {
next.loadedTemplateUrl = templateUrl;
var template = $http.get(templateUrl, {cache: $templateCache}).
then(function(response) { return; });
var container = element.find(".window-inner");
container.html(template);'$ngControllerController', controller);
container.children().data('$ngControllerController', controller);
obj.when = function(path, route) {
routes[path] = angular.extend(
{reloadOnSearch: true},
path && $routeProvider.pathRegExp(path, route)
// create redirection for trailing slashes
if (path) {
var redirectPath = (path[path.length-1] == '/')
? path.substr(0, path.length-1)
: path +'/';
routes[redirectPath] = angular.extend(
{redirectTo: path},
$routeProvider.pathRegExp(redirectPath, route)
return this;
module.factory("manager", function($document, defaultFilter){
var obj = {};
obj.next_z_index = 0;
obj.next_id = 0; = {};
obj.drag_mode = "none";
obj.dragged_window = null;
obj.dragged_scope = null;
obj.drag_offset = null;
obj.disablePageSelection = function() {
.attr('unselectable', 'on')
.css('user-select', 'none')
.on('selectstart', false);
obj.enablePageSelection = function() {
.attr('unselectable', 'off')
.css('user-select', 'text')
obj.getNextZIndex = function()
obj.next_z_index += 1;
return obj.next_z_index - 1;
obj.addWindow = function(scope, element)
var id = obj.next_id;[id] = {scope: scope, element: element};
obj.next_id += 1;
return id;
obj.removeWindow = function(scope, element)
obj.setAllUnfocused = function()
for(i in
{[i].scope.focused = false;
$document.on("mousemove", function(event){
if(obj.drag_mode == "move")
var new_x = event.pageX - obj.drag_offset.x;
var new_y = event.pageY - obj.drag_offset.y;
obj.dragged_scope.x = new_x;
obj.dragged_scope.y = new_y;
else if(obj.drag_mode == "resize")
var new_width = event.pageX - obj.drag_offset.x;
var new_height = event.pageY - obj.drag_offset.y;
if(typeof obj.dragged_scope.minWidth !== "undefined" && new_width < obj.dragged_scope.minWidth)
new_width = obj.dragged_scope.minWidth;
else if(typeof obj.dragged_scope.maxWidth !== "undefined" && new_width > obj.dragged_scope.maxWidth)
new_width = obj.dragged_scope.maxWidth;
if(typeof obj.dragged_scope.minHeight !== "undefined" && new_height < obj.dragged_scope.minHeight)
new_height = obj.dragged_scope.minHeight;
else if(typeof obj.dragged_scope.maxHeight !== "undefined" && new_height > obj.dragged_scope.maxHeight)
new_height = obj.dragged_scope.maxHeight;
obj.dragged_scope.width = new_width;
obj.dragged_scope.height = new_height;
$document.on("mouseup", function(event){
if(obj.drag_mode == "move" || obj.drag_mode == "resize")
obj.drag_mode = "none";
obj.drag_offset = null;
10 years ago
obj.resolvePath = function(path) {
return obj;
10 years ago
module.directive("jsdeWindow", function(manager, defaultFilter, jsdeRouteProvider){
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: true,
templateUrl: "templates/angular/jsde-window.html",
scope: {
title: "@",
start_width: "@",
start_height: "@",
start_x: "@x",
start_y: "@y",
minWidth: "@",
minHeight: "@",
maxWidth: "@",
maxHeight: "@",
onScroll: "&",
onClose: "&",
10 years ago
visible: "@",
_path: "@path"
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
manager.addWindow(scope, element);
scope.x = scope.start_x;
scope.y = scope.start_y;
scope.width = scope.start_width;
scope.height = scope.start_height;
scope.defaults = {
x: 48,
y: 48,
width: 400,
height: 300
10 years ago
scope.$watch("_path", function(){
scope.path = scope._path;
scope.$watch("path", function(){
/* Update the view/controller pair for this path */
jsdeRouteProvider.updateRoute(scope, element);
/* Set the initial z-index, this is to prevent glitches when clicking overlapping windows
* in the same starting position */
element.find(".window-wrapper").css({"z-index": manager.getNextZIndex()});
/* Set the initial focus. */
scope.focused = true;
/* When any part of a window is clicked, it's raised to the top and set to 'focused'. */
element.on("mousedown", function(){
element.find(".window-wrapper").css({"z-index": manager.getNextZIndex()});
scope.focused = true;
element.find(".window-title").on("mousedown", function(event){
/* Dragging is centrally managed by the JsdeManager, to prevent conflicts where
* two windows are in a 'dragging' state at the same time due to an event not
* firing. Developing for browsers isn't always roses and sunshine... */
manager.drag_mode = "move";
manager.dragged_window = element;
manager.dragged_scope = scope;
manager.drag_offset = {x: event.pageX - defaultFilter(scope.x, scope.defaults.x), y: event.pageY - defaultFilter(scope.y, scope.defaults.y)};
element.find(".window-resizer").on("mousedown", function(event){
/* Dragging is centrally managed by the JsdeManager, to prevent conflicts where
* two windows are in a 'dragging' state at the same time due to an event not
* firing. Developing for browsers isn't always roses and sunshine... */
manager.drag_mode = "resize";
manager.dragged_window = element;
manager.dragged_scope = scope;
manager.drag_offset = {x: event.pageX - defaultFilter(scope.width, scope.defaults.width), y: event.pageY - defaultFilter(scope.height, scope.defaults.height)};
element.find(".window-title .window-close a").on("click", function(event){
scope.visible = false;
scope.$watch("visible", function(newValue, oldValue){
if(newValue !== oldValue)
if(newValue == true || newValue == "true") /* What the fuck? */
10 years ago
scope.path = "/";
module.directive("jsdeNotification", function(){
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: true,
templateUrl: "templates/angular/jsde-notification.html",
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
module.directive("jsdeError", function(){
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: true,
templateUrl: "templates/angular/jsde-error.html",
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {