'use strict'; const React = require("react"); const createReactClass = require("create-react-class"); const classnames = require("classnames"); const renderIf = require("../util/render-if"); function cancelEvent(event) { /* NOTE: This is used on mousedown events for controls like the CloseButton, to ensure that a click-and-drag on a titlebar control cannot start a window drag operation. */ event.stopPropagation(); } function relativePosition(event, bounds) { let relativeX = event.clientX - bounds.x; let relativeY = event.clientY - bounds.y; return { x: relativeX, y: relativeY }; } function CloseButton({onClick}) { return (
); } let TitleBar = createReactClass({ displayName: "TitleBar", setRef: function (ref) { this.setState({ ref: ref }); }, handleMouseDown: function (event) { let bounds = this.state.ref.getBoundingClientRect(); let relativeX = event.clientX - bounds.x; let relativeY = event.clientY - bounds.y; this.props.onMouseDown(event, relativeX, relativeY); }, render: function () { return (
); } }); function Resizer({onMouseDown}) { let [ref, setRef] = React.useState(null); function onMouseDown_(event) { let {x, y} = relativePosition(event, ref.getBoundingClientRect()); onMouseDown(event, x, y); event.stopPropagation(); } return (
); } module.exports = function Window(props) { return (
{renderIf(props.resizable, )}
); };