(function($){ $.fn.restoreIcon = function() { return this.removeClass().addClass(this.data("old-class")); }; })(jQuery); var jsde_creation_hook = function(win) { /* This function is a hook that is called after each creation of * a JSDE window. */ } var jsde_contents_hook = function(win) { /* This function is a hook that is called after each time * content is set in a JSDE window. */ placeHooksForWindow(win); } notification_popups = []; error_popups = []; template_cache = {}; function hookSubmitEvent(form, callback, error) { /* Hooks a form to be submitted via AJAX, executing the given * callback if the request succeeds. * * form: a jQuery object containing one or more form elements * callback: the function to run after a successful request * error: optionally, a callback function to run when the * request fails */ form.each(function(index){ var element = $(this); var method = element.attr("method"); var target = element.attr("action"); if(typeof method !== "undefined") { method = method.toUpperCase(); } else { method = "GET"; } element.submit(function(){ var submit_button = element.find("button[type=submit]"); var submit_icon = submit_button.data("submit-icon"); if(typeof submit_icon !== "undefined") { /* First we will try to replace an existing icon * in the button. If there is no icon yet, the * entire contents of the button will be replaced * with the submission icon. */ var current_icon = submit_button.find("i"); if(current_icon.length == 0) { submit_button.html(""); current_icon = element.find("i"); } current_icon.data("old-class", current_icon.attr("class")).removeClass().addClass(submit_icon); } var formdata = element.serialize(); console.log(formdata); $.ajax({ type: method, url: target, data: formdata, dataType: "json", success: function(data, xhr){ console.log(data); callback(element, data, xhr); }, error: function(data, xhr, err){ if(typeof error !== "undefined") { error(element, data, xhr, err); } /* This handles HTTP errors, NOT application errors! */ } }); return false; }); }); } function placeHooksForWindow(win) { console.log(); $(win._outer).find("form").each(function(){ var callback = $(this).data("hook-callback"); var error_callback = $(this).data("hook-error-callback"); if(typeof callback !== "undefined") { console.log("Hooking", this, "using callback", callback); hookSubmitEvent($(this), window[callback], window[error_callback]); } }); } function callbackNodeCreated(form, data) { if(data.result == "success") { spawnNotification(data.message); var node_id = data.node_id; form.getWindow().Close(); openWindowNodeDetails(node_id); } else if(data.result == "error") { form.find("button[type=submit] i").restoreIcon(); form.find("input, textarea").removeClass("invalid"); if(data.errorfields) { for(i in data.errorfields) { var field_name = data.errorfields[i]; form.find("input[name=" + field_name + "], textarea[name=" + field_name + "]").addClass("invalid"); } } spawnError(data.message); } } function openWindowNodeDetails(id) { new JsdeWindow({ width: 680, height: 420, x: 100, y: 100, title: "Node lookup", contents: "Loading...", source_url: "/nodes/" + id }); } /*function callbackNodeCreationFailed(form, data) { form.find("button[type=submit]").restoreIcon(); }*/ function spawnNotification(message) { var popup = spawnPopup(message, "notification"); notification_popups.push(popup); } function spawnError(message) { var popup = spawnPopup(message, "error"); error_popups.push(popup); } function spawnPopup(message, template) { var popup = $("#jsde_templates").find(".template_" + template).clone().removeClass("template_notification template_error"); popup.find(".message").html(message.replace("\n", "
")); popup.hide(); popup.prependTo("#notification_area"); popup.fadeIn(300).wait(5000).fadeOut(400, $).remove(); return popup } function spawnTemplate(name) { if(!template_cache[name]) { template_cache[name] = $("*[data-template-name=" + name + "]").first(); } return template_cache[name].clone(); } function SearchCompletionSource(element) { this.element = element; this.results = []; } SearchCompletionSource.prototype.getItemCount = function() { return this.results.length; } SearchCompletionSource.prototype.getAll = function() { return this.results; } SearchCompletionSource.prototype.getItem = function(index) { return this.results[index]; } SearchCompletionSource.prototype.updateItems = function(query, callback) { if(typeof this.request !== "undefined") { this.request.abort(); } this.request = $.ajax({ url: "/autocomplete/search/?q=" + escape(query), dataType: "json", success: function(result) { this.results = result; callback(); }.bind(this) }); } function PropertyNameCompletionSource(element) { this.element = element; this.results = []; } PropertyNameCompletionSource.prototype.getItemCount = function() { return this.results.length; } PropertyNameCompletionSource.prototype.getAll = function() { return this.results; } PropertyNameCompletionSource.prototype.getItem = function(index) { return this.results[index]; } PropertyNameCompletionSource.prototype.updateItems = function(query, callback) { if(typeof this.request !== "undefined") { this.request.abort(); } this.request = $.ajax({ url: "/autocomplete/propertyname/?q=" + escape(query), dataType: "json", success: function(result) { this.results = result; callback(); }.bind(this) }); } $(function(){ hookSubmitEvent($("#form_search")); $("#button_toolbar_addnode").click(function(){ var win = new JsdeWindow({ width: 320, height: 400, x: 40, y: 40, title: "Create new node", contents: "Loading...", source_url: "/nodes/create", callback: function(){ $(win._inner).find("input[name=name]").focus(); }, noscroll: true }); }); /* Intro screen */ new JsdeWindow({ width: 640, height: 480, x: ($(window).width() / 2) - (640 / 2), y: ($(window).height() / 2) - (480 / 2), title: "Welcome!", contents: "Loading...", source_url: "/intro" }); spawnNotification("Test notification"); spawnError("Test error"); $("body").on("input", ".auto-duplicate input", function(){ var parent = $(this).closest(".auto-duplicate"); if(!parent.data("duplicated")) { spawnTemplate(parent.data("template-name")).insertAfter(parent).find("input").val(""); parent.data("duplicated", true); } }); autocompleter_search = new AutoCompleter("search"); $("#input_search_query").autoComplete(autocompleter_search, SearchCompletionSource, function(data){ openWindowNodeDetails(data.value); this.target.val(""); }); autocompleter_propertyname = new AutoCompleter("propertyname"); $("body").autoComplete(autocompleter_propertyname, PropertyNameCompletionSource, "input.input-propertyname"); $("body").keydown(function(event){ switch(event.which) { case 70: // F if(event.ctrlKey) { $("#input_search_query").focus(); event.preventDefault(); } break; case 77: // M if(event.ctrlKey) { $("#button_toolbar_addnode").click(); event.preventDefault(); } break; } }); });