function hookSubmitEvent(form, callback, error) { /* Hooks a form to be submitted via AJAX, executing the given * callback if the request succeeds. * * form: a jQuery object containing one or more form elements * callback: the function to run after a successful request * error: optionally, a callback function to run when the * request fails */ form.each(function(index){ var element = $(this); var method = element.attr("method").toUpperCase(); var target = element.attr("action"); element.submit(function(){ var formdata = element.serialize(); console.log(formdata); $.ajax({ type: method, url: target, data: formdata, success: callback, error: error }); return false; }); }); } $(function(){ hookSubmitEvent($("#form_search")); $("#button_toolbar_addnode").click(function(){ new JsdeWindow({ width: 320, height: 400, x: 40, y: 40, title: "Create new node", contents: "Loading...", source_url: "/nodes/create", noscroll: true }); }); /* Intro screen */ new JsdeWindow({ width: 640, height: 480, x: ($(window).width() / 2) - (640 / 2), y: ($(window).height() / 2) - (480 / 2), title: "Welcome!", contents: "Loading...", source_url: "/intro" }); });