module.exports = (module) -> module.directive "windowView", (windowRouter, $compile, $http, $controller, $templateCache) -> return { restrict: "A" link: (scope, element, attributes) -> scope.$watch "_currentRoute", (newValue, oldValue) -> route = windowRouter.findRoute newValue $http.get route.templateUrl, {cache: $templateCache} .then (response) -> newScope = scope.$new(); # Shove the route parameters (if any) into the newly created scope newScope.routeParams = route.parameters # Continue creating the view. Controller, template, yadda yadda. newCtrl = $controller route.controller, {$scope: newScope} element.html element.children().data "$ngControllerController", newCtrl $compile(element.contents())(newScope) # Clean up old scopes, and shift the old one... if scope._previousRouteScope? scope._previousRouteScope.$destroy() if scope._currentRouteScope? scope._previousRouteScope = scope._currentRouteScope scope._currentRouteScope = newScope scope._currentRoute = "/" scope._isWindowViewScope = true }